Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread


The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
So I'm super late to this party but been itching to get into lifting. I'm a little fella. 5'11" 170 and I don't remember the last time I walked into the gym, but question for you guys with back injuries...how bad are yours and what is helping you be able to lift and not hurt like a mofo the next day. Some days I feel like I can barely move and I'm thinking some core strengthening is in order to help thsi

My back injury is nerve damage related to an accident. Lifting makes it flare up sometimes, but I have found that lots of back injuries that are muscle related are due to tight hamstrings or hip flexors. Get your stretch on and stay safe. Mobility is no joke. :thumb:


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
I've got 4 herniated discs all on top of each other in my extreme lower back. Some days I can't feel the lower half of my left leg...not normal but doc said he wants to fuse the vertebrae together. At 27 I said o hell no. So I'm stretching alot and if I absolutely need it I get a cortizone shot, but I figured lifting might help me as well and you fellas seem to be very knowledgeable on the topic. Will day though I've been pain free for the better part of a few months with just stretching

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
So I'm super late to this party but been itching to get into lifting. I'm a little fella. 5'11" 170 and I don't remember the last time I walked into the gym, but question for you guys with back injuries...how bad are yours and what is helping you be able to lift and not hurt like a mofo the next day. Some days I feel like I can barely move and I'm thinking some core strengthening is in order to help thsi

Well Mr. Rigger. I compression fractured 2 vertebrae in my lower back racing dirt bikes about 13-14 years ago. I stopped racing about 8-9 years ago and put 25 pounds on and was always sore. I could throw my back out just putting my boots on in the morning and did several times... Im also pretty competitive on snowmachines, If you have ever gotten one stuck you know how hard on your back that can be. So coupled with Dirt bikes, sleds, and being a Heavy Equipment Mechanic(20 years now). I figured my back would get fused soon like my dads...

About 4 years ago a good friend of mine started harping on me to go to the gym with him. I think he just liked taking people and wrecking them once or twice, then they would quit, Im not a quitter. So I pretty much started doing the normal body builder stuff 4x10 on single muscle groups. I packed on muscle and the fat went away.

About 9 months ago I got bored with BB stuff and decided powerlifting might be fun... But I told myself no getting fat, I wanted to be jacked and strong as F*ck.

So last comp I squatted a light 375 and deadlifted 485 both of those lifts were under my potential that day... I just ran out of attempts...

My back is still sore but only because I'm pushing big numbers for me...

You will see the biggest improvement by just going and getting yourself moving around. Work on stretching and start with light weights, get your form and techniques down before you try adding pounds to the bar.

Do you have a friend that goes to the gym regular that can help you with lifts? If not hire a Personal Trainer for a few months to make sure your form is on point. If your a cheap ass like me You-tube has a ton of lifting advice... Some is good some is bad...

And as always just ask here plenty of regulars that can offer advice.

Whoa, that was a mouth full haha... Clear as mud?


The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
I've got 4 herniated discs all on top of each other in my extreme lower back. Some days I can't feel the lower half of my left leg...not normal but doc said he wants to fuse the vertebrae together. At 27 I said o hell no. So I'm stretching alot and if I absolutely need it I get a cortizone shot, but I figured lifting might help me as well and you fellas seem to be very knowledgeable on the topic. Will day though I've been pain free for the better part of a few months with just stretching

If you feel safe lifting, keep up with your stretching.

You know the drill: technique and range of motion are higher priority than intensity and weight.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I've got 4 herniated discs all on top of each other in my extreme lower back. Some days I can't feel the lower half of my left leg...not normal but doc said he wants to fuse the vertebrae together. At 27 I said o hell no. So I'm stretching alot and if I absolutely need it I get a cortizone shot, but I figured lifting might help me as well and you fellas seem to be very knowledgeable on the topic. Will day though I've been pain free for the better part of a few months with just stretching

Hmm, 4 disks? I'm with mile high, lots of stretching. When the spinous erectors get hurt they can pull the vert. out of place same as the glutes etc. etc. I like to visit massage therapist on a regular basis. Reverse Hypers always make my back feel better. It helps align the spine. Also those contraptions that allow you to hang by feet can do wonders to take pressure off of the spine.

I would hold off on getting the fuse done until you can't bare the pain anymore... My Dad has the lowers fused and had to get some fused in his neck now as well. It hepled with the pain but decreases mobility a ton.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I'm reading this thread on my phone while flopping around on a foam roller. :D

I do love to hate that thing. Mines a Pink trigger point roller I stole from my wife:rofl: That coupled with my pink I-pod Nano gets me some strange looks in the gym... I just wink at them and blow kisses:D


The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
I do love to hate that thing. Mines a Pink trigger point roller I stole from my wife:rofl: That coupled with my pink I-pod Nano gets me some strange looks in the gym... I just wink at them and blow kisses:D

Pink ipod with good tunes before the weak music the globo gym plays 10 times out of 10. :thumb:

Tomorrow is a MR10 set at 280 plus the 10 sets of back off squats with short rest. Monday's MR10 set was 275 and felt good. Hard, but that is why it was good. Pumped to hit some big weight. I want that 350! When I was running distance I couldn't squat 185 to a respectable depth and still get up. :eek:

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Pink ipod with good tunes before the weak music the globo gym plays 10 times out of 10. :thumb:

Tomorrow is a MR10 set at 280 plus the 10 sets of back off squats with short rest. Monday's MR10 set was 275 and felt good. Hard, but that is why it was good. Pumped to hit some big weight. I want that 350! When I was running distance I couldn't squat 185 to a respectable depth and still get up. :eek:

Heck ya! Just so you know 275 for 10 is about 367 for a single:thumb: I bet you smash that 350 squat at the end of this cylce.


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
X1000% mobility is the key, the strength part can come in time and SLOWLY.
For sure. I stretch in the morning when I wake up, then maybe 30 min later after a shower and that helps a ton with movement. I do 5 min or so of stretching before bed as well. But i have a question. Are they any stretches that are specifically for the back, whether it be upper, mid or lower?


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
For sure. I stretch in the morning when I wake up, then maybe 30 min later after a shower and that helps a ton with movement. I do 5 min or so of stretching before bed as well. But i have a question. Are they any stretches that are specifically for the back, whether it be upper, mid or lower?

If your gym has a hyperextension setup, make it your best friend.

I will usually use that to slowly warm up my lower back pre and after a heavy squat day. Really seems to help my lower back out.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Hypers, Inversion tables (really feels good to take the load off the disks and spine), simple ham string stretches all kinds of variants you can do with those (legs together, wide, straight back, rounded back etc.), lat stretches, foam rollers (careful with that, go slow), lay with your back on the ground and twist your legs over the top of one another (low back stretch), Scorpions same but with your stomach on the ground.
Elliot Hulse has some really good ones. He also built a critter called the biometric stool, which works awesome. You can use a large training ball and get similar results. Anyway he can go a little deep but if you spend some time watching his videos he has a ton of good ideas & tips.


The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
Heck ya! Just so you know 275 for 10 is about 367 for a single:thumb: I bet you smash that 350 squat at the end of this cylce.

I got the 280 for 10 today. Actually I did 11 because I can't count...the video I took to check form proves I'm a headcase.

Off to do some CrossFit nonsense now. :D


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
I got the 280 for 10 today. Actually I did 11 because I can't count...the video I took to check form proves I'm a headcase.

Off to do some CrossFit nonsense now. :D

Are you doing the Open? 15.1 is going to be announced in 75 minutes :D


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Decided to workout today with the gf, so a day early on the "Monday" routine.

But, got that 425x5 squat, and 245x5 paused bench. Gonna be sore tmmr I think.