Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread


you never had your car.
Apr 30, 2013
elsberry mo
Just because someone starts a thread the complete opposite of this one isn't a bad thing. It was meant to be funny, hence its posted in "the comedy club". I would love to workout. I don't have time or feel like it with my body the way it is, neck/back/knee problems. Have had too many motorcycle/4 wheeler accidents. Another reason I don't workout is I work to much and don't want to leave my beautiful wife with our 2 precious children all the time. She needs her time to. If I have offended anyone I apologize, never meant to do that in any way, shape or form. Enjoy your "young kittens" while you can, been there done that and wouldn't trade my life right now with anyone :)

No hard feelings here:thumb:


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
First day back under the bar, and am I gonna be sore tmmr.:rofl:

Managed a 365 triple in squats and then realized I forgot my belt. :eek: Other than that mishap, felt good to workout after a couple weeks. Think I may schedule a deep muscle massage and see how painful that is.


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
last night.

1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch 85% 1RM
2 Power Snatch + 2 Snatch 80% 1RM
3 Power Snatch + 3 Snatch 75% 1RM

Front Squat
4x2 185lbs beltless

1x5 135lbs
1x5 165lbs
1x5 195lbs
3x5 225lbs

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Just because someone starts a thread the complete opposite of this one isn't a bad thing. It was meant to be funny, hence its posted in "the comedy club". I would love to workout. I don't have time or feel like it with my body the way it is, neck/back/knee problems. Have had too many motorcycle/4 wheeler accidents. Another reason I don't workout is I work to much and don't want to leave my beautiful wife with our 2 precious children all the time. She needs her time to. If I have offended anyone I apologize, never meant to do that in any way, shape or form. Enjoy your "young kittens" while you can, been there done that and wouldn't trade my life right now with anyone :)

You can do whatever you like:thumb: I thought the thread was in poor taste but that's just my opinion. Which is why I didn't reply in it.

Im a father and husband first:thumb: I have raised three girls, fought through countless injuries and set backs, dealt with broken bones and fractured vertebrae in my back, work 12 hours days as a Heavy Equipment Tech., & I'm 40 years old. I know what I need to do to be good at each, I make the time. I refuse to sit back and make excuses for myself... I go to the gym at 2:30am in the morning sometimes if I have family/life obligations. My wife and I train together regularly and try to show our kids a healthy life style.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
First day back under the bar, and am I gonna be sore tmmr.:rofl:

Managed a 365 triple in squats and then realized I forgot my belt. :eek: Other than that mishap, felt good to workout after a couple weeks. Think I may schedule a deep muscle massage and see how painful that is.

Where Da Fuc are the cruise gains?:D

Deep tissue are the bomb. Make sure you have the rest of the day to recover. Sometimes I'm as sore from that as a workout Matt.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
So I Benched and Squated today with my wife, cause after 20 years we still like to hang with eachother:thumb:


Feeling puny for my squats

Right knee is pretty sore. I had some knee caving issues 2 weeks ago and it aggravated my knee pretty good. Stayed out of the really heavy stuff for more than just singles or doubles and focused on keeping the knees out. Back is feeling really good. My CNS is fried really need a de-load bad... One more week and I get a breather before the meet. Probably will lower my attempts a touch, will see how I feel come meet day.


The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
You can do whatever you like:thumb: I thought the thread was in poor taste but that's just my opinion. Which is why I didn't reply in it.

Im a father and husband first:thumb: I have raised three girls, fought through countless injuries and set backs, dealt with broken bones and fractured vertebrae in my back, work 12 hours days as a Heavy Equipment Tech., & I'm 40 years old. I know what I need to do to be good at each, I make the time. I refuse to sit back and make excuses for myself... I go to the gym at 2:30am in the morning sometimes if I have family/life obligations. My wife and I train together regularly and try to show our kids a healthy life style.

What you have said here is the non-Dbag version of what I posted there. The truth is our lovers and our kids are why we are here and I have nothing but respect for that, but the body you build for yourself can keep your lover wanting more every day and the kids aware of what is really possible and healthy.

OR you can be lazy, have a dead bedroom and kids with ambition and health issues. These are extreme examples, but on a long enough timeline they are realistic.


Active member
Sep 28, 2014
What you have said here is the non-Dbag version of what I posted there. The truth is our lovers and our kids are why we are here and I have nothing but respect for that, but the body you build for yourself can keep your lover wanting more every day and the kids aware of what is really possible and healthy.

OR you can be lazy, have a dead bedroom and kids with ambition and health issues. These are extreme examples, but on a long enough timeline they are realistic.
Even less extreme but more importantly is just do it to be there for them as long as possible. :thumb:

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
What you have said here is the non-Dbag version of what I posted there. The truth is our lovers and our kids are why we are here and I have nothing but respect for that, but the body you build for yourself can keep your lover wanting more every day and the kids aware of what is really possible and healthy.

OR you can be lazy, have a dead bedroom and kids with ambition and health issues. These are extreme examples, but on a long enough timeline they are realistic.

Yes sir!

I bumped into a good friend of mine yesterday at the Gym. Ben Brent is turning 80 next month, he is a 163 class lifter. Is a IPF world level judge, ex cop, Ex military, Ninjitsu/kung fu master and just a overall bad ass person in general... We were chatting and both decided the fountain of youth was the gym... He said there is no way he could get around as well as he does with out his life being devoted to it. His goal at 80 is to squat 400 and dead 400 and I have no doubt he will make it happen. That guy is living proof you can be a bad sob for a very long time:thumb:
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Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Where Da Fuc are the cruise gains?:D

Deep tissue are the bomb. Make sure you have the rest of the day to recover. Sometimes I'm as sore from that as a workout Matt.

I gained about ten pounds and feel like a blown up balloon. Downside to agreeing with my gf that we were gonna take the week off from eating clean and enjoy the cruise.

So far though, Feb has been a very very clean eating for me. Got a notebook started of what my intake is daily and trying to establish a solid macro of what my body likes.

Gym today was rough cause mentally I wanted to go hard but physically, was not all there. Either way, even after a crappy workout at the gym I always feel good about going. Its a good addiction IMO.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I gained about ten pounds and feel like a blown up balloon. Downside to agreeing with my gf that we were gonna take the week off from eating clean and enjoy the cruise.

So far though, Feb has been a very very clean eating for me. Got a notebook started of what my intake is daily and trying to establish a solid macro of what my body likes.

Gym today was rough cause mentally I wanted to go hard but physically, was not all there. Either way, even after a crappy workout at the gym I always feel good about going. Its a good addiction IMO.

I here you. I'm not a clean macro Nazi, If i want some pizza I eat it. Wife and I will do one meal a week whatever the heck we want and then try to be somewhat strict.

Super cool app for your phone, is Under Armours my fitness pal. It will count and track all your macros throughout the day. So you always know where your at with your meals. Has a sweet bar code scanner so it's super easy to input your foods, also has a search function.


Aug 17, 2010
Southeast Iowa
So I've been lifting for sometime on and off and I'm pretty happy with all of my lifts (especially my deadlifts) but my bench. I'm having a hell of a time increasing it. Any ideas or recommendations would be great!


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
Nice Nick! More wheels going on that deadlift:thumb:

Thanks Albert when I was doing SS my 3x5 squat was 250 and deadlift was 300 for 1x5. Problem was my form was really bad. Messed up my lower back and glutes. I now won't deadlift without a belt either. I kinda wanna get back on SS again

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
So I've been lifting for sometime on and off and I'm pretty happy with all of my lifts (especially my deadlifts) but my bench. I'm having a hell of a time increasing it. Any ideas or recommendations would be great!

OHP and a fork. Use them both, lots.

Food and ohp are good but there is so much more to the bench than just laying down and pressing... It's taken me almost 5 years to get to a 340 bench, some of that was my fault haha. A lot of technique is involved unless your just freakishly strong. I would be benching twice a week, heavy one day usually competition style or what ever your into warm up sets of 10 then 5x5 last 2 sets should be all you can do to get 5. If your coming up short stay at that weight until you can get 5x5 clean then bump it 5-10 pounds and repeat... Then give yourself a couple days and do a lighter variations, close grip, paused, spoto, OHP work these in 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps. Need to be building tri's and front delts on your off bench days along with some flys.

Need to figure out your technique. How do you set up for the bench?

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Thanks Albert when I was doing SS my 3x5 squat was 250 and deadlift was 300 for 1x5. Problem was my form was really bad. Messed up my lower back and glutes. I now won't deadlift without a belt either. I kinda wanna get back on SS again

You can build strength to fast when your starting out.... Then the weight sneaks up on you and snap city, been there dude:(