Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread


May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
I'll be the mirror selfie guy today...

Weighed in at 195.0 this morning.

My New Years resolution was to cut back on pizza which I've done well on. Only have pizza once since then. (Used to eat it 2-3x a week because it's easy) just laying off pizza has seemed to trim me up a little.

My biggest thing now is sausage biscuits from mcds.. I'll get a couple of those for breakfast if I'm running behind in the mornings. (Need to find on the go breakfast)

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What's up man candy:angel:
You A-holes with natural chests really piss me off.. know that!

Man, that food has a ton of sodium in it...be careful with crap food high in sodium, it will cause headaches, lack of energy, water retention and high blood pressure
Pizza is a tough one for me because I need the Cal's, but the cheese has so much salt and so does the dough...I feel like garbage the next day if I load up on pizza...but, I usually cram a whole pizza in, too :eek:

Here's my 7min breakfast... gets me roughly 50g protein and typically close to 1200c

Glass of milk (8g protein)
Skyr yougurt (16g protein)

Redi mix pancakes brother:thumb:
Mix while the skillet is warming, pour 3-5 cakes, rinse mixing bowl, add 4 eggs and beat, , flip cakes, pull em and scramble eggs, eat cakes while eggs cook and sprinkle some shredded cheese over the eggs when you pull em...this whole process literally takes 7min, grab a glass of juice and go...or, instead of juice grab a protein shake like the organic whey/soy blend from BoltHouse Farms, or Naked Foods or Odwalla...there's another 25-30g protein

And there you go Corbin
You just took in a wholesome breakfast, loaded with protein that had little to no preservatives or salt...

Pancakes, eggs, oatmeal, cereal, yogurt...some variance of those items is about all I eat for breakfast anymore...sometimes I'll dice up a veggie and throw it into the eggs...like asparagus, chopped brussle sprouts or peppers

If you're in a bind and have to literally eat while running, toast some bread, add a fried egg and a couple slices of lunch meat fried up for a minute, breakfast sandwich

Any of what you can do at home, can be done in less time than it takes to divert to a drive thru, wait and then get back on route...:thumb:

But I feel ya man...the sausage mcmuffin with egg and cheese is like kryptonite to my superman diet


This might help ya out a bit too...this is what I do
Paper plates, paper bowls and plastic silverware...
Take it with you...or save the time on dishes :)

I would never take food in the morning because I would always forget about the dishes and silverware by the end of the day...started using disposable utensils and it got real.simple.
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Sep 23, 2013
What's up man candy:angel:
You A-holes with natural chests really piss me off.. know that!

Man, that food has a ton of sodium in it...be careful with crap food high in sodium, it will cause headaches, lack of energy, water retention and high blood pressure
Pizza is a tough one for me because I need the Cal's, but the cheese has so much salt and so does the dough...I feel like garbage the next day if I load up on pizza...but, I usually cram a whole pizza in, too :eek:

Here's my 7min breakfast... gets me roughly 50g protein and typically close to 1200c

Glass of milk (8g protein)
Skyr yougurt (16g protein)

Redi mix pancakes brother:thumb:
Mix while the skillet is warming, pour 3-5 cakes, rinse mixing bowl, add 4 eggs and beat, , flip cakes, pull em and scramble eggs, eat cakes while eggs cook and sprinkle some shredded cheese over the eggs when you pull em...this whole process literally takes 7min, grab a glass of juice and go...or, instead of juice grab a protein shake like the organic whey/soy blend from BoltHouse Farms, or Naked Foods or Odwalla...there's another 25-30g protein

And there you go Corbin
You just took in a wholesome breakfast, loaded with protein that had little to no preservatives or salt...

Pancakes, eggs, oatmeal, cereal, yogurt...some variance of those items is about all I eat for breakfast anymore...sometimes I'll dice up a veggie and throw it into the eggs...like asparagus, chopped brussle sprouts or peppers

If you're in a bind and have to literally eat while running, toast some bread, add a fried egg and a couple slices of lunch meat fried up for a minute, breakfast sandwich

Any of what you can do at home, can be done in less time than it takes to divert to a drive thru, wait and then get back on route...:thumb:

But I feel ya man...the sausage mcmuffin with egg and cheese is like kryptonite to my superman diet


Lol sausage mcmuffin comment..

I need to get some protien shake stuff and a blender for work and make up shakes at work.

