Haven't convinced myself if I should get some better dedicated shoes. Torn between the Nike Romelos and the Converse Chuck Taylors. Not sure these Nike shox are right for heavy to me squats and deads.
Yesterday did bench/triceps/biceps.
Bench. 45x25, 95x10, 135x10, 165x7x3s, 150x8x2s, 135x10, 135x7.
Incline 1 arm DB Bench hold the other one at full extension to work on stability. 25sx10, 40sx10, 50sx6, 50sx7, 35sx10.
Decline DB flys...lot harder than anticipated lol. 15sx10x2s.
Rope push down/alt bicep dB curl superset. 5 sets, went heavy for 6 reps and then dropped weight each set and went to failure each time on each exercise. Smoked!
Today. Back.
Hybrid tbar row since we don't have one.
WG Lat PD. 105x10x3s, 90x10 really squeeze the bottom.
Underhand cable row. 90x10x2s
Vbar pulldown. 105x10x3s.
High cable rows. 90x10x2s, 135x10.
Deads. 135x5, 135x10, 135x5, 135x10, 155x10. Felt great and zero back pain so must have been correct for right?