Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I just got some Romaleos in the mail yesterday. Excited to use them. My do-wins suck they are a year old and the sole is coming off to the point ive almost eaten it walking out squats. Got some Reebok power shoes (they call them crossfit lite tr?) and i like those for deads or my new balance minimus trainers.

You will love the Romaleo. I have been eyeing those new Reebok Deadlift shoes, might have to pull the trigger.


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
My dowins are close to three years old and look brand new still, they are only on my feet once I am in the gym and squatting, otherwise they stay in a bag.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Okay breaks over for me...
Squats last night.
4X10X260 Holy sheet legs burning

1 & 3/4 back squats (high bar) drive out of the hole, stop 3/4 of the way up, then go back down. so basically 1 rep is 2 squats (just shy of lockout). Not sure what they call them other than painful:D Figured I would start light and adjust.... Nope 135 was all I wanted...
Thankfully I ran out time to do any thing else... I have to work tomorrow:(

F-me, limped out of the gym... Going low volume high weight, back to high volume low weight is a b*tch:rofl:


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
I do not envy you, high volume shit always just messed me up and never made me feel stronger.

My retro finally, fiiinnally got a new bar... ohhh dat fresh knurling feel, back is a lil tore up.

Yesterday was a "heavy" day, so 415x3 squat, 235x3 bench, 255x3 row, mentally was not all there, squats felt way to heavy but got what I needed done.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I do not envy you, high volume shit always just messed me up and never made me feel stronger.

My retro finally, fiiinnally got a new bar... ohhh dat fresh knurling feel, back is a lil tore up.

Yesterday was a "heavy" day, so 415x3 squat, 235x3 bench, 255x3 row, mentally was not all there, squats felt way to heavy but got what I needed done.

I here you... Just trying to work some Hypertrophy into my little b*tch legs:D I'm going to make them stronger or break the mother F'ers off:thumb:

Oh, and how I love the feel of a high end Barbell... Oh so nice lol


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Oh its not high end by any means, thing was whipping like hell with 415 on it, but, the lack of sliding down my back is a plus, so I will take what I can get. :)

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Oh its not high end by any means, thing was whipping like hell with 415 on it, but, the lack of sliding down my back is a plus, so I will take what I can get. :)

Good Knurling makes a big difference. The only bar with the proper diameter at my gym is pretty old and the knurling is trashed from lots of Meathead use:rofl: & it's whippy as hell.

I'm always amazed when I go to a meet and use the Eleiko Power bar, that thing is beefy. Little to no whip and perfect knurling. Although, if it ever slipped it's taking half your skin with it;)


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Yea, a good bar is amazing to use after a life of crappy equipment.

Only good thing crappy bars make for is deadlifting, you can get half way to lockout before the plates leave the ground.:rofl:


The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
I'm always amazed when I go to a meet and use the Eleiko Power bar, that thing is beefy. Little to no whip and perfect knurling. Although, if it ever slipped it's taking half your skin with it;)

The Eleiko competition bars and training bars have different knurling on them. The competition bars would suck to train with; they are incredibly sharp! Their production tolerances are crazy too. They say they are within 7 grams or something stupid like that.


The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
We had an in-house competition today at the gym. Three workouts back to back.

8 Min amrap:
5 hand release burpees
7 KB swangs at 55
9 Wall balls

The swings were super light. We always use the 70s unless it is super high rep, so I just did muscle snatches pretty much because it is way faster.

#2: 10 Minutes to get a 1RM front squat. Got 295. Ran out of time. 300 was within reach, but not much more after all those wall balls.

row 50 cal
40 DL @165
30 box jumps at 24"
20 ball slams at 40
10 "c&j" at 165 but lets be honest, crossfit: it's ground to overhead.
14 minute time cap.

Not sure my time, but I finished with some time left. I didn't eat after we started and I was out of gas by the time I got off the rower.

In other news, Candito action starts Monday. I'm pumped. Ready to get strong.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
The Eleiko competition bars and training bars have different knurling on them. The competition bars would suck to train with; they are incredibly sharp! Their production tolerances are crazy too. They say they are within 7 grams or something stupid like that.

Pretty sure I wouldn't have any hands or back left if I trained daily with it. Sure is nice come PR time:thumb:

Would like to check out a Ivanko bar as well. The Comp plates we use are Ivanko but the bar was Eleiko. Also heard Rouges new power bar is very nice and much easier on the wallet than the other 2. I need to move back to civilization Duramax parts and weights are stupid expensive to ship up here:rofl:

Good luck with Candito's program:thumb:


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
just out of curiosity i checked to see what that power was to ship to Fairbanks and its 89$ :eek::eek:


New member
Nov 30, 2011
Goldsboro, NC
Went and did squats and deadlifts couple days ago. My partner couldnt go to the gym with me so I said F*it and went and did legs.

Have two new PR under my belt now. I weigh in at 222.4 currently and did 455 for 2 reps on squats. That was my 5th set too. Worked up to it. Then did 525 deadlift with a 2 second hold at lockout. I've got about 6 weeks before I leave here to up those from 455/525 to 500/600. Ive been averaging 50 lb gains every 4 to 5 weeks so maybe I can get them there. lol I'm ready to start doing bench again. That is Tuesday, so hopefully my shoulder is good enough to get back into it by then.

On a side note. Trying new product called JYM. I got the preworkout, alpha, ZMA, Shred for when that phase hits. Then got my standard MRI Pro-Nos protein.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Free shipping here: http://www.muscledriverusa.com/

I plugged in 99701 to see if it changed from $0.00 and it didn't. I isn't an eleiko, but it's a good bar.

A TPB was always on my list if I get setup at home

I think it may be cheaper if you source through capps but idk, its been a while since I researched em.
Thanks Guys, I will probably wait until after I move back to Idaho this summer sometime... I can't believe all the crap I have accumulated, F-me:eek:

Went and did squats and deadlifts couple days ago. My partner couldnt go to the gym with me so I said F*it and went and did legs.

Have two new PR under my belt now. I weigh in at 222.4 currently and did 455 for 2 reps on squats. That was my 5th set too. Worked up to it. Then did 525 deadlift with a 2 second hold at lockout. I've got about 6 weeks before I leave here to up those from 455/525 to 500/600. Ive been averaging 50 lb gains every 4 to 5 weeks so maybe I can get them there. lol I'm ready to start doing bench again. That is Tuesday, so hopefully my shoulder is good enough to get back into it by then.

On a side note. Trying new product called JYM. I got the preworkout, alpha, ZMA, Shred for when that phase hits. Then got my standard MRI Pro-Nos protein.

Dude, I would kill for 50 pound gains every 4-5 weeks. Nice work. I modified my workout program to use more Hypertrophy in the early phases and modeled it out to 14 weeks with the help of a friend... Hoping that gets my weak azz legs to grow:thumb:


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Down side to having a floating workout schedule, sometimes I end up in the gym on Mondays... :mad:

But, got my weights, 415x5 squat, 235x5 paused bench, 265x5 rows. Was squatting in the stupid half rack BS with fixed safety bars, kept smacking em :D


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
Just curious what have you guys noticed from lifting? As in no more pain in your back, knees, better overall health etc..


The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
Just curious what have you guys noticed from lifting? As in no more pain in your back, knees, better overall health etc..

When I got into olympic lifting and stopped hitting big reps of stuff like bench, I had far less joint pain. I didn't know my elbows and shoulders could feel so good, actually. :roflmao: