Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Congrats on pr. I did calf raises on the leg press, was a good call. Why did you suggest I put the 2.5 lbs under my feet? Only went up to 315 today because felt tired, and I felt gassy and there were cute girls by me lmao.

Signature custom AF

Ether way, felt like easier. Could just been my imagination. I've got another one, what are you guys doing for shoulders? I do behind the back, or head I guess, military press, Arnold press, and lateral raises yet my shoulders don't seem to grow. I do shoulders normally with light legs and body weight stuff.. My 'crossfit' days. Look up wod's and add/ modify to my needs.

Signature custom AF
Thank You, bench press has been along time coming... Now to get these P*zzy legs to get stronger.

I suggested the plates under your heels when you squat because if your ankles are tight this will help you get to depth in your squat... If it is easier/felt better as you mentioned above then you either need a dedicated "heeled" squat shoe such as Nikes Romaleo's, Do-wins, Adidas Adipower etc. etc. or you can just work on stretching your ankles. I suggest both stretching and the shoes. Tight ankles will make it tough to get deep into a squat just as much as tight hips...

For your shoulders your going to have to push bigger weights to get them to grow... Try to find a weight that you can hit 8-12 reps for 4-5 sets. Each week try to bump 2.5- 5 pounds. They will grow. Remember you don't build muscle working out, you tear it down... It takes at least 6 hours of sleep to get muscle growth 8+ would be ideal, not enough sleep and no muscle growth. Diet plays into this as well, to grow eat at least your body weight in Protein throughout the day... Everybody is different and those a very generic recommendations but it's a start.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
These 2 guys along with Candito have helped a ton in Technique and motivation... Both are still Junior lifters I can't wait to see them go head to head in the open class.
First guy is Brett Gibbs from New Zealand. Competes at 181 Pounds, remember that when you see the numbers he puts up:eek: And he has the same last name as me so he is automatically a bad ass:rofl:
Second guy is John Haack he is also a 181 pounder and insanely strong.
I think I posted this one earlier in the thread but it's worth watching again.


Sep 23, 2013
Pulled off personal best of 415 deadlift today, puts me at 1055 for 3 lift combo for the week.

At 199 body weight as of this am.

Really wish I could cut down about 15 lbs before next summer.. Tried cardio the last couple weeks and gained 5 lbs. I eat fairly clean (no sodas or energy drinks, try not to eat to many sugary snacks etc), take no protien and work on my feet all day.

I used to want to be 205, now I just want to be 185 as it will make my summer lake life easier.


Sep 23, 2013
Diet adjustments are your friend... What does a daily menu look like for you?

Yesterday's menu which is pretty normal:

Workout at 5:45- 7, bowl of oatmeal at 7:15, snack at 10:30 small bag of chips and apple, two plain chicken sandwiches at 1 for lunch, dinner at 6:30 was chicken enchiladas, ate 3. Had about 8 bottles of water all day. Only thing I drank, other than the 2 budlights between 5:30-8pm.

Pretty much like that all the time. Unless I throw a mini muscle milk in the mix at some point in the morning.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Pulled off personal best of 415 deadlift today, puts me at 1055 for 3 lift combo for the week.

At 199 body weight as of this am.

Really wish I could cut down about 15 lbs before next summer.. Tried cardio the last couple weeks and gained 5 lbs. I eat fairly clean (no sodas or energy drinks, try not to eat to many sugary snacks etc), take no protien and work on my feet all day.

I used to want to be 205, now I just want to be 185 as it will make my summer lake life easier.

Congrats on the Deadlift Pr! As Paint mentioned Diet is your friend. Couple other questions, how tall are you, what's your body fat?


Sep 23, 2013
Congrats on the Deadlift Pr! As Paint mentioned Diet is your friend. Couple other questions, how tall are you, what's your body fat?

5,11 honestly no clue on body fat. Never measured. I wouldn't call myself fat though..

When I got out of high school I was 155 and maybe an inch I shorter, I still wear the same size pants waist wise.. Just have to get bigger sizes or my legs won't fit..

