Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread


The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
Ive got a somewhat of a physical issue Im looking for advise on...
Maybe/hopefully you guys can help...little background first

Ive never been much on weight lifting or a fitness nut, but Ive always been in excellent shape...As a soccer player for 22yrs, avid rock climber, snowboarder/instructor, and carpenter, my daily activities kept me slim, trim and strong

I kinda ran into several life crisis isuues in the last 3mo, they all happened one right after the other and are somewhat ongoing...

Ive been fightin everything from financial stress and relationship stress (on a multitude of levels), to anxiety and emotional trauma...

Ive lost allot of weight and dont really have an appetite, I didnt have much body fat to begin with and my body is sorta eating itself right now, Dr says Ive got allot of protien in my urine..

Im not sleeping much either cuz when I start to fall asleep I feel like the bed disappears and Im falling into an bottemless pit, so I wake up with a shot of adrenaline and am awake for a few hours more...

I was weighing in at about 192lbs give or take a couple (no clothes/shoes) w/a 34" waistline and now I'm down to about 178lbs and my jeans are fallin off my azz

Dont really mind being thinner so much as I mind that my tendons and ligiments feel strained all the time right now...and I feel weak and dont have the energy I used to

I know to be healthy I need to force myself to eat good foods regularly, sleep and stay as active as possible, I am still active but i dont have the motivation I used to...

Can anyone reccomend a recovery drink/mix that might have the soluble protiens and nutrients/vitamins that would aid me in gaining my general health back into shape? Im looking to score some insight to help both physical and mental health, i.e. Protein, nutrients and vitimans, essential oils/salts etc etc

Thanks a bunch in advance

There is so much info out there, but you don't need it to start taking some steps in the right direction. Here is my favorite summary of fitness, it is "world class fitness" by Greg Glassman:

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
One of the best squat tutorials I have ever watched... Can't wait to go do squats tomorrow and try this out!

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I love me some hip airplanes. :thumb: I've found most of Smelly's videos are good stuff.

Isn't Chris the guy that did the heaviest 4x BW Squat ever?

That is the same guy... Watch Mark Bells who is Chris Duffin vid? The guy is a super impressive human being. I'm a fan:thumb:


Sep 23, 2013
Any tips for my lower back? Pain is still there when I do certain things, I can't squat without pain in my tail bone.

I lasted 5 minutes at the gym this morning before I got so pissed off that I just left.. It's going to be a very fn long Monday..

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Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Any tips for my lower back? Pain is still there when I do certain things, I can't squat without pain in my tail bone.

I lasted 5 minutes at the gym this morning before I got so pissed off that I just left.. It's going to be a very fn long Monday..

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Watch the vid with Chris Duffin & silent Mike, I posted it above. Mike has a really sore back and they had just deadlifted the day before, Chris gave him some exercises to do, cat/camel, hip airplanes & Mckenzie pushups. My back was sore as heck from riding and deadlifts and just doing these simple exercises for a few minutes my back instantly felt better. I am for sure using these extensively in my warmups today. I have to squat 375x3x3.

Also I suspect you might have some Lumbar flexion or Butt Wink at the bottom of your squat that is aggravating your back. Care to post a side vid of you doing a normal squat? We might be able to pick some form defects up that are making you hurt.


Sep 23, 2013
Watch the vid with Chris Duffin & silent Mike, I posted it above. Mike has a really sore back and they had just deadlifted the day before, Chris gave him some exercises to do, cat/camel, hip airplanes & Mckenzie pushups. My back was sore as heck from riding and deadlifts and just doing these simple exercises for a few minutes my back instantly felt better. I am for sure using these extensively in my warmups today. I have to squat 375x3x3.

Also I suspect you might have some Lumbar flexion or Butt Wink at the bottom of your squat that is aggravating your back. Care to post a side vid of you doing a normal squat? We might be able to pick some form defects up that are making you hurt.

