I unhooked lift pump and drove all over, kept getting p0087 low pressure now but thats good cause I know the lift pump was restricting it. I bypassed the fuel lines around the lift pump and have to test if it gets high pressure now.
It still chuggs and luggs up and puffs a good plume...
Commanded is 16.384 amps (which I think is max)
Desired is the same number, but when the truck runs fine, the Desired is like .5 amps, and commanded is still 16.384.
Tommys truck was 16.384 commanded, and .3 amps Desired.
Have it narrowed down to 3 differnt things. Gonna try to get one so if that is it Im not waiting on parts. I could prolly use one later on or resale it if it is not the problem.
Yea I talked to dan.
Gotta pull the belt and see if that changes anything.
Its wierd, if I let it set awhile it runs fine for a bit. Then it comes back. I disconected my lift pump and it ran good longer, just when I started it it chugged a bunch of white smoke, then started running good...
First hand ;) running 2 cp3s here.
WTF? It will supply the fuel you need to run "un-streetable". But without tuning and delivery, it will operate pretty much normal.
What the hell is a stage 2 cp3 lol, you mean a modded cp3 or a 2nd cp3?
F'in A, I'm am looking into that. I've done some crazy shit, but actually buzzing the ground that close looks like a blast. Man I want to give it a shot.