Super good article on Steroids from T-nation:thumb:
Albert, you ever going to give them a whirl?
I don't know Wolf? I'm getting stronger everyday now, although it's slow...
I probably see where my genetic limit is and decide then...
I have become much better educated about PED's lately. They are definitely not what the Gov. and a bunch of dipsh*ts want you to believe they are.
It's funny there a miracle cure when prescribed by a doctor but if used recreationally your going to become Satan's Spawn:rofl:
And yeah you're right about that! I've never had any aggression or change in behavior while on. Heck my wife says I'm nicer on test lol.:thumb:
Interesting article, while I don't agree that there are no side affects from them, its annoying that no science has been placed on them. Its just the dumb mindset of "roids = bad, case closed" It also shuns the correct info on gear usage being available to people who do choose to do it, and forces people to rely on forums etc.
As long as you are not competing under the guise of a no gear player, then I think its whatever you wanna do to your body is your call.
More high school kids injure themselves from shitty bench attempts and knee bend squats than dat gear.
Just like anything else. Moderation is key IMO.
Part of rage today was filled from some OLY lifter throwing to the ground a massive 225lb... sorry to OLY guys but, have some respect for others.. no one is impressed with the crap ton of noise you make. Control your reps.