Got through week 1... Lets just say it's a F*cking azz kicker:rofl: I'm straight up broke off.
I started week one over as Jesse mentioned it would work the best doubling the first 3 weeks or so before going into the taper. The Volume is off the charts, lots of sets and lots of reps. Workouts are 2-2.5 hours long.
Today was Deads followed by bench. 325 deads for a ton of reps and 245 bench for the same.
Back is sore but still functioning. Going to see a specialist tomorrow just to make sure everything is ok before I put the hammer down:thumb:
I have been doing lots of foam rolling and stretching before and after each workout, part of the reason there so long... It seems to be doing the trick.
My weight had gone up to 215 2 weeks ago. I started Jesse's diet 2 weeks ago and started week 1 training last week. He has me doing HIIT 4 times a week for 10 minutes. I weighed 208 Sunday morning in my birthday suit. I will have the wife take a pic of me today and one before my meet on the 20th of Feb. You all can make fun of my old ass. I'm going to give Waid's pretty ass a run for his money
3300 kcal
350 carbs
300 protein
85 fat