Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
No man you are seriously beefcake. I can't even bench 185 lol...such a girl. I bet I can't even squat 200, not sure I'm gonna try without a belt and such a messed up back but damn dude Cudos to you

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Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
No man you are seriously beefcake. I can't even bench 185 lol...such a girl. I bet I can't even squat 200, not sure I'm gonna try without a belt and such a messed up back but damn dude Cudos to you

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Thanks Brock but I started not far off from where you are now 4 years ago:thumb:

"So my stats when I started were.
36 years young still 5' 11" 205 lbs 20-24% body fat and soft as a marshmallow
Bench 195
Squat 175 in the gain robbing abomination known as the "Smith Machine"
Dead Lifts My Fascious Gym didn't allow dead lifts so 0lbs
Other lifts aren't worth noting."

I set goals for myself and slowly work towards them. Remember that training is peaks and valleys. The stronger I have gotten the better my back has felt, it hasn't gone out in 4 years now. Of course I have banged it up training and what not but it hasn't been anything a little rest, chiro & massage hasn't been able to fix.

So keep at it and work slowly towards a goal. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Didn't hit today as hard as yesterday but still got some plates moved.

Did flat bench with rest pause at the bottom and deadlifts between sets.

Bench -
235 x 2x5

145x10 deadlifts. Back is smoked from yesterday.

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Back feeling better Corbin? Looks like your mobile again:thumb:
I'm going today, no deads as I rolled my ankle pretty bad saturday night shooting clays at 1:00 am. Got dark so we fired up the headlights. So we will see what i can do, I'm not limping anymore but I don't wanna roll it at the gym again lol



Sep 23, 2013
Back feeling better Corbin? Looks like your mobile again:thumb:


It has its days.. I'm 75% better id say. I've been doing cat cows everyday and it seems to be helping. I havnt trained core in a while though. Not enough time in the day. Hoping work slows down some this winter and I can get back in the gym more than 20-30 min a day.

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you never had your car.
Apr 30, 2013
elsberry mo
Back feeling better Corbin? Looks like your mobile again:thumb:


Ended up doing chest, focused on not letting.my wrist roll back and letting the bar lay flat in my palm, man what a difference, hit my chest way harder wondered why chest day hasn't been burning me up lately. Think I got heavy and started letting my wrists flop back.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho


you never had your car.
Apr 30, 2013
elsberry mo
I have some rouge ones but my wrists still hurt with them so I don't know lol, maybe I need better ones, or a wrist transplant lol, or quit being a bitch:roflmao:

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I have some rouge ones but my wrists still hurt with them so I don't know lol, maybe I need better ones, or a wrist transplant lol, or quit being a bitch:roflmao:

My rouge ones broke down in a couple months... They were okay but SBD is legit for the hardcore meathead:thumb: 6 months on them and they are just as stiff as new and the velcro is amazingly stout. Worth every penny;)


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
Thanks Brock but I started not far off from where you are now 4 years ago:thumb:

"So my stats when I started were.
36 years young still 5' 11" 205 lbs 20-24% body fat and soft as a marshmallow
Bench 195
Squat 175 in the gain robbing abomination known as the "Smith Machine"
Dead Lifts My Fascious Gym didn't allow dead lifts so 0lbs
Other lifts aren't worth noting."

I set goals for myself and slowly work towards them. Remember that training is peaks and valleys. The stronger I have gotten the better my back has felt, it hasn't gone out in 4 years now. Of course I have banged it up training and what not but it hasn't been anything a little rest, chiro & massage hasn't been able to fix.

So keep at it and work slowly towards a goal. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Well I downloaded the body space app from bodybuilding.com so hopefully I can find some motivation and not look like a total Newby in the gym, at least act like I know wtf I'm doing

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Sep 23, 2013
Do you guys lift false grip or no? That's all I do anymore. I had wrist problems a couple years ago when I started getting heavy and it solved my wrist issues.. No straps for me

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Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Do you guys lift false grip or no? That's all I do anymore. I had wrist problems a couple years ago when I started getting heavy and it solved my wrist issues.. No straps for me

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It has its place... I don't use it or recommend it, it's illegal in the USAPL and IPF for safety reasons. I have unracked some heavy stuff and had my wrists roll forward a little, scared me but I got it back under control. False grip I probably would have dropped it on my chest or neck. BUT if it works and you train and practice with it, I don't see an issue...

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Well I downloaded the body space app from bodybuilding.com so hopefully I can find some motivation and not look like a total Newby in the gym, at least act like I know wtf I'm doing

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I'm still learning everyday, don't be so hard on yourself... Just make a goal and work towards it. The nice thing with your journey is its yours:D


Sep 23, 2013
It has its place... I don't use it or recommend it, it's illegal in the USAPL and IPF for safety reasons. I have unracked some heavy stuff and had my wrists roll forward a little, scared me but I got it back under control. False grip I probably would have dropped it on my chest or neck. BUT if it works and you train and practice with it, I don't see an issue...

Ahh I didn't realize it was illegal in comp.. I have better control over the weight with false than normal. After I about dropped 315 ok myself with normal grip I started over with false grip. It works for me, but there might be a day I drop weight on myself and wish I hadn't been using it

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The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
Ahh I didn't realize it was illegal in comp.. I have better control over the weight with false than normal. After I about dropped 315 ok myself with normal grip I started over with false grip. It works for me, but there might be a day I drop weight on myself and wish I hadn't been using it

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It's called suicide grip for a reason...:rolleyes: