The only thing the "Union" workers and supporters don't get is that business only exists to make money, to make profit, not to provide anyone with lavish benefits, high hourly wages and a pension/medical for life in retirement..........they are in business to provide a product or service and in doing so it provides jobs.
The CEOs sure dont live over lavished do they??? Our old CEO makes way more now retired,then he did as leader of my company.But **** the workers right?
The only reason that GM and Chrysler were bankrupt was because of the Unions high wages, benefits and legacy costs for retired workers medical and pensions..........How can someone work for 30 years, retire and live another 20-30 years and collect all that money and expect the system to not collapse ????
So its ok for a company and a union to negotiate and the company to back out right?How about all the banks that were crying they were going under and after we bailled them out the got huge bonuses?
Now I know I am probably stepping on some toes here but you have to realize that any job is only going pay what the job is worth, not what some union thinks it should be paid to do the work.
If you are in a low skilled job, say a light bulb changer or floor sweeper and you are a union member can you honestly say it's worth more than minimum wage ??? Really ???
The whole reason Unions are hated by business owners is because they make it really hard to fire lazy ass employees, they make it almost impossible to get any changes in jobs, pay or benefits without a long and drawn out negotiation as business today needs to be able to adapt quickly.
Hostess went out because the legacy costs for medical and pensions bankrupted them, you can argue it all day long, but the bottom line is the bottom line, if the business can't pay the bills and can't get some concessions it's out of business.
So now we have over 18,500 people out of a job because a single, selfish, stubborn bunch if Union Members would not work for less, now they all will get NOTHING !!!!
They can get no paycheck, 26 weeks of unemployment and the bankruptcy court will probably kill the retired workers pensions and medical, so everyone suffers because of a few.
As Mackin said, if you belong to a Union they are the best, just ask those fine Union Linesman in NJ that didn't want any out of state help when Sandy blew thru the state, how many extra days were people without power because the Union Thugs refused to let them work.
What are you talking about,there were plenty of people from all over that went there some of my co workers went there from our natural gas company and alot of Comm ED workers went out there i know some of them.
Nice way to help your fellow American, I want to hear the Union Members defend that kind of action........people have no power and nobody who is non-union can help restore power.....
Makes you all look bad.