Since I mostly workout before work I don't eat breakfast before I go to the gym. I try and have a bowl of cereal at work if time allows or I havnt forgot to get supplies that week..

But a nice big protien shake with some oats, pb, banana etc doesn't sound bad right at the moment..

And I need to cut off the monsters.. 2 a day can't be good for me

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Sep 23, 2013
On another note. The wife has one of those fit bit thjngs she isn't using.. Maybe I should give it a go for a week and track everything.. Damn phone doesn't have room for another app though.

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May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
Lol sausage mcmuffin comment..

I need to get some protien shake stuff and a blender for work and make up shakes at work.

Since I mostly workout before work I don't eat breakfast before I go to the gym. I try and have a bowl of cereal at work if time allows or I havnt forgot to get supplies that week..

But a nice big protien shake with some oats, pb, banana etc doesn't sound bad right at the moment..

And I need to cut off the monsters.. 2 a day can't be good for me

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Yeah man, those monster energy drinks are bad juju... I won't even start

Dude, I dont want to be preeching to ya, but you're killing your efforts if you go into the gym after 8hrs of your body burning calories and no intake...

Your muscles burns aapx 6cal per lb, per hr, at rest...
For me that equates to roughly 3000c in an 8hr sleep cycle

If I were to wake up in the morning and workout without eating and stacking protien I'd fiz out in 5min flat...not only that, but your body will store fat at that point and burn muscle, because it knows its low on nutrition...

You wanna trim an inch in a few days and also burn some fat???
Stay hungry...
Ditch the monsters and drink water that is infused with lemon (throw a few slices in a pitcher and carry it around with you for the day) try to get 48-60oz of water in before 6pm

Don't eat till you're full and eat more frequently...

You won't be able to wake up and workout without eating first if you're eating like this, you will wake up ravenously hungry, and your body will be constantly synthesizing protein and burning fat and you will have ALOT more energy Corbin...


New member
Oct 13, 2014
Tallahassee, FL
On another note. The wife has one of those fit bit thjngs she isn't using.. Maybe I should give it a go for a week and track everything.. Damn phone doesn't have room for another app though.

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Those FitBits are pretty cool. Not sure how accurate they are when it comes to energy expenditure. But it seems most guys on here are pretty active in their job.

A good rule of thumb is this to guestimate your daily maintenance kcals'

Sedentary (10 cal/lb)
Lightly Active (11 cal/lb)
Moderatly Active (12-13 cal/lb)
Very Active (14-15 cal/lb)
Extremely Active (18-19 cal/lb)

So if you weight 170 lbs for example, and work an active job, multiple 170 x 14 or 15 and you would be estimated at a daily energy requirement of 2380-2550 calories to simply MAINTAIN your weight.


Active member
May 9, 2011
Terre Haute, IN
I got my wife a fitbit for xmas. Well turns out it was the wrong one. So I kept it and bought her the charge. I walked 12,000 steps at work last night. Burned 7k calories.

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Sep 23, 2013
Yeah man, those monster energy drinks are bad juju... I won't even start

Dude, I dont want to be preeching to ya, but you're killing your efforts if you go into the gym after 8hrs of your body burning calories and no intake...

Your muscles burns aapx 6cal per lb, per hr, at rest...

For me that equates to roughly 3000c in an 8hr sleep cycle

If I were to wake up in the morning and workout without eating and stacking protien I'd fiz out in 5min flat...not only that, but your body will store fat at that point and burn muscle, because it knows its low on nutrition...

You wanna trim an inch in a few days and also burn some fat???

Stay hungry...

Ditch the monsters and drink water that is infused with lemon (throw a few slices in a pitcher and carry it around with you for the day) try to get 48-60oz of water in before 6pm

Don't eat till you're full and eat more frequently...

You won't be able to wake up and workout without eating first if you're eating like this, you will wake up ravenously hungry, and your body will be constantly synthesizing protein and burning fat and you will have ALOT more energy Corbin...

Not arguing by any means but I've been using the same approach to my lifting for 5 years (no breakfast before the gym) and I've put on 30lbs since I started in 2010.

Lemon water is something I've been needing to try. I'm not a big lemon person but it's worth a shot, I used to drink a ton of water a day but with it being cold outside it's a lot harder for me to drink much.

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May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
Not arguing by any means but I've been using the same approach to my lifting for 5 years (no breakfast before the gym) and I've put on 30lbs since I started in 2010.

