No more twinkies!!

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Old Skooler
Aug 12, 2006
Texas Y'all
I guess this is where everybody knows it all. All unions are the same right? All union workers are the same right? Wrong. I'll speak for my union, and no one else's since I dont know, and some seem to suck. The majority of elevator work in the country is union. The union requires you go through a 4, soon to be 5 year apprenticeship that they offer. Most non union guys are old union guys that couldn't, or did not want to make it through class. They make less, as their skill is less, and it takes longer for them to get anything done, pretty much wiping them out from bidding big or complicated jobs, which makes the union majority. I don't see our union going away mainly because the apprenticeship that we as a member pay for. You can't just get Joe blow off the street and train him to install or repair elevators in a month.
But along with everyone else our times have been cut in half to make record profits for the elevator companys. As long as everyone is making money everyone's happy.

blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
Those of you in unions are and will defend unions ,what a surprise.

What I find is unions in the private sector ,by that I mean private companies that aren't funded by TAX DOLLARS by way of jobs or am I referring to government workers!

Unions in companies not depending on tax dollars are killing these companies and forcing them to go out of business or move out of the country.

Unions funded by tax dollars are creating huge deficits at every level of government that tax payer cannot afford.

Also unions do make it hard to fire you. Fire the good and the scum. Need examples? Unions are like democrats I have no use for them!

Good bye twinkles. :mad:
Seams all the small business owners have a problem with the unions to me!

So, how many of you hire a union carpenter to work on your house?
I would have no problem hiring a union contrator,there are 2 differant pay scales 1 for commercial and the other for residential,they are competitive but they are not going to show up on a job site and 6 guys pile out to wire a house for $200 total profit and sleep in the van on the job........and yes ive seen this happen.


Junior Member
Aug 10, 2006
Amanda, Ohio
I have worked in two different unions being a mechanic. One was for Columbus regoinal airport authority. I worked there for 5 years and the union sucked. All staff was under the same contract via custodians, labors, mechanics operators. The union had no backbone and wouldn't stand up for anything. I now work for GJ Igel co as a mechanic in the operating engineers union local 18 and love it. Operators ARE held acountable for fck ups and fired. We have some great operators and teamsters. And like everywhere else have so sheety ones. I am a 3rd gen union worker in my family and am pro union. If it wasn't for the union we would have sheet for pay, no benefits, Not even close to the saftey rules as we do now. My dad was a iron worker and almost got killed by a bunch of guys doing drugs on the job becuase there were no drug tests or randoms. I agree there are bad things about unions but for the most part they do us (average joe) good. I would and have taken pay cuts and pay freezes to keep the buisness floating. I started out at the airport making 13.69 HR I left 5.5 years later making 15.79 IMHO thats chump change for a good mechanic. I started out at IGEL making 16.04 HR Once they seen my skills and new i wasn't a dumb shit within 8 months i was in a service truck and making 22HR in the shop and 26HR in the field. I work hard and get nasty dirty everyday. Our mechanics top out around 32 dollars a hour for field rate.This is the company i work for to give a better example and what line of work we do. People will argue that i work for one of the best companys in ohio. The owner John flagged me down one day just to ask how i liked it and if everybody was treating me fairly. I never talked to the guy in my life and he already new everything about me. They really care about there employee's and are very happy when they see us with a new harley or truck. IMHO thats the biggest reason why i left the airport.
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The Still Master
The only thing the "Union" workers and supporters don't get is that business only exists to make money, to make profit, not to provide anyone with lavish benefits, high hourly wages and a pension/medical for life in retirement..........they are in business to provide a product or service and in doing so it provides jobs.

The only reason that GM and Chrysler were bankrupt was because of the Unions high wages, benefits and legacy costs for retired workers medical and pensions..........How can someone work for 30 years, retire and live another 20-30 years and collect all that money and expect the system to not collapse ????

Now I know I am probably stepping on some toes here but you have to realize that any job is only going pay what the job is worth, not what some union thinks it should be paid to do the work.

If you are in a low skilled job, say a light bulb changer or floor sweeper and you are a union member can you honestly say it's worth more than minimum wage ??? Really ???

The whole reason Unions are hated by business owners is because they make it really hard to fire lazy ass employees, they make it almost impossible to get any changes in jobs, pay or benefits without a long and drawn out negotiation as business today needs to be able to adapt quickly.

Hostess went out because the legacy costs for medical and pensions bankrupted them, you can argue it all day long, but the bottom line is the bottom line, if the business can't pay the bills and can't get some concessions it's out of business.

So now we have over 18,500 people out of a job because a single, selfish, stubborn bunch if Union Members would not work for less, now they all will get NOTHING !!!!

They can get no paycheck, 26 weeks of unemployment and the bankruptcy court will probably kill the retired workers pensions and medical, so everyone suffers because of a few.

As Mackin said, if you belong to a Union they are the best, just ask those fine Union Linesman in NJ that didn't want any out of state help when Sandy blew thru the state, how many extra days were people without power because the Union Thugs refused to let them work.

Nice way to help your fellow American, I want to hear the Union Members defend that kind of action........people have no power and nobody who is non-union can help restore power.....:rolleyes:

Makes you all look bad.


Active member
Oct 7, 2009
I have been on both side of the fence. I worked as a commercial glazer in the unions for 7 years. Our unions in the south are no where near as strong as some of you fellow northerns. We are also a right to work state so that doesn't help. I now operate my fathers business. The union has nothing to offer us as business owners there labor is usually not qualified or overpaid. Not to say there aren't great workers in the union I was one of them but I have hired all my guys and they did not come from the union. All of my guys get paid better than the union, we also give bonuses that union members could only dream about. I do agree the union have a place but they are usually abused by the membership. I think certain unions are justifiable but most I.e. the teachers union in my area is a joke they are clearly fighting a loosing battle.


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Hello Tony! And what do you think is happening to every state in the union? Plus local municipalities! We are F Nd screwed buddy! Time for people to wake the phuck up.

Twinkles are only the beginning!

blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
The only thing the "Union" workers and supporters don't get is that business only exists to make money, to make profit, not to provide anyone with lavish benefits, high hourly wages and a pension/medical for life in retirement..........they are in business to provide a product or service and in doing so it provides jobs.The CEOs sure dont live over lavished do they??? Our old CEO makes way more now retired,then he did as leader of my company.But **** the workers right?

The only reason that GM and Chrysler were bankrupt was because of the Unions high wages, benefits and legacy costs for retired workers medical and pensions..........How can someone work for 30 years, retire and live another 20-30 years and collect all that money and expect the system to not collapse ????So its ok for a company and a union to negotiate and the company to back out right?How about all the banks that were crying they were going under and after we bailled them out the got huge bonuses?

Now I know I am probably stepping on some toes here but you have to realize that any job is only going pay what the job is worth, not what some union thinks it should be paid to do the work.

If you are in a low skilled job, say a light bulb changer or floor sweeper and you are a union member can you honestly say it's worth more than minimum wage ??? Really ???

The whole reason Unions are hated by business owners is because they make it really hard to fire lazy ass employees, they make it almost impossible to get any changes in jobs, pay or benefits without a long and drawn out negotiation as business today needs to be able to adapt quickly.

Hostess went out because the legacy costs for medical and pensions bankrupted them, you can argue it all day long, but the bottom line is the bottom line, if the business can't pay the bills and can't get some concessions it's out of business.

So now we have over 18,500 people out of a job because a single, selfish, stubborn bunch if Union Members would not work for less, now they all will get NOTHING !!!!

They can get no paycheck, 26 weeks of unemployment and the bankruptcy court will probably kill the retired workers pensions and medical, so everyone suffers because of a few.

As Mackin said, if you belong to a Union they are the best, just ask those fine Union Linesman in NJ that didn't want any out of state help when Sandy blew thru the state, how many extra days were people without power because the Union Thugs refused to let them work.What are you talking about,there were plenty of people from all over that went there some of my co workers went there from our natural gas company and alot of Comm ED workers went out there i know some of them.

Nice way to help your fellow American, I want to hear the Union Members defend that kind of action........people have no power and nobody who is non-union can help restore power.....:rolleyes:

Makes you all look bad.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Oh by the way people are dumb clearing off shelves every where of twinkles too. I mean really WTF! How long before they are on eBay being sold for $100 bucks for a pack of two? :D


The Still Master
Just so you know, the GM and Chrysler Bond Holders got screwed by Obama, they got shit and the Unions got the bulk of the money in the bail-out.

Bankruptcy laws got turned upside down by Obama to reward the Unions for electing him, now all Obama wants to do is reward his donors by pissing away our money with failed Solar Companies, guess who got rich on that one ???? Democrat Donors.

Talk to Obama about his payoffs to his Democrat Banker Buddies at Citi, BOFA, Wells Fargo, etc........I could go on and on, you get the point, Obama supports Unions, they get out the vote, he gets elected, he spreads yours and my tax dollars around to his Union Buddies with stimulus spending that didn't create any jobs, just hundreds of millions in Pay-Offs to his buddies.

Let me ask you a question blk smoke lb7, if you started a company, and struggled, and borrowed and built it from nothing to great success you are going to sit here and tell us all that instead of taking the profits that you created you are going to lavish your employees with lavish benefits and pay them more than the job is worth ???

Yeah, OK........those CEO's and Business owners make decisions to earn a profit, they can't get energy cheap, Thanks Obama, they can't get raw materials cheap, Thanks Obama, they can't send their products over the road cheap because fuel is high, Thanks Obama......and the local municipalities tax the shit out of them, Thanks Democrats........and the only thing on the table is wages and benefits, so guess what gets cut.

Business 101 is not to be nice to your employees, you provide them a Job, not a thanksful for the one you got, you owe that business owner or CEO for hiring you, he or she owes you nothing.



<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
Just so you know, the GM and Chrysler Bond Holders got screwed by Obama, they got shit and the Unions got the bulk of the money in the bail-out.

Bankruptcy laws got turned upside down by Obama to reward the Unions for electing him, now all Obama wants to do is reward his donors by pissing away our money with failed Solar Companies, guess who got rich on that one ???? Democrat Donors.

Talk to Obama about his payoffs to his Democrat Banker Buddies at Citi, BOFA, Wells Fargo, etc........I could go on and on, you get the point, Obama supports Unions, they get out the vote, he gets elected, he spreads yours and my tax dollars around to his Union Buddies with stimulus spending that didn't create any jobs, just hundreds of millions in Pay-Offs to his buddies.

Let me ask you a question blk smoke lb7, if you started a company, and struggled, and borrowed and built it from nothing to great success you are going to sit here and tell us all that instead of taking the profits that you created you are going to lavish your employees with lavish benefits and pay them more than the job is worth ???

Yeah, OK........those CEO's and Business owners make decisions to earn a profit, they can't get energy cheap, Thanks Obama, they can't get raw materials cheap, Thanks Obama, they can't send their products over the road cheap because fuel is high, Thanks Obama......and the local municipalities tax the shit out of them, Thanks Democrats........and the only thing on the table is wages and benefits, so guess what gets cut.

Business 101 is not to be nice to your employees, you provide them a Job, not a thanksful for the one you got, you owe that business owner or CEO for hiring you, he or she owes you nothing.


Exactly :D

blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
Well 1st of all small companys most of the time are non union especially during building years,MOST OF THE TIME not all.If i owned lets say a small company hanging iron after getting into the business and learning, i know if i want to bid the big jobs i would need to be union,hire more guys,if i need good workers and i know theres loosers on the bench but i should be able to hire some good guys that know the job well.A good friend of mine just started his own sheet metal company his wife is the owner he and another friend are the only workers and you couldnt stop him from going union and its paid off big time for him even in a bad economy.Like i said Tony there are those that will never see it but there are places for unions and some not i just heard a few years ago that the bag boys at the grocery store were union bagers?:eek: Talked to a guy not long ago that owned a rental property in my he was a union butcher from Chicago.And just so you know my company got rid of pensions 13 years ago and i work for the lowest paid unility in ILL.My pay raises range from 26 cents a year to 38 cents a year and alot of time they pay us a lump sum of that amount in a 1 time payment so i make nothing extra for overtime.Shit inflation is alot more then that.Theres give and take with this stuff i understand and unions have there own problems also with shity deals,behind closed door deals coruption.I sold my old house to guy that had just got back into to town about 6 months after 911,a union iron worker he just got back from New york ground zero.Said he had to leave before he killed the Business agent that guy was coming up to guys saying they had to pay to play and he had to donate 500 to the fund.Theres good and bad on either end.


The Still Master
Just to be clear, I am not lumping the workers all together, there is a lot of good, talented Union Workers who really care about their job, they have pride and give 100%.......but in a way the Union is penalizing them.

Follow this scenario:

A large company, a successful company that employed hundreds of people, statistically the chances are that a good amount will be average workers, a small amount will be above and beyond and a small amount will be POS workers.

If it is a Union shop the company has to pay them all the same, no reward for being a standout and no penalty for being a POS lazy ass. Same pay regardless of individual achievement.

Now a Non-Union company can reward the best and fire the POS workers, not everyone is as good or cares as much as the next guy, so in effect the Union does not do any service to the better workers and protects the least productive.

I know full well that when your the worker you expect the company to give you more and more, when you own the company you have to comply with the taxman and the other government agencies, comp, unemployment, disability, etc.......its not cheap to employ a person.

I know of nobody who starts a business to make little or no profit, to pay the people working for them a big salary or hourly rate with great benefits, the only people that get those deals are specialty fields or dangerous fields of work.

My gripe isn't with the majority of Union workers, it's with the few bad ones that stain all you guys with the lazy, overpaid, underworked label.

Just so you know, the State of CT has it's share of lazy ass, underworked, overpaid crybaby state employees, in fact the road crews are so blatant in screwing off and not being shy about it that we joke that if we can find a road worker who is actually working you would have better luck finding a four leaf clover in a 100 acre plot of land.
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