Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread


That just happened!
Mar 10, 2010
In my House
you guys are beast. i will update yall. 200@ 73"

i finally broke the 245 mark for bench for 4
deadlift i dont do much of but i do traps with 315
decline 95lb free weights for 8
incline 95lb for 8
squat 325 for 8
leg press 980 for 8
leg ext 180 for 8
military press 75 for 8
also i just started back on protein before i was only eating tuna.
i want to hit 315 bench by summer.
body builder challenges is what i do btw also add some of my own things


New member
Nov 30, 2011
Goldsboro, NC
Right on! Wherever you are be safe man, all of ya:thumb:

Id say whatever your doing stay with it... F-me those are impressive numbers in a short amount of time.

I was wrong on his weight... He signed up for the same powerlifting meet as me at 325. Either I didn't here him correctly or he has a hell of a cut to make:eek:

I'm closer to a 2X bw bench than he is but 500 pounds on a bar is impressive no matter what size the man.

Its pretty safe over where I am right now. Better than my last three.

I remember in high school being 172 and my coach would push me to do squats heavy. Was doing 405 for 10 reps. I honestly dont think I was doing them right though from what I remember. lol I am now, going down to 90 and all. I'm always up to trying new programs though. Its not a lot of difference from what I was doing, just more times a week. We will see in time as this is the end of week 1 for me and my workout partner.

Very true though, 500 bench is very impressive to me regardless of the body weight. 500 much of any of the three is impressive. I had literally the whole gym watching me when I did the 500. Didn't pay any attention to that, was in the zone...

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Burn down, do you know about what percent bf you are?

Probably 13-15%ish I have never had it formally checked but I have been packing on some muscle and fat trying to get my F-ing squat to go up:D Im at about 208 pounds right now. After this meet next weekend it's time to cut back down to 190-195.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Its pretty safe over where I am right now. Better than my last three.

I remember in high school being 172 and my coach would push me to do squats heavy. Was doing 405 for 10 reps. I honestly dont think I was doing them right though from what I remember. lol I am now, going down to 90 and all. I'm always up to trying new programs though. Its not a lot of difference from what I was doing, just more times a week. We will see in time as this is the end of week 1 for me and my workout partner.

Very true though, 500 bench is very impressive to me regardless of the body weight. 500 much of any of the three is impressive. I had literally the whole gym watching me when I did the 500. Didn't pay any attention to that, was in the zone...

Haha I'm still working on my first 500... Hopefully my back behaves and next weekend it happens:thumb:

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
you guys are beast. i will update yall. 200@ 73"

i finally broke the 245 mark for bench for 4
deadlift i dont do much of but i do traps with 315
decline 95lb free weights for 8
incline 95lb for 8
squat 325 for 8
leg press 980 for 8
leg ext 180 for 8
military press 75 for 8
also i just started back on protein before i was only eating tuna.
i want to hit 315 bench by summer.
body builder challenges is what i do btw also add some of my own things

Your on your way bud, keep hammering.


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
Probably 13-15%ish I have never had it formally checked but I have been packing on some muscle and fat trying to get my F-ing squat to go up:D Im at about 208 pounds right now. After this meet next weekend it's time to cut back down to 190-195.

I'm sitting at about 11 right now. 182. I want 200 at 11% so damn bad. Really hammering the legs. I'm just sick of eating lol.


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
any of you guys do cardio? i miss running lol

Prob start training for a couple 5ks with the gf but thats it.

I can mentally focus myself to unrack close to 600 and embrace near death with it but running for longer than 30min and I get bored. :D


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
I am not super low bf% but I do have little issue with hovering at my 220-230lb bw

Last week of my deadlift routine and I missed it :mad:

1x565 <- should have been two

I think I def could have gotten that last one, but, sloppy form leads to breaking shit so, next week.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
any of you guys do cardio? i miss running lol

how are you guys at such a low BF % without cardio?

No cardio for me until after next weekend... Cardio can be counterproductive to a powerlifter... Besides my knees are sore for a couple days after heavy squatting. The last thing I want to do is run on them:D

I lowered my body fat before with just heavy lifting, supersets and high intensity cardio once or twice a week. Diet is more important than anything for leanness, abs aren't built in the gym, there built in the kitchen...


Sep 23, 2013
You guys and your deadlift anger me lol.

Ok so now to find a deadlift program.

I pulled 425x1 today and everyone one in the gym watched like wtf is going on.. If I had another pair of plates on there I don't know what they would think..


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
No cardio for me until after next weekend... Cardio can be counterproductive to a powerlifter... Besides my knees are sore for a couple days after heavy squatting. The last thing I want to do is run on them:D

I lowered my body fat before with just heavy lifting, supersets and high intensity cardio once or twice a week. Diet is more important than anything for leanness, abs aren't built in the gym, there built in the kitchen...

What's your diet look like?

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I'm eating everything I can currently... 2-3 50 gram protein shakes a day & normal meals. Usually a monster salad with Chicken, Chicken, Bison Burger and Sweet Potato or rice. I eat a lot of calories but try to limit them to good whole foods, very little cheese & bread.

After this meet I will start cutting down. I want to maintain my strength and muscle as much as possible while losing fat. I will start counting calories, macros & body fat as I go.


Dead Wrong
Mar 4, 2008
Albert I would do some reading on protein intake. There is no need to take in more than about 1g/kg. Lots of old NFL athletes ended up on dialysis when the high protein fad came out and new studies are showing that athletes take in way more than is needed. For example when calculating basal energy expenditure plus stress expenditure on a burn patient, more than 1.5g/kg is rarely beneficial in lean mass maintenance as protein ends up becoming a caloric source vs a nitrogen source in excess. That being said, your caloric and protein needs will not exceed that of a burn patient for lean mass requirements.
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