Usually its with dumbbells, and you do squat motions with weight in one hand only. Imitates a "suitcase pickup" sort of motion. I just took it a step further and tossed an unbalanced 405lb on my shoulders :rofl:
That sounds like fun....
Usually its with dumbbells, and you do squat motions with weight in one hand only. Imitates a "suitcase pickup" sort of motion. I just took it a step further and tossed an unbalanced 405lb on my shoulders :rofl:
Well my goal was to be under 10% BF this summer. I'm there now. Tipping the scales at a whooping 167 pounds. All my lifts have taken a beating. But damn son abs look badass. Vascularity is fukin awesome as well. All my measurements are roughly the same. Lost 1/4 inch on thighs. And of course lost over an inch on waist. But arms, chest, back all seem to hang in there. (Not much fat storage there) I started out at 12-13% best guess. 187lbs 5'11
Gonna try for 8%. Although eating egg whites oatmeal and chicken is getting really old.
Nice^^^^ That is some good work:thumb:
Maybe try setting up with the bar directly above the middle of your foot or just behind a smidge, that way when you pull your not dragging up your shins. That shredding of your shins is friction which is costing your max pull.
Watch these 2 videos the first one shows he knows his sh*t 610x4 @ 130 BW, the second is a full tutorial on the deadlift. I don't use everything but it
Dammit man! I'm the same height and 192 right now. Wanted to get to 185 to see how I look.. I can't imagine being down to 160s.. I think you've posted before about gear, are you in a cycle right now or just clean eating like a boss?
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Both. Gotta eat clean, gotta have gear to preserve muscle mass while in extreme caloric deficit. It's funny because, people actually think I'm bigger than what I am. Kinda weird how that works, eh?
Test E 300 mg/week split into 2 shots Sunday and Monday
Tren E 400 mg/week split into 2 shots Sunday and Monday
Arimidex 1mg twice per week (to control estrogen)
Need to line up a strong PCT to make sure you recover.
Test E 300 mg/week split into 2 shots Sunday and Monday
Tren E 400 mg/week split into 2 shots Sunday and Monday
Arimidex 1mg twice per week (to control estrogen)
Need to line up a strong PCT to make sure you recover.
I meant Sunday and Wednesday lol. Split it up evenly.
How old are you? And yes any of it can screw you up. Just be smart and plan it out wisely.
First cycle should be just test. You can add other compounds, but if you get side effects, you won't know which compound is causing it.
I'm pretty lucky, no sides except the usual suspects. I get the night sweats and crazy tren dreams. BP is elevated a little 130/85. I'm not worried about that.
I'm 25, never been on anything.. If I ever get into it I wasn't really planning on going to anything more than test. I'm not smart enough to get into the science of it. I've made pretty good gains without it.
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If you are still making progress naturally, then my personal opinion for anyone is that its probably best to stay that way. Im on TRT right now at 22 years old because I screwed up my natural production somehow (No prior use of steroids) and it can get a little old sometimes. But if you do decide to go down that road then do a TON of research before you do. Everyone reacts differently to these things so you need to understand how to minimize side effects. And if you play with your hormones you need to understand that your natural levels may not return to where they were before.
That being said, the benefits there is a lot to be gained by even running a simple test only cycle.
Thanks man, it's a huge decision. Im still making gains and feel I could do better with better gym use/ diet. So like you said I'm not sure that I want to yet.
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Looks like a great cycle. How do you like the Tren at that dosage? Any sides?
Surprised you need that much Adex at your Bf. Any idea where your estradiol is?
You got a good head on your shoulders. Just do a lot of research on it before you make a decision. Don't listen to guys in the gym, most of them are idiots. JP is spot on. We are here to help. And there's some decent boards out there for gear as well.