No more twinkies!!

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Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
Tony you are pretty right in your thinking here. Only thing is when you bring up the the part about a incentive for being a standout hard worker or just being a lazy POS is flawwed in a way. It depends on what type of union you are reffering too. For example, a Union like the autoworkers or twinkie makers, they have a year round job and damn well now they cant get fired or lose there job, so YES they are not going to do anymore than they have to or anymore than the next guy because they are making the same on the hour etc... BUT here is where your theory is wrong, in a skilled trades union like the carpenters, electricians, boilermakers, ironworkers, insulators, etc.. we do not have steady year round work so when we get to the job if you want to keep your job for as long as possible you have to stand out and bust your ass. Because if you dont bust your ass you will get laid off and the employer will call the union hall and have someone sent out on the job the very next day to replace your lazy ass. And when that happens then the union hall will probably not send you on another job for along time. I think you get my point here, the union jobs that have steady year round work like police, teachers and factory workers are full of lazy worthless workers and i agree these unions need to be removed or seriously converted over into a new way of doing things. But the skilled trades unions you DO NOT have the same scenario you do not have the lazy people because they wont have a job if they are. Almost like there should be 2 different classifications of unions because the skilled trades are nothing like the other ones but we all get clumped together which is bullshit. When is the lastime you heard of a problem or anykind of bullshit going on or happening about a skilled trade union? Never it is always the unions that are permanent year round workers like i mentioned above.


Active member
Dec 4, 2010
Southern Indiana
All my guys don't make the same money either. If I tell a higher up that a guy is above and beyond, he will get more money on the hour and work a lot longer throughout the year. If they aren't good help, I send them on their way, call the union hall and get a replacement. I have no trouble letting a worker go, if I have a good reason.


GMC Dmax
Oct 13, 2012
Westview Pa
Tony you are pretty right in your thinking here. Only thing is when you bring up the the part about a incentive for being a standout hard worker or just being a lazy POS is flawwed in a way. It depends on what type of union you are reffering too. For example, a Union like the autoworkers or twinkie makers, they have a year round job and damn well now they cant get fired or lose there job, so YES they are not going to do anymore than they have to or anymore than the next guy because they are making the same on the hour etc... BUT here is where your theory is wrong, in a skilled trades union like the carpenters, electricians, boilermakers, ironworkers, insulators, etc.. we do not have steady year round work so when we get to the job if you want to keep your job for as long as possible you have to stand out and bust your ass. Because if you dont bust your ass you will get laid off and the employer will call the union hall and have someone sent out on the job the very next day to replace your lazy ass. And when that happens then the union hall will probably not send you on another job for along time. I think you get my point here, the union jobs that have steady year round work like police, teachers and factory workers are full of lazy worthless workers and i agree these unions need to be removed or seriously converted over into a new way ofdoing things. But the skilled trades unions you DO NOT have the same scenario you do
not have the lazy people because they wont have a job if they are. Almost like
thereshould be 2 different classifications of unions because the skilled trades are nothing like the other ones but we all get clumped together which is bullshit. When is the lastime you heard of a problem or anykind of bullshit going on or happening about a skilled trade union? Never it is always the unions that are permanent year round workers like i mentioned above.

Well said.


Junior Member
Aug 10, 2006
Amanda, Ohio
Just to be clear, I am not lumping the workers all together, there is a lot of good, talented Union Workers who really care about their job, they have pride and give 100%.......but in a way the Union is penalizing them.

Follow this scenario:

A large company, a successful company that employed hundreds of people, statistically the chances are that a good amount will be average workers, a small amount will be above and beyond and a small amount will be POS workers.

If it is a Union shop the company has to pay them all the same, no reward for being a standout and no penalty for being a POS lazy ass. Same pay regardless of individual achievement. Absolutely NOT TRUE, I make more money then our mechanic in the shop thats been there for 8 years. They have rewarded me for my hard work!

Now a Non-Union company can reward the best and fire the POS workers, not everyone is as good or cares as much as the next guy, so in effect the Union does not do any service to the better workers and protects the least productive.When we have fck ups like our fuel truck driver and some operators even teamsters, they fire them without holding back. Igel knows there is someone better in the hall waiting for there spot.

I know full well that when your the worker you expect the company to give you more and more, when you own the company you have to comply with the taxman and the other government agencies, comp, unemployment, disability, etc.......its not cheap to employ a person.

I know of nobody who starts a business to make little or no profit, to pay the people working for them a big salary or hourly rate with great benefits, the only people that get those deals are specialty fields or dangerous fields of work.

My gripe isn't with the majority of Union workers, it's with the few bad ones that stain all you guys with the lazy, overpaid, underworked label.

Just so you know, the State of CT has it's share of lazy ass, underworked, overpaid crybaby state employees, in fact the road crews are so blatant in screwing off and not being shy about it that we joke that if we can find a road worker who is actually working you would have better luck finding a four leaf clover in a 100 acre plot of land.

The state workers in ohio are very bad and lazy. But its our ass backwards gov. thats to blame for that!


Junior Member
Aug 10, 2006
Amanda, Ohio
Tony you are pretty right in your thinking here. Only thing is when you bring up the the part about a incentive for being a standout hard worker or just being a lazy POS is flawwed in a way. It depends on what type of union you are reffering too. For example, a Union like the autoworkers or twinkie makers, they have a year round job and damn well now they cant get fired or lose there job, so YES they are not going to do anymore than they have to or anymore than the next guy because they are making the same on the hour etc... BUT here is where your theory is wrong, in a skilled trades union like the carpenters, electricians, boilermakers, ironworkers, insulators, etc.. we do not have steady year round work so when we get to the job if you want to keep your job for as long as possible you have to stand out and bust your ass. Because if you dont bust your ass you will get laid off and the employer will call the union hall and have someone sent out on the job the very next day to replace your lazy ass. And when that happens then the union hall will probably not send you on another job for along time. I think you get my point here, the union jobs that have steady year round work like police, teachers and factory workers are full of lazy worthless workers and i agree these unions need to be removed or seriously converted over into a new way of doing things. But the skilled trades unions you DO NOT have the same scenario you do not have the lazy people because they wont have a job if they are. Almost like there should be 2 different classifications of unions because the skilled trades are nothing like the other ones but we all get clumped together which is bullshit. When is the lastime you heard of a problem or anykind of bullshit going on or happening about a skilled trade union? Never it is always the unions that are permanent year round workers like i mentioned above.

I should have read this before posting. You are right on the way it is for most unions in ohio also.


future trans limpers
Jul 30, 2008
Scotland Neck NC
Tony you are pretty right in your thinking here. Only thing is when you bring up the the part about a incentive for being a standout hard worker or just being a lazy POS is flawwed in a way. It depends on what type of union you are reffering too. For example, a Union like the autoworkers or twinkie makers, they have a year round job and damn well now they cant get fired or lose there job, so YES they are not going to do anymore than they have to or anymore than the next guy because they are making the same on the hour etc... BUT here is where your theory is wrong, in a skilled trades union like the carpenters, electricians, boilermakers, ironworkers, insulators, etc.. we do not have steady year round work so when we get to the job if you want to keep your job for as long as possible you have to stand out and bust your ass. Because if you dont bust your ass you will get laid off and the employer will call the union hall and have someone sent out on the job the very next day to replace your lazy ass. And when that happens then the union hall will probably not send you on another job for along time. I think you get my point here, the union jobs that have steady year round work like police, teachers and factory workers are full of lazy worthless workers and i agree these unions need to be removed or seriously converted over into a new way of doing things. But the skilled trades unions you DO NOT have the same scenario you do not have the lazy people because they wont have a job if they are. Almost like there should be 2 different classifications of unions because the skilled trades are nothing like the other ones but we all get clumped together which is bullshit. When is the lastime you heard of a problem or anykind of bullshit going on or happening about a skilled trade union? Never it is always the unions that are permanent year round workers like i mentioned above.
Thanks for this post. I'm mostly anti Union, I'm one of the ones that think they break companys instead of helping them, but I've never really separated the skilled group from the factory workers. Like mentioned above when the average person like myself hears the word Union we automatically think of the lazy ass pushing a broom over a clean floor for $20+ an hr.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
I understand the unionized carpenter ,iron workers ,plumbers etc ec. BUT You are 1% of what or where a union works effeicently perhaps. It's the other 99.9% that leaves a bad taste in most people.


