Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
You can build strength to fast when your starting out.... Then the weight sneaks up on you and snap city, been there dude:(

Ya I hear that... I was moving around 1.5 times my body weight like it was no problem. except shoulder mobility sucked as did t-spine, hips and ankles. Snatching has allowed my shoulder mobility to improve by 100% and yoga has helped everything else. i just want wanna get back to 250/300 and go for reps. Im about ready to start going heavy again. :D


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
I started doing alot more bench. Noticed that weight I used as working weight has become to easy. I do 8 sets of 3 at 105. 3 every minute until I get 8 sets. That is my warm up. Then I got to 125,135,145,155. I do medium grip flat 1 set of 6 on each of those weights. Then for a killer I back them all down 20...105,115,125,135 and do 1.25 close grip reps. 1 set of 6 on each. It's down, quick pause, up 1/4, quick pause, down quick pause then contract hard and push up as quickly as I can controlled.

2-3 days later I do incline bench with the same flat bench warm up and and the incline I do sets of 6 at my weights but I do them in supersets with neutral grip pull ups. I do 4-6 reps on pull ups. After is a various amount of dumbell work but my chest is starting to come around.

Now if only I could get my legs and back to follow suit I'd be set lol

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The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
When you say OHP I'm guessing you mean overhead press?

Yes, but my answer is only valid if strength is the only limitation in the movement for you right now. That's why he asked about your setup; do you have a plan when you lay hands on the bar, or do you grip and rip? Walk us through what you do and what other accessory work you do right now.


It’s only temporary!
Apr 28, 2009
Natrona Heights PA
Chris please take the time to watch these videos... Save yourself a bunch of time by just learning the correct movements the first time, trust me. They say it takes like 300-400 reps to build a motor pattern and 3000-4000 reps to break a bad one... These are some of my favorites.

Anywho Chris some state diff. opinions on foot position and forward lean but find what works for you:thumb:
Thanks for those videos! I plan on starting very slow and focusing on form above all.
So I Benched and Squated today with my wife, cause after 20 years we still like to hang with eachother:thumb:
I go to the gym with my wife also. Im trying to get her into some more complex lifting like squats. Had her do a deadlift last week. I was surprisef she did her body weight, 105, on her first try.
So I've been lifting for sometime on and off and I'm pretty happy with all of my lifts (especially my deadlifts) but my bench. I'm having a hell of a time increasing it. Any ideas or recommendations would be great!

Do you do inclines and declines with a bar and dumbbells? Military press helped me increase a few years ago when I was stuck around 185.


you never had your car.
Apr 30, 2013
elsberry mo
For bench I started working on bringing my hands closer together on the bar, I was so wide when I started I was tearing my shoulders up. Keep your elbows in and really focus on your chest, I kind of try to push my hands toward eachother if that makes scents. Don't forget to keep your feet flat and tighten up that core. Dont move your feet once you start going if you can help it, basic stuff but I knew nothing when I started and all that helped me out alot.


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Feet flat is for flexible people! :joker:

I bench on my toes cause I am a inflexible PL, with an ironic nice arch of flexibility. ;)


Aug 17, 2010
Southeast Iowa
Yes, but my answer is only valid if strength is the only limitation in the movement for you right now. That's why he asked about your setup; do you have a plan when you lay hands on the bar, or do you grip and rip? Walk us through what you do and what other accessory work you do right now.
I put my hands in the exact same place everytime (try and put my pink fingers on the smooth strip right after the gnarled section if you have any idea what part I'm talking about). I think my form is alright but I'm just not going up in weight like I think I should.

Thanks for those videos! I plan on starting very slow and focusing on form above all.

I go to the gym with my wife also. Im trying to get her into some more complex lifting like squats. Had her do a deadlift last week. I was surprisef she did her body weight, 105, on her first try.

Do you do inclines and declines with a bar and dumbbells? Military press helped me increase a few years ago when I was stuck around 185.

I do inclines and declines with dumbells, maybe I should try doing it with a barbell?


Honey Badger
Sep 25, 2010
Hagerstown MD
Went to the gym last night. That was a first for me. Usually go in the am when no one is there. You get some strange looks when youre the skinny guy doing deads. Lol. Up to 175 in a set of 6. Gonna try a one rep max in another week or two. Doing 205 on the leg press with ease. Im starting to really like leg day now.

Im thinking of adding squats in the next month. You meatheads have any tips or warnings for me?
Just out of curiosity what do you weigh? I dead lifted 300 the first time i tried but im a bigger guy, i assume dead lift is like some other lifts where its proportional to size and weight.


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
I put tape marks on my bar at home so I always put my hands in the same spot. I just need my knees and hip flexor region to get more limber and flixible so I can squat a little better. Need someone like that Albert fella around here to show me how to get shit done lol

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you never had your car.
Apr 30, 2013
elsberry mo
Not crowded today, it was awesome.
Flat dumbells 75s for a warm up for 10.
Then did a set with the 95s for 10
then a set with 100s for 10
Then 105s for 6
105s for 7 lol don't know where the extra one came from:rofl:

Inclined dumbells with 80s steep incline for 10 for 2 sets, then a shallower incline and did 90s for 10 for 2 sets.
weighted dips with a single plate 4 sets of 8.
Actually got on the pec deck, tore that up. then lost track of time doing cable triceps ropes, bar, then singles.
Feel really good, finally after all the crowds at the gym have been f'ing up my routine pretty bad.


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
^beast mode ZF

I'm sitting at 175 and pretty damn lean. Leaner than my last pic. 5'11