Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread


New member
Jul 8, 2008
Been using the Nike free shoes I bought from my brother, very soft and thin shoe. Almost like being barefoot, I like em.
Did some legs today squat
225 x 10
275 x 10
315 x 8
And finally squatted over 315
335 x 6 had to rest pause 5th and 6th rep but got it.
Then extentions and ham curls then destroyed calves been doing kind of a short heavy leg day. That was all on 1 ham steak and 4 eggs lol


Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
So need to rant here a bit, so bare with me....
First off, lets talk about Mother F*cking Gym Etiquette or lack thereof!

1. Re-rack you're weights when your done. Consider it a work out in its self to put your sh*t away so some 110 pound girl isn't trying to put the 100 pound plates away off the leg press. Or when someone asks if you're using the leg press machine because there wife wants to use it but you left 45's and 35's on it you say "go ahead and un rack it for me" well F-ck you buddy I wasn't doing anything anyway...

2. Wipe your disgusting sweat off the equipment when your done, holy sh*t are 2 years old? How do you think disease and pestilence gets spread around you nasty turd.

3. Wear some F-ing deodorant. No one want to smell your stinking BO!
a. Also wipe you're ass when your done talking a dump. How good does poop and sweat smell?

4. Don't take weights off of racks while people are mid set. It really messes with their head when you have max loads on the bar and some ass clown is f-ing around the rack your using.
a. Ask if you can take weight off the rack when there done with the set. You don't know what there doing maybe they need every 10 in the f-ing house!

5. Leave the bathroom in better condition than you found it. Don't pee on the seat or floor, your gotta be f-ing kidding me. Better pray I never catch you, sh*ts going to get real...
Women, what makes you think it's okay to leave a big bloody tampon on top of the garbage in the trash can by the sink, your a disgusting cow, f-off....

Feel free to add to these. I'm not in the mood to debate any of them though:mad:

This last week and this morning I have dealt with all of this. Today was the boiling point for me. I literally chased down my 45's and 25's at least 5 times. Every time I turned my back some douche would grab them, I got my cardio in just running down plates. If everything was being used I can understand But there were empty racks with the same weights not being used???!!! And I have no problems with sharing as long as you ask and I'm not mid rep... I seriously had the worst work out ever today, thanks to a bunch dill holes at the gym! Missed my bench and squat numbers. Now I will have to squat again tonight or tomorrow to get my reps in...

Anyway rant over. Glad your guys workouts are doing well:thumb:
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Active member
Oct 26, 2009
Benton, Ar
I was working back and hanging abs and a guy jumped on the back machine while I was walking back to it. He tried to do the weight and noticed I was waiting for him to move. He got up and I looked at the seat and it was sopping wet! I said out loud are you F""King kidding me! I told the guy to get back over here and clean your ass juice off the seat! Dude next to me was laughing cause I said ass juice. Guy came back over and said he just got out of the pool. I don't care what you just got out of, wipe it up! Some ppl must have not been raise right.


you never had your car.
Apr 30, 2013
elsberry mo
Hasn't been to awful at my gym so far other than people setting up on flat benches to close to me when I'm doing flys and such. A couple setup way close and we were both doing flys, and these aren't new people at the gym either. I was there first and I heard her bitching to her husband I was to close, he told her ask him to move. I heard like a scough and oh my god, so I dropped the weight and slid my bench back in the Isle way. That got me dirty looks for the rest of the my workout. But honestly it hasn't been to bad other than that.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
Went for a short off-road bike ride yesterday morning, then squats this afternoon.

120 x 10 x 1
150 x 10 x 1
175 x 10 x 1
200 x 10 x 1
225 x 10 x 1
250 x 10 x 1
275 x 5 x 2

Feeling pretty good after that 1.:woott:

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Washed the sand our of my vag and went back in at 10 last night to finish my top sets of squats.
225x6 ish
earlier I got up to 340x5 340x1 and had my little melt down:D

Legs and chest are pretty wrecked this morning, so mission accomplished I guess.