I'll watch it when I get home and try to get a video of me doing a squat. I seem to do better with weight though so it might be tomorrow at the gym.


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The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
Squats today. Deadlift for fun afterwards.

Squats: 3x 305,310,and 315
DL 6's up to 315 and did 3x6 at that weight.

Went back for some C&J work and ended up doing 275 for a front squat 3rm. Happy with that after all those reps this morning.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Squat day I guess:rofl:
Warm ups
cat,camel,Mckenzie press,Airplanes
375x2 Felt 2 twinges in my mid to low back on rep 2 *sigh*.... Stopped there
135x3x12-15 reps keeping heat in my back

Leg extensions
Ham curls

Back hypers

Lots of foam rolling and bouncy ball stretching. Back is tight and sore but still moving.
800 mg of advil, Deep blue rub, Ice on and off. Feels okayish. Will try out back strength on friday for deads:D

375 went good, to bad I didn't warm enough apparently.


The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
Maybe work in some banded good mornings or do reverse hyper to warm up the back as you warm up squat. That is what I've switched to doing after some back injuries. Either way, keep it moving and warm as you have. :)

"Mckenzie press" aka bad pushups to warm up back.. LOL. good stuff. I do them every morning.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Maybe work in some banded good mornings or do reverse hyper to warm up the back as you warm up squat. That is what I've switched to doing after some back injuries. Either way, keep it moving and warm as you have. :)

"Mckenzie press" aka bad pushups to warm up back.. LOL. good stuff. I do them every morning.

Yep, this was all my fault... Rushed the warmup for no reason really. Oh well live and learn. I feel much better now so that is good.


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Ya big jump if thats gonna be a close to max set, always tough getting a warm up set to properly warm you up but not fry your CNS.

Maybe add a couple singles of 355 next time, prior to the 375 jump.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Ya big jump if thats gonna be a close to max set, always tough getting a warm up set to properly warm you up but not fry your CNS.

Maybe add a couple singles of 355 next time, prior to the 375 jump.

I was trying to not over do it on the warmups and rushed it a little too much. I think your right on the smaller jumps at the bigger weights. Next time...

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Back is tight but feels okay-ish...

Bench day
warm up very carefully:D
Dynamic stretching
bar for 12
317x6x2 Probably could have done the 3x3 but didn't have a spotter today and didn't want to have a failed set. Pretty happy with 12 solid reps at 317.

Tried some back work to see how it felt.
Dumb bell row
90x12 Right side was no problem at all, got to rep 6 on the left and felt the twinge again... Stopped there, good news is, it's for sure a muscle and not a disc (left spinal erector). I wasn't sure at first. Bad news is I probably will have to skip Deads this friday... Meets is close, so not sure how well I will do squatting and Deadlifting?
Did some light seated military press
Wide grip pull ups


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
Worked with Tom Campitelli yesterday he's a Strengthing Strength coach who does seminars withh Rippetoe... He taught me the olympic press which f**kin sucks but I feel way more tension in my upper body. He also wants me to do low bar squats which is what we worked on also.

Back squat
45lb 2x5
55lb 1x5
90lb 1x3
135lb 1x2
160.5 3x5

45lb 2x5
55lb 1x5
66lb 1x3
95lb 1x2
108lb 3x5

45lb 2x5
110lb 1x3
175lb 1x2
200.5lb 1x5

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Worked with Tom Campitelli yesterday he's a Strengthing Strength coach who does seminars withh Rippetoe... He taught me the olympic press which f**kin sucks but I feel way more tension in my upper body. He also wants me to do low bar squats which is what we worked on also.

Back squat
45lb 2x5
55lb 1x5
90lb 1x3
135lb 1x2
160.5 3x5

45lb 2x5
55lb 1x5
66lb 1x3
95lb 1x2
108lb 3x5

45lb 2x5
110lb 1x3
175lb 1x2
200.5lb 1x5

Good work Nick:thumb: Having a coach to watch and help with your form/technique can be nice.