No more twinkies!!

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Mike L.

Got Sheep?
Staff member
Aug 12, 2006
Fullerton CA
Really........overpaid and underworked ???

The plan was close the doors, forever.......:roflmao:

The cost of doing business got too high.......the jobs are only worth some much per/hour....there has to be a point in which the job cost isn't worth the work being done.

Also the legacy costs of medical and pensions for retired workers is also a big cost.

It is now.


No comment.

Your one of the smart ones.

Now I'm hungry, if anyone wants Tweenkies I will be adding them to the Web Site, free with an ecm exchange, while supplies last.


WTF is a tweenkies?:roflmao:


Active member
Dec 4, 2010
Southern Indiana
I work construction, if it weren't for my union, they would screw us every chance they got. They try to screw us now, but the union keeps it from happening. It is always a way to screw us on overtime or wages of some sort. We keep getting jobs and the doors are still open so they all aren't too bad.


The Still Master
I work construction, if it weren't for my union, they would screw us every chance they got. They try to screw us now, but the union keeps it from happening. It is always a way to screw us on overtime or wages of some sort. We keep getting jobs and the doors are still open so they all aren't too bad.

I had a long post typed up, but deleted it, not worth the argument.

The truth be told, that one single Union cost all the other union's ( Teamsters ) their jobs because they wouldn't take less and agree to the Bankruptcy CH11 Court approved deal.

If you are a Union worker and you would rather see your company fold up then take less pay and or benefits then your out the job, live with your decision.

Cutting off your nose to spite your face never we all get to see the hind site play out.

There comes a point when the job just isn't worth what the demands are from the isn't hard to figure out, Twinkies and bread doesn't have a big profit margin and when you can't pay the wages and bennies it's GAME OVER.



New member
Nov 19, 2009
I work construction, if it weren't for my union, they would screw us every chance they got. They try to screw us now, but the union keeps it from happening. It is always a way to screw us on overtime or wages of some sort. We keep getting jobs and the doors are still open so they all aren't too bad.

I work construction too and i haven't met a union worker yet who was worth a damn. The only reason they go to school to get their ticket is so that the company they work for has to pay them 30$ an hour for doing a 12$ an hour job. My good buddy i used to work construction with quit and started working for the railroad. He says there are 2/3 more guys working there than you there should be. IMO the union makes people lazy cause it's way harder to fire them.

The Neens

Staff member
Aug 10, 2006
Monrovia, Ca.
I work construction too and i haven't met a union worker yet who was worth a damn. The only reason they go to school to get their ticket is so that the company they work for has to pay them 30$ an hour for doing a 12$ an hour job. My good buddy i used to work construction with quit and started working for the railroad. He says there are 2/3 more guys working there than you there should be. IMO the union makes people lazy cause it's way harder to fire them.

I've been a Teamster for over 19 years and I will work circles & embarrass any non union hero who wants to play in my game...I'm not lazy & yes, it's hard to fire me...


Active member
Dec 4, 2010
Southern Indiana
Run $20,000,000 dollars worth of work and tell me I'm not worth over $30 an hour. In construction, if the company is still getting work, paying their guys $30 an hour, over Rat outfits paying $12 an hour, tell me what's wrong in that situation. We keeping getting work and we all make good money. I'm not saying certain unions arent screwing them selves, but some are for the better. Hearing all of you all saying "unions are ALL bad" kinda strikes a nerve with me. Walsh construction is a huge union outfit that just got $1.6billion dollars worth of work locally to me, actually saved KY and IN couple hundred million on the original cost, wonder where the scabs were on that bid?

They have their place and I'm glad I am in what I am.


The Still Master


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Run $20,000,000 dollars worth of work and tell me I'm not worth over $30 an hour. In construction, if the company is still getting work, paying their guys $30 an hour, over Rat outfits paying $12 an hour, tell me what's wrong in that situation. We keeping getting work and we all make good money. I'm not saying certain unions arent screwing them selves, but some are for the better. Hearing all of you all saying "unions are ALL bad" kinda strikes a nerve with me. Walsh construction is a huge union outfit that just got $1.6billion dollars worth of work locally to me, actually saved KY and IN couple hundred million on the original cost, wonder where the scabs were on that bid?

