So I’ve been really not looking forward to pulling all 32 valve springs with the small hand crank style spring compressor.... that lead me to looking up what guys use and finding that some retro fit a cummins 24v tool to work (Josh, I know your one that did that) and other got the duramax style tool from techtorx or what ever it’s called before it was discontinued. Well I got to thinkin, can’t be that hard to make my own. Might as well give it a shot before dropping 100 bucks and still having to retro fit the cummins one.
After about 4-5 hours of work (half of which was me f**king up bits on the lathe cause I was trying retarded ideas), I think it came out pretty good. Works like it should and should really speed the process up. This all came from 1/4” flat plate, 1.5”OD tube, spare bolts, plasma cutter, grinder, welder, lathe and drill press.
Putting it on a head
I may or may not open up the holes where the retainers come through. See how it all goes first. I’m pretty stoked on it though!