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
Thanks for this post. I'm mostly anti Union, I'm one of the ones that think they break companys instead of helping them, but I've never really separated the skilled group from the factory workers. Like mentioned above when the average person like myself hears the word Union we automatically think of the lazy ass pushing a broom over a clean floor for $20+ an hr.

Im glad that you and hopefully more people here understood that there is a HUGE difference between these 2 types of unions. It makes me sick the way these lazy ass union workers make the good skilled trades unions look bad. It is like always getting accused of something you never did! Im sick and tired of these UAW unions making the rest of us look like scumbags:mad:


That Uncle
Apr 2, 2007
Im glad that you and hopefully more people here understood that there is a HUGE difference between these 2 types of unions. It makes me sick the way these lazy ass union workers make the good skilled trades unions look bad. It is like always getting accused of something you never did! Im sick and tired of these UAW unions making the rest of us look like scumbags:mad:

Don't forget the union type who put down all those who are non union. The type who crys about scabs or something of the like....:roflmao:


Old Skooler
Aug 12, 2006
Texas Y'all
I don't look down on non union employees. That's everyone's rights, and when I stick up for unions, its most skilled craft unions. Not manufacture unions. There's not the protection for lazy workers like everyone thinks. So that leads to my next question. If unions are killing the country, and union percentage drops every year, then why isn't the country getting better?


The Still Master
I don't look down on non union employees. That's everyone's rights, and when I stick up for unions, its most skilled craft unions. Not manufacture unions. There's not the protection for lazy workers like everyone thinks. So that leads to my next question. If unions are killing the country, and union percentage drops every year, then why isn't the country getting better?

Because Unions are Government Employees, they vote Democrat to keep their jobs along with the leaches..........the Union Machine got Obama elected in those key battleground states.

So when Unions pour hundreds of millions of your dues money to elect Democrats and they do the country will continue to go to shit.


And the skilled trades do look down on and talk down on non-union workers.......they usually have a chip on their shoulder and are the first one's to run and report anything they see that is a safety violation or workplace violation to get the non-union workers off the job, including sabotaging the work.



Regular Cabs Rock
Jul 21, 2009
Wherever I am working
I don't look down on non union employees. That's everyone's rights, and when I stick up for unions, its most skilled craft unions. Not manufacture unions. There's not the protection for lazy workers like everyone thinks. So that leads to my next question. If unions are killing the country, and union percentage drops every year, then why isn't the country getting better?

That is a question that no non-union person can actually answer because it interferes with their concept of capitalism. You might hear several suggestions as to why, but both of us know they are not legitimate answers (because we are skilled union craftsmen).


Regular Cabs Rock
Jul 21, 2009
Wherever I am working
Im glad that you and hopefully more people here understood that there is a HUGE difference between these 2 types of unions. It makes me sick the way these lazy ass union workers make the good skilled trades unions look bad. It is like always getting accused of something you never did! Im sick and tired of these UAW unions making the rest of us look like scumbags:mad:

I see that first hand every single day. I am first a union IRONWORKER, and we know how to get it done. I now work in a USW organized weld shop. Not all are lazy, but majority are unethical lazy bastards. Surprised if they even knew how to spell UNION.
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