They have their place and I'm glad I am in what I am.

I'm not saying all union workers are lazy or not worth a damn, I'm saying all the ones i have met are. Don't call yourself a licensed carpenter when all you have ever done is cut plywood into forms for pouring concrete. That's not worth 30 an hour to me but the company has to pay cause of a little piece of paper that says he's a licensed carpenter.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Lawrenceburg, KY
Bought some twinkies & cupcakes this AM. Honestly, they never were my fav & today was no diff. They're mediocre IMO.

I prefer Little Debbie's. now that'll be a sad day for me if they go down! Fudge Round!!! Zebra Cake!! Star Crunch!! Nutter Butters bars!! Christmas trees!! Mmm

As for unions... Not a fan. They were needed America was going through the industrial era & ppl were abused by the employer. Not so much the case anymore. Their wage demands are ridiculous a great majority of the time. I realize not all unions are created equal but in general, I'm anti-union. This case is no different. Having your job is a privilege, not a right afforded to u by the employer. People seem to have forgotten that! If you don't like the circumstances, QUIT or suck it up & STHU! No one forcing you to work for XYZ.


<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
Bought some twinkies & cupcakes this AM. Honestly, they never were my fav & today was no diff. They're mediocre IMO.

I prefer Little Debbie's. now that'll be a sad day for me if they go down! Fudge Round!!! Zebra Cake!! Star Crunch!! Nutter Butters bars!! Christmas trees!! Mmm

As for unions... Not a fan. They were needed America was going through the industrial era & ppl were abused by the employer. Not so much the case anymore. Their wage demands are ridiculous a great majority of the time. I realize not all unions are created equal but in general, I'm anti-union. This case is no different. Having your job is a privilege, not a right afforded to u by the employer. People seem to have forgotten that! If you don't like the circumstances, QUIT or suck it up & STHU! No one forcing you to work for XYZ.

Agree 100%


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Bought some twinkies & cupcakes this AM. Honestly, they never were my fav & today was no diff. They're mediocre IMO.

I prefer Little Debbie's. now that'll be a sad day for me if they go down! Fudge Round!!! Zebra Cake!! Star Crunch!! Nutter Butters bars!! Christmas trees!! Mmm

As for unions... Not a fan. They were needed America was going through the industrial era & ppl were abused by the employer. Not so much the case anymore. Their wage demands are ridiculous a great majority of the time. I realize not all unions are created equal but in general, I'm anti-union. This case is no different. Having your job is a privilege, not a right afforded to u by the employer. People seem to have forgotten that! If you don't like the circumstances, QUIT or suck it up & STHU! No one forcing you to work for XYZ.

This. All this.

My place of employment has told us, if they hear a word bout union talk, their closing the doors and thats that.

D-MAX Mafia

Hood down, smoke up!
Nov 4, 2009
In this day and age I believe the employer should be the one with the protection. Too many people looking to get rich by sueing those that supply their way of life or demanding unrealistic wages/benefits.

I am anti union. I have been a part of only one in my life. Their inability to reach an agreement on the workers new contract almost shut down the job I was on. It was a great paying job also.

I dont believe that most people know what it costs to run a business and have employees. As a member of a small business I can tell you that the costs are staggering. My dad pays out the ass to run his company. There is a lot of money coming in but there is also a lot going out. One good thing is that our company is liquid. We have no loans out and everything is paid for as it shows up. Most businesses can't say that.


future trans limpers
Jul 30, 2008
Scotland Neck NC
I have a new concept, put yourself in a position where the people you work for cant afford to do without you. I work very hard and I insist on being better than the man next to me. I'm the first on the job and the last to leave. I'm not satisfied until the work I've done is flawless and exactly like the customer wanted. I'm not in a Union and have no trouble getting work and getting paid what I want. Hard work goes along way. I sleep good at night knowing I get paid what I'm worth not what a Union says someone has to pay me.
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