Lemon water is something I've been needing to try. I'm not a big lemon person but it's worth a shot, I used to drink a ton of water a day but with it being cold outside it's a lot harder for me to drink much.

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Meh, I'm just talking out my 2nd ass, again:rofl:
I'm not about to argue your gains Corbin, and that's awesome. BUT, you can't argue with scientific fact and I will point out that you can make gains without being or eating healthy...and ask you to imagine what gians and condition you'd be in, IF...you took a more scientific approach:angel:

I only put lemon in my water so it has flavor and I want to drink it more;)
Strawberries, lemon and mint, peach and mint, celery and cucumber...mix it up, you just need to slice it and put it in the water

And BTW, drinking water will help you stay warmer
Says some ski patrol bum I know...


Sep 23, 2013
I'm not about to argue your gains Corbin, and that's awesome. BUT, you can't argue with scientific fact and I will point out that you can make gains without being or eating healthy...and ask you to imagine what gians and condition you'd be in, IF...you took a more scientific approach:angel:

I only put lemon in my water so it has flavor and I want to drink it more;)
Strawberries, lemon and mint, peach and mint, celery and cucumber...mix it up, you just need to slice it and put it in the water

And BTW, drinking water will help you stay warmer
Says some ski patrol bum I know...

Yea science like test

In all honestly I get what your saying. I really need to sit down sometime and learn more about the food sciences to this stuff. I didn't pay any attention to that stuff in school and never took it upon myself to learn it now that I think I can actually use it..

Like macros.. Wtf is a macro? Google better be ready when I have time to sit down

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New member
Oct 13, 2014
Tallahassee, FL
Yea science like test

In all honestly I get what your saying. I really need to sit down sometime and learn more about the food sciences to this stuff. I didn't pay any attention to that stuff in school and never took it upon myself to learn it now that I think I can actually use it..

Like macros.. Wtf is a macro? Google better be ready when I have time to sit down

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A macro is short for macronutrient, or carbs, protein, fat, and alcohol.

Watch the video I linked in the last page and it will break it down for you


Sep 23, 2013
A macro is short for macronutrient, or carbs, protein, fat, and alcohol.

Watch the video I linked in the last page and it will break it down for you

I started watching it yesterday, gotta find an hour to sit down and watch it. Hard to do these days

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Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
No, I eat a quest protein bar 1 hours before workout. Got roughly 30carbs 20p and I think 10ish fat. Just going off memory! Then pre workout if you're into that. And Gatorade during the workout.


Sep 23, 2013
Went and did a quick leg workout at lunch, I'm watching the little one this week so I can't go in early before work.

Full depth Squats 135x5sx10r

Deads 135x12

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May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
No, I eat a quest protein bar 1 hours before workout. Got roughly 30carbs 20p and I think 10ish fat. Just going off memory! Then pre workout if you're into that. And Gatorade during the workout.

how am I, not getting BEEFCAKED!

I go into a workout with 70-80g protein, 150g carbs, 30g BCAA fats and at least 1000cal, then I follow with a post workout nutrient bump:confused:

and I'm still struggling to gain 3-5lbs of muscle a month:(
and not gaining much mass

yeah, I know, cry y'all a river...:angel:


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm not either:rofl:

And dude, if I ate that before a workout, the gym staff would hate me...:baby:


May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm not either:rofl:

And dude, if I ate that before a workout, the gym staff would hate me...:baby:
I work out at home, and yeah, I've had to leave the room
I'm a small guy! tryin to pack so much into my gut is a total task for me, and honestly it's I'm not comfortable for most of the friggin day!

Dude, breakfast is a few pancakes and a few eggs, yogurt daily vitimin pack, glass of milk...lunch is a sandwich (or two) and usually a bunch of fruit

If I'm gonna workout, about 2-3hrs after lunch I pound down a 20oz protein shake that has 800cal, 150g carbs etc...followed by a post shake or another sandwich, then dinner, and on workout days, a nighttime recovery shake with a bunch of tryptophan :D

I feel like a stuffed pig most the day
and yeah, half the time I'm blowing gas out both ends :eek:

but I'll tell ya what
the difference in my workout performance is night and day and how I feel afterward is much better as well, and the normal next day recovery soreness isn't nearly as profound when I follow the little system I got goin on to a T...

I can't seem to keep it goin week after week tho and if I take a week off I notice my gains retreat pretty quickly...not sure if that's because of the new muscle principle (it doesn't stick if it's not worked) or if it's false gains from packing myself full of calories, but, it is what it is