Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread


I May Be Lost...
Jul 1, 2008
I guess I don't want it bad enough honestly lol. I'm so burnt out on everything right now I don't know what I want.. But I'm not quitting the gym. Just mad at myself

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I understand. I wasn't trying to come off as a dick, just getting to my view point. Everybody has different things going on that affects them.
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Sep 23, 2013
I understand. I wasn't trying to come off as a dick, just getting to my view point. Everybody is different things going on that affects them.

I didn't take it that way at all. I knew what you were saying

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Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
Injuries play a big role in motivation IMHO... if we can't train long enough or often enough to make a difference it becomes very discouraging. I do feel not everyone can or even should lift heavy. My body fights me often with this. I am weak weak weak with anything overhead press, snatch, bench etc. Never had formidable strength in the upper body but I definitely had natural lower body strength. Which is why i could gain strength quickly in the squat and deadlift but press and bench? GTFO. It kinda sucks. Everytime I get up to a moderate to heavy bench something in my left front delt kills me i dunno if its a rotator cuff or simply a strength imbalance either way it kills my progression in the press and bench. Snatch doesnt bother me though oddly enough

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Stroke250 is correct, if you want it bad enough you find a way... It is harsh but it is very true.

I have wanted to quit so many times.... I get discouraged just like everybody else. As soon as I'm done with my little pity party, I usually get super pissed and go storming back into the gym.

I was really bummed yesterday about the stinger in my low back rekking my bench for the day. I pissed and moaned for awhile then got busy on my deads and smashed them!

Something that helped me a ton was setting small attainable goals for myself in the gym. If you go in and just wonder around aimlessly, your going to have a crappy experience. Get on a structured program and stick to it. Best thing I ever did:thumb:

I actually go after me weak points pretty hard. I'm exact opposite of Nick, decent topend power with seriously weak bottom end:(. I can happily say it's starting to switch my deads and squats are coming on hard. I'm super excited to see what my squat and dead does at this upcoming meet. I'm busting my ass to squat in the 450's. The harder it gets the more determined I am to succeed. I refuse to fail because I didn't give it a 100%... Injuries are one thing but I won't fail because I didn't give it all I had;)

One thing the gym does for me is it lets me take out my aggression on the weights. I'm a fired up lifter, I force that into the weights... It's my style and it doesn't work for everyone. When I walk up to a PR or a super heavy weight, that barbell is my mortal enemy. It is trying to hold me back from being who I want to be... After the lift, good or bad, the barbell and I can be buddy's again but not before:D

So, get some structure and direction in the gym and set some small and maybe long term goals "ya filty animals":hug:

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Whew what a wind bag... Now I know how Jason feels:rofl:

Front squats
185x2sx12r:D F-ing bring it!
225x6 This was a PR for me with 225. Not the heaviest front squat I have ever done but easily the most I have front squatted 225. Oddly enough they don't seem to bother my low back any, which makes me think it's a muscle issue with my bench arch.

Over head press. I suck at these too Nick But I work hard to make them better.
145x6 last 2 had little leg pop to get me out of the hole, other wise they are super strict.


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Ironically being angry at weights usually works for me with squats but with deads I lift best when my mind is shut down and I am only visualizing the movements. Musically they are completely different playlists too :roflmao:

worked up to a 435 triple

Worked to a 275 triple

Worked to a measly 225 triple

Lower back has a weird tightness on my one side, gonna foam roll tonight and shed some tears. One last workout this week, then, western carib for this fool. :D


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
leather, 10mm, single prong, inzer. I can't comment on width, pretty sure mine is 4 inch though.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho


Sep 23, 2013
So funny I come back to post and there's like 6 posts between my last one and now and I some how missed em..

Was having a shit day at work today.. Went back to the gym at lunch and decided to try and smash out some deads. First time in 2 weeks I've got past 225..

365 2sx5r
385 2sx5r
405x2 probably 10 sec hold at end of the 405 sets..