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Your the same size and weight as me... 200 isn't big for someone spending a lot of time in the gym. I would suggest a little less calories and MORE Protein. Didn't you read you have to eat your BODY WEIGHT in protein;)

You also need to be realistic with your goals. If you want size you got to train hard and eat, if you want to slim down, less calories and lighter weights and more cardio stuff.

Every ones body reacts differently you just have to figure out what works best for you.


Sep 23, 2013
Your the same size and weight as me... 200 isn't big for someone spending a lot of time in the gym. I would suggest a little less calories and MORE Protein. Didn't you read you have to eat your BODY WEIGHT in protein;)

You also need to be realistic with your goals. If you want size you got to train hard and eat, if you want to slim down, less calories and lighter weights and more cardio stuff.

Every ones body reacts differently you just have to figure out what works best for you.

I used to take about 200 grams of protien daily, I put on a lot of muscle since 2010 when I started lifting. I got tired of spending $200 a month on supplements when I could be spending it on something else.

I realize realistic goals are very important. Back when I started lifting I wanted to put on about 20 lbs, that was 20lbs ago lol. Now I want to cut down about 10-15. But I also don't want to lift lighter. I did crossfit for about 5 months and enjoyed it, it was taking its roll on me though. I cut down while still making gains. But I didn't eat sleep and breath crossfit like some do.. I just went for something different and the cardio.

Thanks for all the info guys, keep it coming!


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
Try replacing the bread and flour tortillas with other sources of carbs like fruit, sweet potato, and regular potatoes. No bread, pasta or super processed junk and my guess is you'll start dropping body fat.


Sep 23, 2013
Try replacing the bread and flour tortillas with other sources of carbs like fruit, sweet potato, and regular potatoes. No bread, pasta or super processed junk and my guess is you'll start dropping body fat.

But that takes all the fun out of eating! ;)

I'll give it a shot and see what happens.

Just have to tell my wife that since I'm lazy and don't cook very othen.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I agree with Paint on his food suggestions. I also don't believe in a bunch of supplements. Whey protein is about the only thing I'm not willing to give up. Mainly because I have a hard time getting enough protein throughout the day with out a ton of excess calories coming along with it. I'm still toying with my diet as well but I need my weights to go up so for now I'm eating everything in sight:D


i can't seem to find
Feb 7, 2014
Word on supps.. Protein and daily multi works for me. As far as body fat, isn't something like if you can see your abs your around 15?


Sep 23, 2013
Word on supps.. Protein and daily multi works for me. As far as body fat, isn't something like if you can see your abs your around 15?

Not sure on that, I have some ab definition, not much.. Talked to one of my friends at lunch that is has measured body fat recently and he said he was 15. We are pretty much the same size but I'm a bit more defined than him..

Now y'all have me wondering what I am. I never really had the want to know.. Hmmm..


Active member
Aug 4, 2009
You know what my diet has been lately? All the protein and all the carbs. All of everything as much as possible.


i can't seem to find
Feb 7, 2014
I've got decent ab definition, not like this summer was but lol. I went from eating clean to maybe one week a month

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
Night off tonight got busy welding on a tractor...

This week has been 1.5 miles jog, 2.5 miles bike and a final .5 miles fast jog. Im feeling much better even with a bit of a cold. I will hit the scale before bed tonight and in the am tomorrow. Been doing light weight high rep conditioning, bench 175x10 3 set, squat 225x10 hb 3 sets, and been doing curls like mad as well as the fly machine. My chest is hurting pretty bad and i may have to lay off all bench till my pecs become healthy again

My diet isnt too great, i do have low sodium tacos a few times a week other than that i ear rice.... I like rice, it a weakness cheddar broccoli rice... Awsomeness.

Soda wise i have cut back to 1 12 oz a day. For 4 years i didnt touch a pop while overseas it was a sure thing if you drank a pop in the heat, you were gonna yak.


Aug 5, 2010
Western MA
I'm finally getting back in the gym groove after years of hardly going at all. Started going back 3-4 days a week 3 months ago. Benched today 225x12 for 3 sets then finished with 280x5 . I was more than happy with that considering how weak I was when I started back.