Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Maybe I should start tracking my food intake for a week or so.. I don't pay any attention it it what so ever..

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YES!!!! You need to know what your taking in............ Other wise how can you know what to take out? Track your macros for a week and post your findings.

I use an app called my fitness pal by under armor IIRC. Super easy to punch your food in, even has a bar code scanner:thumb: I was very surprised by what I was eating throughout a day:eek:

Or you can get on that vitamin k that wolf and jp use, that should do the trick:D


Sep 23, 2013
YES!!!! You need to know what your taking in............ Other wise how can you know what to take out? Track your macros for a week and post your findings.

I use an app called my fitness pal by under armor IIRC. Super easy to punch your food in, even has a bar code scanner:thumb: I was very surprised by what I was eating throughout a day:eek:

Or you can get on that vitamin k that wolf and jp use, that should do the trick:D

I'll get the app tonight.

I'm an angry enough person, I don't need to make it worse with special sauce

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Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I'll get the app tonight.

I'm an angry enough person, I don't need to make it worse with special sauce

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It works sweet... The app I mean:D

Meh, I'm not convinced that sauce does any of that. There is absolutely 0 medical studies, testing, or results on it because our awesome gov. banned it and want you to think it's the devil;)


Sep 23, 2013
It works sweet... The app I mean:D

Meh, I'm not convinced that sauce does any of that. There is absolutely 0 medical studies, testing, or results on it because our awesome gov. banned it and want you to think it's the devil;)

I'm still not brave enough to try it..

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Lawrenceburg, KY
I like MFP too. Have used it for a cpl years now. I'm so weak with food. I control my eating good for a while but then just can't seem to help myself with the most terrible eating. It's a major struggle for me. Some don't believe in food addictions, and I'm not claiming it is, but it sure is extremely hard for me to string together long periods of time where I'm able to put mind over matter on my eating. :eek:

That said, I got a good full-body workout yesterday by shoveling my driveway AFTER I packed it in with a couple passes of the trucks. I'm sore from the shoulders down - shoulders, arms, wrists, back, ass, hammies, calves. LOL the endorphin high after a good hard exersion is great though.


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
I went from 185 down to 172 in a little over a month going from whatever I wanted which was generally truck stop food or convenience store stuff to a better diet.
2 eggs and 1 slice of 12 grain bread for breakfast with 1 scoop of protein and 8oz of milk along with 1200mg fish oil for my omega 3 and a multivitamin
Snack is 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt (walmart brand) with 6 raspberry and 2 tablespoons of kinda granola
Lunch is 8oz of grilled chicken breast and 1 cup of brown rice 12 almonds
Afternoon snack is 1 apple
Dinner is whatever the wife makes but I calculated it to be around 25-2700 cal a day. My fitbit says I burn roughly 35-3700 cal a day. Didn't take long to drop my gut and alot of excess weight.

Feel lots better and have a ton more energy....all thanks to the motivation and help from you fellers

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Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I like MFP too. Have used it for a cpl years now. I'm so weak with food. I control my eating good for a while but then just can't seem to help myself with the most terrible eating. It's a major struggle for me. Some don't believe in food addictions, and I'm not claiming it is, but it sure is extremely hard for me to string together long periods of time where I'm able to put mind over matter on my eating. :eek:

That said, I got a good full-body workout yesterday by shoveling my driveway AFTER I packed it in with a couple passes of the trucks. I'm sore from the shoulders down - shoulders, arms, wrists, back, ass, hammies, calves. LOL the endorphin high after a good hard exersion is great though.

Mitch, absolutely you can have food addictions. Your body will naturally revolt when you try and take them away, like a drug. You have to make small adjustments, over time your cravings go away for the garbage foods.

My first diet adjustment 4-5 years ago was dumping Mt. Dew. Man I could wreck a 12 pack in a day or 2:D I tried to drink one last year and couldn't do it. It so sweet it hurt and tasted terrible. From there we started pulling out processed foods, until today were I eat for performance more than anything else:thumb:


May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
I like MFP too. Have used it for a cpl years now. I'm so weak with food. I control my eating good for a while but then just can't seem to help myself with the most terrible eating. It's a major struggle for me. Some don't believe in food addictions, and I'm not claiming it is, but it sure is extremely hard for me to string together long periods of time where I'm able to put mind over matter on my eating. :eek:

LOL the endorphin high after a good hard exersion is great though.
Endorphins are THE BEST DRUG!
and HELL YEAH you can have food addictions

Mitch, absolutely you can have food addictions. Your body will naturally revolt when you try and take them away, like a drug. You have to make small adjustments, over time your cravings go away for the garbage foods.

My first diet adjustment 4-5 years ago was dumping Mt. Dew. Man I could wreck a 12 pack in a day or 2:D I tried to drink one last year and couldn't do it. It so sweet it hurt and tasted terrible. From there we started pulling out processed foods, until today were I eat for performance more than anything else:thumb:

Sounds like me and Pepsi...used to live off the drink, 6 a day? Easy...
Now I don't touch it, haven't drank a pop/soda in months and I haven't bought any in a couple years, although I do get cravings for it...

I had an affinity with whole milk and Oreo cookies too...
Talk about wrecking something...I could plow thru 1/2 a carton of Oreo's and 24oz of milk as a midnight snack, nightly:eek:o
It was an absolute addiction or comfort??? But it wasn't good and it wasn't an easy habbit to break...took me a couple years before I didn't notice and want to pick up Oreo's at the store

Not to mention the amount of beer I used to drink...not that I was a drunk or anything, just talking about the wasted carb intake, a pint every other night doesn't help

You guys might have seen a couple pics I posted, and heard me.complain about being a "hard gainer" and I am, but at the time when my diet was so jacked up, I didnt realize I had an issue until I hit 203lbs and couldn't tuck a shirt into a 36" waistband...right now I'm about 173lbs and have a 32" waist :) and I'm about 12lbs light of my target weight...

I haven't really "drank" in years, and now a single good beer will let me get loose

I don't usually drink whole milk anymore although I do prefer it, and I haven't touched one of those devil Oreo cookies in years

I'm still not brave enough lol.

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I'll do it if you do it:joker:

My wife and i are otw back from snowboarding, now that's fun exercise! I go almost every week since im 25 minutes from the slope and have a season pass.

You, you can just keep your talk of fun and snow and boards and being 25min away from the pass, to yourself...:D

This is serious shit, no fun and shenanigans allowed;)

Yes, I'm jealous
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Sep 23, 2013
I'll be the mirror selfie guy today...

Weighed in at 195.0 this morning.

My New Years resolution was to cut back on pizza which I've done well on. Only have pizza once since then. (Used to eat it 2-3x a week because it's easy) just laying off pizza has seemed to trim me up a little.

My biggest thing now is sausage biscuits from mcds.. I'll get a couple of those for breakfast if I'm running behind in the mornings. (Need to find on the go breakfast)


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