Felt much better after smashing out those deads. I need to get my head on straight and find my damn headphones again..

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I May Be Lost...
Jul 1, 2008
Stroke250 is correct, if you want it bad enough you find a way... It is harsh but it is very true.

I have wanted to quit so many times.... I get discouraged just like everybody else. As soon as I'm done with my little pity party, I usually get super pissed and go storming back into the gym.

I was really bummed yesterday about the stinger in my low back rekking my bench for the day. I pissed and moaned for awhile then got busy on my deads and smashed them!

Something that helped me a ton was setting small attainable goals for myself in the gym. If you go in and just wonder around aimlessly, your going to have a crappy experience. Get on a structured program and stick to it. Best thing I ever did:thumb:

I actually go after me weak points pretty hard. I'm exact opposite of Nick, decent topend power with seriously weak bottom end:(. I can happily say it's starting to switch my deads and squats are coming on hard. I'm super excited to see what my squat and dead does at this upcoming meet. I'm busting my ass to squat in the 450's. The harder it gets the more determined I am to succeed. I refuse to fail because I didn't give it a 100%... Injuries are one thing but I won't fail because I didn't give it all I had;)

One thing the gym does for me is it lets me take out my aggression on the weights. I'm a fired up lifter, I force that into the weights... It's my style and it doesn't work for everyone. When I walk up to a PR or a super heavy weight, that barbell is my mortal enemy. It is trying to hold me back from being who I want to be... After the lift, good or bad, the barbell and I can be buddy's again but not before:D

So, get some structure and direction in the gym and set some small and maybe long term goals "ya filty animals":hug:

Exactly. People need to try segmenting. Instead of being overwhelmed with one large thing/goal, break it down into smaller parts. By doing this, you quickly accomplish the smaller tasks and in turn, look forward to completing/achieving the larger one.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
So funny I come back to post and there's like 6 posts between my last one and now and I some how missed em..

Was having a shit day at work today.. Went back to the gym at lunch and decided to try and smash out some deads. First time in 2 weeks I've got past 225..

365 2sx5r
385 2sx5r
405x2 probably 10 sec hold at end of the 405 sets..

Felt much better after smashing out those deads. I need to get my head on straight and find my damn headphones again..

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Good for you Corbin! Sometimes you just have to clear your head a bit and go after it a different direction.


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
Last night was Oly Lifting

20 minutes to build to a moderate weight then
1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Full Clean

Drop to 70% for 10 EMOM
1 Full Clean + 2 Pause Front Squats hold for 3 seconds

5x3 Clean Grip High Pulls
5x10 Alternating Pistols
5x10 Plate Sit ups


It’s only temporary!
Apr 28, 2009
Natrona Heights PA
Albert is 100% right... IMHO training for ascetics and strength are very different things. They will over lap sure but if done with proper form you will build a body you never thought possible. I don't use machines at all just not a fan of them. If you could overhead press your body weight you will have a really strong upper body. Squat 1.5 times your body weight? you will have a strong lower body. Deadlift 2 times your body weight you will have a very strong back. Honestly you could blow your body out with the bro isolation workouts. Naturally most guys want biceps so they usually incorporate so form of bicep work. I like barbell curls not dumbbell curls.

I did some reading and watching videos for deadlift form over the weekend, decided to give it a try today. Rode the bike for 10 min and stretched a bunch, then did some light leg presses to loosen up. Started with 105 just to get the feel for it. Had my wife take a few videos so i could see myself and adjusted accordingly. Bumped it up to 135 and did 10 reps. It felt really good! Looking forward to incorporating deadlifts into my weekly routine. :thumb:


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Has anyone dealt with SIJ pain? I am thinking thats my latest general soreness, been sleeping on my side a lot lately and I think thats triggered it.


Jan 6, 2016
I went in the bathroom about 20 minutes ago and when I came out I would guess I lost about 6-8 pounds and did nothing but sit. I guess you could call it a power squat I don't rightly know.
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