Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
I really need to start working out again. I was a a buddys place and benched 180 and deadlifted 300 which was all the weight he had, not sure if thats good or bad for never working out. This thread makes me motivated, then i stand on concrete all day fixing trucks and semis and loose it, how do yall do it??!!

Set goals. Then meet those goals. Reflect. Repeat. I'm weak though lol

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I really need to start working out again. I was a a buddys place and benched 180 and deadlifted 300 which was all the weight he had, not sure if thats good or bad for never working out. This thread makes me motivated, then i stand on concrete all day fixing trucks and semis and loose it, how do yall do it??!!

Set goals. Then meet those goals. Reflect. Repeat. I'm weak though lol

^^^^ This. And your not weak Nick, your on the same path to getting stronger/healthier as all the rest of us...

I think Joe Dirt said it best "You can't have no in your heart"
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Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
Sounds like things are starting to come back around for you.

I have had to back the weight down dramatically with this sciatic issue.

True, might have to rep it out though...:D
This past week has been hell. I did biceps the other day and that's all I've done in 19 days. Today just standing or sitting is causing me a good bit of pain. Good thing Is I got in touch with a doctor, bad news is earliest I can see him is Jan 4th. But he is the only one who specializes in non invasive healing and pain management when it comes to neck and spine issues

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New member
Sep 16, 2010
This past week has been hell. I did biceps the other day and that's all I've done in 19 days. Today just standing or sitting is causing me a good bit of pain. Good thing Is I got in touch with a doctor, bad news is earliest I can see him is Jan 4th. But he is the only one who specializes in non invasive healing and pain management when it comes to neck and spine issues

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Start doing planks, and reverse sittips (lay on stomach, pull back into an arch with legs and upper body up and in, like a half circle) hold for 60-90 seconds, do 4 sets a couple days a week.

Sciatica is almost always a disc issue, if they are herniated or bulging they can heal and reverse but you have to change your habits. It takes months to truly start feeling better. Dont sit for long periods of time, always keep good posture.

Get an mri and see what levels are affected.


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
Spoke with a guy last night at my CrossFit gym and he herniated an L5 disc. Said he will no longer be able to squat and deadlift heavy. He is in quite a bit of pain. He was puking out back during our workout last night


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
Mine is S1-L5 L5-L4 L4-L3 L3-L2 it's a mother. I don't sit much, I constantly get up and move. Do tons of those superman's. Move a block of wood a work a few weeks back that aggrivated it then more work on top of it and yea it's just super angry with me right now.

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New member
Sep 16, 2010
Mine is S1-L5 L5-L4 L4-L3 L3-L2 it's a mother. I don't sit much, I constantly get up and move. Do tons of those superman's. Move a block of wood a work a few weeks back that aggrivated it then more work on top of it and yea it's just super angry with me right now.

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yikes. all herniated?


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
S1 through L4 are super bad and L4 through L2 are close behind. Yes all herniated. Some days are good, but most days I'd say I'm in pain. Generally on a scale of 1-10 it's a 3. This last week ish is closer to a 7

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you never had your car.
Apr 30, 2013
elsberry mo
Gangstas are very stiff feel great but already ripping thereselves apart, one had a snag and the velcro just keeps tearing it out more and more. Love them but worried about how long they will last.


you never had your car.
Apr 30, 2013
elsberry mo
Call them and get new ones. I'm sure they will replace them for you.

Maybe I got them from a place on amazon, the right one is freyed up looking but the left is straight up coming apart. However they do work wonders did 110 incline dumbells friday with a limpy wrist:woott:


Sep 23, 2013
Went to the gym today to get in bench and squats.

Failed my 315 attempt on bench. Put up 295 twice though.

Squats.. Nothing heavy, but ass to grass reps on it all.


Then some leg exts and abs.. Eating a big ole steak and a cold brew as I type this.

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you never had your car.
Apr 30, 2013
elsberry mo
225 x 12
275 x 10
315 x 9
335 x 6
335 I was above parallel but not much, for some reason I love doing these pyramids lol. Did a short heavy day, I'm gonna see how I like that vs killing every machine in the gym for legs only did squats, leg extensions, leg curls, and 2 calve exercises but heavy. I was gonna do leg press but it's ways full saturday, weight is sustained at about 243


you never had your car.
Apr 30, 2013
elsberry mo
Contacted the seller through amazon about the left wrist wrap, hope they can work something out for me, really sucks because I like them alot.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Got through week 1... Lets just say it's a F*cking azz kicker:rofl: I'm straight up broke off.

I started week one over as Jesse mentioned it would work the best doubling the first 3 weeks or so before going into the taper. The Volume is off the charts, lots of sets and lots of reps. Workouts are 2-2.5 hours long.

Today was Deads followed by bench. 325 deads for a ton of reps and 245 bench for the same.

Back is sore but still functioning. Going to see a specialist tomorrow just to make sure everything is ok before I put the hammer down:thumb:

I have been doing lots of foam rolling and stretching before and after each workout, part of the reason there so long... It seems to be doing the trick.

My weight had gone up to 215 2 weeks ago. I started Jesse's diet 2 weeks ago and started week 1 training last week. He has me doing HIIT 4 times a week for 10 minutes. I weighed 208 Sunday morning in my birthday suit. I will have the wife take a pic of me today and one before my meet on the 20th of Feb. You all can make fun of my old ass. I'm going to give Waid's pretty ass a run for his money:D

3300 kcal
350 carbs
300 protein
85 fat

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
^^^^^^^ Nice work guys!!! Super motivating to see you guys pushing it in the gym... I think we can all feed off of others pain and misery:D

Got through week 1... Lets just say it's a F*cking azz kicker:rofl: I'm straight up broke off.

I started week one over as Jesse mentioned it would work the best doubling the first 3 weeks or so before going into the taper. The Volume is off the charts, lots of sets and lots of reps. Workouts are 2-2.5 hours long.

Today was Deads followed by bench. 325 deads for a ton of reps and 245 bench for the same.

Back is sore but still functioning. Going to see a specialist tomorrow just to make sure everything is ok before I put the hammer down:thumb:

I have been doing lots of foam rolling and stretching before and after each workout, part of the reason there so long... It seems to be doing the trick.

My weight had gone up to 215 2 weeks ago. I started Jesse's diet 2 weeks ago and started week 1 training last week. He has me doing HIIT 4 times a week for 10 minutes. I weighed 208 Sunday morning in my birthday suit. I will have the wife take a pic of me today and one before my meet on the 20th of Feb. You all can make fun of my old ass. I'm going to give Waid's pretty ass a run for his money:D

3300 kcal
350 carbs
300 protein
85 fat

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Legs today and leg pressed 1170lbs 5 times. 6 times, but the first really didn't count.

Does your leg press deck tilt as it comes down? The bottom of mine tilts towards you as you get to the bottom, it sucks something fierce. Starts rolling my butt off of the back rest, not good for spine health... I try to keep the weight manageable as to not roll my can to much.