Last night had trouble sleeping, some meat heads done got me to excited to pull shit off the floor
. So got up at 5:30 as couldn't sleep anymore and came to the gym to feel like a weak little girl lol. So I rowed for 5 min and got a good sweat on, rolled out for 10 min and stretched for another 10. Went and did some light, high rep hammy curls, side lunges, Romanian deads. Then we moved onto the man lift lol.
Conventional. Barx5, 95x5, 135x5, 155x4, 175x2, 185x3, 195x2, rested for 5 min and tried 205. At first my back said no so I stepped back took a few breaths and reset. Ran through my head how Mark bell said he does a checklist. Core tight and braced, shoulders back, back flat with neutral spine, hips below the shoulders and push through the floor to over the knees and then pull that bitch in with hip drive. So after I ran that for a split second I gave her hell. Came off the floor like a million pounds it felt but once I was up the fire was lit. Went PR. Previous was 195 x2 6 months ago. So 1RM calculator puts me at 230...not sure I could do that but whatever. I'm happy and have numbers for candito now.