Home gyms are sounding better and better. Just hope I could stay motivated enough to go full bore and not wander into my nice comfy couch:D


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
I can't stand when old people ask if you're done with a machine, while your still sitting in it.... Esp with leg press, as soon as I get on that bitch, 10 old ****s show up asking if I'm done. When I say old, I mean old... 75+

Nope, and I got 6 more sets:D


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
Woohoo! Finally moved some weight again...leg extensions and lying hamstring curls



Stood up and my back instantly tightened up. Decided not to push it so I stopped there. Little bummed I couldn't do more and that 2 isolation exercises for the legs did the back in but such is life. Guess I'll focus on upper body stuff and try to get some core in without crunching/situp motions

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Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Flu bug going around up here, haven't lifted in 3 days:mad:

Front squats

Over head press

This workout felt like dookie... Hopefully it was from being sick.

10 minutes of HIIT and some heavy shrugs.


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
I need a good arm workout that doesn't use machines. I've got a bar, ez bar, 2 15lb dumbells from forever ago, a bench(inclinable) and some plate weights. I just don't feel like I am doing a good enough job for growth. Any ideas?

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Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Squatted on Tuesday and good lord the new years people were out in force... I waited a solid 40min to get a rack. :mad: No offense to anyone that does lift with their significant other but when you having to completely deload every set, that gets really lame for those waiting. Plus side, it was a nice anger fueled workout. :rofl: Hit a easy 5x425 last set.

Today was much better, just deadlifted.


Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I need a good arm workout that doesn't use machines. I've got a bar, ez bar, 2 15lb dumbells from forever ago, a bench(inclinable) and some plate weights. I just don't feel like I am doing a good enough job for growth. Any ideas?

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May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
I need a good arm workout that doesn't use machines. I've got a bar, ez bar, 2 15lb dumbells from forever ago, a bench(inclinable) and some plate weights. I just don't feel like I am doing a good enough job for growth. Any ideas?

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Shock the muscle
Flex at each peak
alternate your routine
Work the muscle from every angle
Do six sets of dumbbells and barbell and ez bar curls, doesn't have to be havy to make your muscles grow, just make sure the weight is heavy enough that they can barely get thru each circuit of sets

And end in a set of tear downs
Grab your ez bar, do one curl and lower to half way while count off 3-5sec , at half way curl back to top and repeat 5, no rest lower bar to thighs and do reps 1/2 way up, counting 3-5 down, repeat 5, now to 5 full curls counting down 5 full.seconds on the way down...do that with a weight you could comfortably rep the bar with for a single heavy set...you'll barely be able to get a cup to your mouth to take drink afterward

Volumize those guns for growth!
But please, don't forget your triceps :hug:
Don't forget basic stuff either, pull ups, reverse grip pull ups and reverse grip lat pull downs will help define the bicep from various angles and force growth that a basic curl will not
Pull ups and pull downs should help strengthen your back too, Brock...
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May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
Thought I'd share my small gains for a second...
Mainly just body weight gains, as I haven't made it to the gym in months and I only have a few dumbbells, a kettle bell and a jump rope, so most of my routine is done with my body weight...so I really have no idea of my overall strength gains

So, I've gained 8 lbs, which is AWESOME for me, and considering my lackadaisical regiment, that's pretty dang good...I've also increased my circuit by 2 sets, from 4-6, and since I've started working out at home I've doubled my sets.

And, I'd have to say the GNC "RAW" nutrient, gainer and recovery program is pretty legit. I feel good on it and I have made entire body gains in size and also definition, nominal as they are

I'm able to stuff 170-200 grams of pretty much all the protein sources (whey, soy, milk, beef, casien, etc) when using this system

And the PM shake has a ton of tryptophan in it, so it helps ya sleep, which I have issues with, so that helps :thumb:

The attached pics, left and middle are from this morning, and then one at far right is about 6 weeks ago...keep on mind, I was 8lbs lighter and I was also pretty dehydrated in the pic on the right and looked slightly more defined

Anywho...some progress is better than no progress!
Im 38 years young and pretty stoked on my skinny ass "dad bod" Ha :D


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Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Lookin good Jason. Hopefully my pre meet pics turn out good enough I'll show you guy's before and after 9 weeks on Jeese Norris's power/diet program.


May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
Lookin good Jason. Hopefully my pre meet pics turn out good enough I'll show you guy's before and after 9 weeks on Jeese Norris's power/diet program.

Thanks Albert
I don't care what Brian says about ya, you're a nice guy

I'm happy, err, getting happier about it

Whaddya mean "if my pics turn out good enough"
Post em up, pansy:secret: