10x5 OHP @115, 60 sec rest between sets, but between rounds 1,2,3 and 8,9,10 I did rows: 3x10 wide grip row @135 and 3x10 supinated grip row @135
5 rounds:
10 sandbag to shoulder, 100lbs
200 ft farmer carry, 115 lbs per hand. Got new carry handles. Did not disappoint.
20 KB swings @ 80lbs (that pig has some gravity in her)
200 ft sled pull
Start each movement at the top of the minute. If you didn't finish your work, no rest for you. Less reps sounds like it's easier here, but you had to tear the thing's head off to get anything done, otherwise you sit there, hands on knees, staring at the sand bag for 30 seconds before you know it.
Sleeve tightening accessories:
3x8 kroc row, 75's, Did it at 5111 tempo since grip was gonzo and there wasn't enough chalk in the building to get my act together with anything heavier:joker:
3x8 dips