Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
I jacked my back up last Saturday... not from lifting at all but rather golf. I played 4 days in a row getting ready for a tournament after seeing an instructor whom made a big overhaul to my swing. It feels like my whole lower back is on fire at first then sore then fire then sore. It seems to be all muscle related as it does cause piriformis muscle to get very tight on my left side(the muscle that runs along your sciatic nerve). I get a weird sensation in the tip of my left index finger and left big toe. The sensation is gone as of yesterday so ill resume training tomorrow. Not the first time i have had this... i havent done any specific core strengthening exercises like plank holds or hollow rocks as i felt i didn't need to anymore... guess i was wrong. It seems to be caused my a flexsion issue when i am at the last part of my swing. I do genetically have very weak lower back muscles. looks like im back to accessory work directed at the core...
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Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I jacked my back up last Saturday... not from lifting at all but rather golf. I played 4 days in a row getting ready for a tournament after seeing an instructor whom made a big overhaul to my swing. It feels like my whole lower back is on fire at first then sore then fire then sore. It seems to be all muscle related as it does cause piriformis muscle to get very tight on my left side(the muscle that runs along your sciatic nerve). I get a weird sensation in the tip of my left index finger and left big toe. The sensation is gone as of yesterday so ill resume training tomorrow. Not the first time i have had this... i havent done any specific core strengthening exercises like plank holds or hollow rocks as i felt i didn't need to anymore... guess i was wrong. It seems to be caused my a flexsion issue when i am at the last part of my swing. I do genetically have very weak lower back muscles. looks like im back to accessory work directed at the core...

Sounds like you have good feel for what's going on with your back:thumb: I have learned over time that core strength is paramount... It doesn't matter if your a gymnast, powerlifter, golfer, or whatever core strength trumps all.


The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
I started box jumps yesterday, started @ 37". how often should I do them?

How much can you squat?

Lets think like this:

Box jump=dyno
Squat=1320 ft of asphalt

They are both tools, but one is a more accurate representation of force applied to the ground no matter if it is a truck or you.

Now, the explosive movement required to jump higher is going to be well served and developed through using other explosive movements in training. However, you can't load up weight to add resistance on a box jump, that is what a barbell is for.

The guys in here will give some advice as well, but I like one heavy day and one "dynamic" effort day. Go squat heavy once a week and then do speed work such as your box jumps the other day. Rinse and repeat.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Lets think like this:

Box jump=dyno
Squat=1320 ft of asphalt

They are both tools, but one is a more accurate representation of force applied to the ground no matter if it is a truck or you.

Now, the explosive movement required to jump higher is going to be well served and developed through using other explosive movements in training. However, you can't load up weight to add resistance on a box jump, that is what a barbell is for.

The guys in here will give some advice as well, but I like one heavy day and one "dynamic" effort day. Go squat heavy once a week and then do speed work such as your box jumps the other day. Rinse and repeat.

That's what I was eluding to... He either missed or ignored the videos of the heavy squatters out jumping most of the worlds population.

GMC do both as Bennett suggested if you want that vertical jump to take off...

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I always tell myself I should try some. But then I chicken out and don't.

nose tork always ends up in my shopping cart though.. :rofl:

I'm not quite beast worthy enough for that, I'd feel like a tool using smelling salts to squat 405:eek:... The wife has some Dottera oil called Breathe, holy hell that stuff opens the nasal passages up, I usually swab some in my snahzz before heading to the gym.


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Managed to do some sweet suitcase squats today.

Half rep x 165lb on one side and 195lb on the other
Worked to a 435x3

Worked up to a paused 275x3

Notes, should have ditched the damn half reset weight, but no, idiot me fought it up and most def tweaked the crap out of my side. hurray.:eek:

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Managed to do some sweet suitcase squats today.

Half rep x 165lb on one side and 195lb on the other
Worked to a 435x3

Worked up to a paused 275x3

Notes, should have ditched the damn half reset weight, but no, idiot me fought it up and most def tweaked the crap out of my side. hurray.:eek:

What the hell is a suitcase squat?


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Usually its with dumbbells, and you do squat motions with weight in one hand only. Imitates a "suitcase pickup" sort of motion. I just took it a step further and tossed an unbalanced 405lb on my shoulders :rofl: