No more twinkies!!

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Regular Cabs Rock
Jul 21, 2009
Wherever I am working
And the skilled trades do look down on and talk down on non-union workers.......they usually have a chip on their shoulder and are the first one's to run and report anything they see that is a safety violation or workplace violation to get the non-union workers off the job, including sabotaging the work.


Generally speaking this is mostly untrue. I don't look down on non-union craftsmen. What I look down on is the mentality that most non-union craftsmen have. The reason why a union craftsman will bring up safety issues on a jobsite that non-union violate is be ause they are held to a different standard. First, they are not as highly trained in OSHA. Second, they get more verbal warnings because of their own ignorance. I worked a small powerhouse in Nebraska and it was all union on the boiler side of the unit. On the bag house side was all non-union. The union side completed a harder building six months before the non-union side finished. Union 95% UT weld success as opposed to 78%failure rate non-union. Their building was 3" out of plumb at 100'. So, you my friend, are plumb full of shit.


Regular Cabs Rock
Jul 21, 2009
Wherever I am working
Thats one job. Ive worked on jobs with union and non union workers and ive seen both be great at what the do and both do a shitty job.

One job? Ya, that I'm mentioning. I've been a union ironworker for almost 20 years and have mostly worked in Right To Work states. There are multiple examples, but I'm mentioning one. I worked at BP in Galveston and they hire only non-union. However, after tipping two cranes over and multiple rigging failures, only union Ironworkers were allowed to rig. Why? Because of training. Sure there are high quality non-union skilled craftsmen out there. Typically speaking though the union sector has them beat, hands down. A contractor can count on consistency in training and craftsmanship from the skilled union labor trades. Not so much from the non-union sector.

blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
So get this just heard on the news that the hostess CEO doubled his salrey during bankruptcy and all the other top brass took pay raises of 60 to 100% I can only assume they were hoping to get bought out.During the 1st bankruptcy the company negotiated to keep the union dues which at the time was 50 million a year .Now in the second bankruptcy their last offer to the union take it or leave it the company would get to keep all the union dues which it promised to pay back and the backers would go from 18 per hour to 11.Oh this was for sure the union s fault!!!!!! Come on rich getting richer bunch of fat **** brass looking to crush the workers and make 2x the money.Way to go hostess executives, No more Twinkies.They said the hostess CEO is making 2.7 mill a year plus stock options and whatever else he can rape the company for.


Active member
Sep 20, 2006
Wentzville Mo
Im glad that you and hopefully more people here understood that there is a HUGE difference between these 2 types of unions.It makes me sick the way these lazy ass union workers make the good skilled trades unions look bad. It is like always getting accused of something you never did! Im sick and tired of these UAW unions making the rest of us look like scumbags:mad:

Not all UAW works have what you might think is a easy job.Just because we work inside a plant does not make the jobs some of us do easy one.There is jobs that have other pay tiers for what you do so not everyone is paid the same these days atleast they did make that change thank god for that. When I first started I did not like the that the guy pushing the broom got paid just as much if not more then me and I was busting my as on the line. I love it in the summer we get the young smart ass kids come in for summer help and think its easy work. They work up to break time go out and when the line starts back up they never show back up it was to hard for them.No one is running around saying you look like a scumbag so I would watch how you word stuff when you talk about your other brother and sister union family.

blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
Yeah my wife worked the line at Chrysler for over a year starting pay 14 an hour and it was tough work and they kept turning up the speed so she hardly could keep up and she was so black and blue from bruses if she turned me in for beating her they would have locked me up and thrown away the key.Not to mention no a.c. and in the hot summer that place could get over 130 inside o n some of the hottest days.Not to mention when it snowed 26 inches in Chicago area and they knew it was coming and decided to keep the line going almost couldn't get to my wife with the d max I got stuck 3 times trying to get to her she was buried in the ditch belt came off had no heat and now power.I wanted to kill that plant manager for making his decision.Oh and before anyone thinks my wife is a pansy she does assembly at an aerospace company and had done this for 15 years Pryor to get g laid off for 5 yrs and finally getting called back .She is up for any challenge just short of being abused.


The Still Master
Generally speaking this is mostly untrue. I don't look down on non-union craftsmen. What I look down on is the mentality that most non-union craftsmen have. The reason why a union craftsman will bring up safety issues on a jobsite that non-union violate is be ause they are held to a different standard. First, they are not as highly trained in OSHA. Second, they get more verbal warnings because of their own ignorance. I worked a small powerhouse in Nebraska and it was all union on the boiler side of the unit. On the bag house side was all non-union. The union side completed a harder building six months before the non-union side finished. Union 95% UT weld success as opposed to 78%failure rate non-union. Their building was 3" out of plumb at 100'. So, you my friend, are plumb full of shit.

In my experience the union guys walk around with big chips on their shoulders. They act like they are better than everyone else. First time you can ignore it. Second time it pisses you off, after that you don't have a friendly job.

Why is it that the jobs unions dont get you guys all show up with your rat signs and scab chants ? They built a stew Leonard's grocery store in CT about 20 years ago and they refused to use any union workers. It got built just fine. The union guys were there every day crying about it.

I could never figure out striking for wage increases, you guys go on strike, lose thousands a week in pay and get a small increase that got lost in the strike.


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
When did the whole "boo hoo upper management makes more than me, and I want a guaranteed job with benefits" come about?

No shit upper level guys make the big bucks, they also take the big responsibilities and potential big falls. I am really struggling to comprehend how people expect a company to be run in the way that best benefits the workers and not the profit line..

Within reason of course, but it reaches a point where a business can't be profitable with more and more demands from unions. While not the normal, my company sometimes flat out says, yea we gotta delay payroll cause we have no money to pay it.. does everyone just go on strike? No. You deal with it cause the company is hurting and if you push, you will be in the same place but no check coming a week later. Thats just how it works, when the money is there, we get paid.

God knows how loud a union would be screaming at that setup.

:shrugs: I know nada. ;)
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