Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread


May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
I quit eating yougurt and switched to skyr.
It's an Icelandic heritage food, pretty much Icelandic yogurt...but it has ZERO fancy sweeteners, ZERO fat and 16g of protein per 5oz serving...you know when your trying to knock down 1g of protein per 1lb of body weight every day, you start looking for protein dense food!
cuz damn it all, I get tired of eating!

I also switched from milk to coconut milk for pretty much everything because it has healthier fat, switched from butter to coconut oil and now I try to drink kefir instead of milk as well...but that shit is nasty, bro's...chalk full of probiotic tho, so it helps with micronutrient absorption and macronutrient breakdown, plus it also has 2x the protein content of regular milk

This being responsible to my body thing, Making gains and Being buff is practically a full time job and hobby in itself, and damnit all if you don't need to be ultra dedicated to see results


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
Pretty much jason. I've noticed it take legit dedication to see the results especially if you want them fast

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May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
Yup, it sure takes alot more dedication now, than when I was younger
I only wish I knew more about general health and my how my body worked, when I was in my 20's...Man, I cant imagine what Id be like today..

And y'all (well most of you :eek:) know its not exactly easy forcing a nearly 40y/o body to do stuff it doesn't want to do...I'm still 20 in my mind too, so that doesn't help anything either...cuz I still think I can do things that I shouldn't

Snowboarding should be an eye opener this year...
Used to be semi pro and partially sponsored...haven't ridden years...

I almost don't want to hit the slopes at all. Then Id just have the memories of how I used to ride, and not the realization that I can't do half of what I did...

But, hopefully this weigjt training helps me get my confidence back...


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
Something is wrong with my ass haha... Seriously though. I stopped lifting 3-4 months ago because right at the top of my glutes like the very top on both sides go into spasm. I've been going to CrossFit 3x week for the last 3 weeks and it's been fine. Today was a 5x10 backsquat, 10x 10 calorie row and 10x 25m farmers carry. I'm not sure what it is... Not really pain but shit ain't right. Smashing the shit out of the areas with a lacrosse ball made it all but go away last time. I dunno if it's a mobility issue tight hips?

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Something is wrong with my ass haha... Seriously though. I stopped lifting 3-4 months ago because right at the top of my glutes like the very top on both sides go into spasm. I've been going to CrossFit 3x week for the last 3 weeks and it's been fine. Today was a 5x10 backsquat, 10x 10 calorie row and 10x 25m farmers carry. I'm not sure what it is... Not really pain but shit ain't right. Smashing the shit out of the areas with a lacrosse ball made it all but go away last time. I dunno if it's a mobility issue tight hips?

I have tweaks, pains, pulls and aches that come and go with training... You just have to learn when to train through them and when to give them proper rest and recovery. I'm still learning myself.


May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
2lbs of fish. Every. God. Damned. Day.

Oh my...
There's a guy I know that eats 35oz of chicken everyday...he got tired of chewing and now blends it...you two should swap meal ideas, ya know mix it up a little, maybe 18oz fish and 18oz chicken ;)


May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
OK, not sure if anyone cared...but I said I'd report back with my initial thoughts of this crazy gainer/nutrient/pre/recovery system from GNC.

First off, its called "Beyond Raw" and its a GNC name brand product. And my initial thoughts are...WOW!

Now, I have had a routine for a few weeks before this, and had on off attempts at getting this ball rolling for several months, but tonight's workout was amazing. And I feel like there's no question as to why...and that is because this shit works!

I'm attaching a pic, just cuz it shows a difference from last week, I really feel like documenting this will be fun, and you guys are like sudo brothers to me, I can handle the ration...but cuz Albert threatened to post pics of him in a banana hammock last time I posted a pic with my shirt off, I left my shirt on this time:roflmao:

The Mass Gainer shake mixes well, tastes good and if mixed with 2% milk it delivers 1250cal, 76g pprotein, 220 carbs and a bunch of other stuff, lol...
cost $55 for 12 servings, so basically $110/mo

TheRe-Loaded nutrient/vitimans pack has all the good stuff and more for men's daily needs, for healthy "lifestyle" and an athletes dose of aminos, and I absolutely feel like they deliver energy and mental clarity
30 day supply costs $35

The Rampage pre workout muscle prep/volumizer/creatine mix, I picked up in pill form because my digestive system, metabolism, kidneys and liver are all very efficient and move things quickly, so I believe I retain/absorb more from pill s than fluid form
30 day supply cost $22 (got it on sale for $18.50)

The post Re-Grow mixes well, tastes good and I feel like it works to bring you to a calm feeling and ready to rest, it feels like my body is just absorbing it, that's the best way to describe it...
I don't know how many servings it has, I'll have to look, but it was $60 IIRC

OK, so I explained how the gainer and vita pack bum rushed my system on the first intake/load session...I'm glad I loaded and waited, I actually waited 2 days instead of one, and yesterday I took the pre workout pills just to load and store a bit in my tissue.

So, 3rd day, vita pack and gainer shake still give a pretty strong sensation of energy, bit nothing like day one, 1/2 thru the shake (30min) I'm ready to do some serious work, I feel ready to be challenged.

The pre workout stuff is CRAZY GOOD! 30 Min after intake I felt like my muscles were growing just sitting on the couch reading, I could feel my blood vessels opening and my blood was really starting to move thru my body, I could literally see that vascularization was occurring as the minutes ticked by...another 16oz H2O down, I'm friggin ready to go!

Even simply doing stretches and jumping rope and J jacks felt energized and more, well, focused...

Pick up the dumbell, WTF, they feel light!
I did an extra set in every exercise AND Ipushed 2-3 extra reps out, per set, just cuz I could!

OMG, need water! The pre pills make your muscle tissue suck the hydration right out of you body, make sure to hydrate alot!

OK, so my pump was already way more intense than usual, and it wasn't like a lactic build up pump, it was my muscles were being fed and they were wanting to burn, kinda pump

I didn't fade like usual, ai felt like I could've continued my workout for another full circuit of my regimen.

The vascular quality of the pump I achieved during my work out was bar none the best I've seen on my body since I was playing collegiate level soccer and training for that level of endurance. My normal veins were pretty much 2x as engorged as normal and there were more of supporting passeges visible all over, my arms, shoulders, torso across hips and lower abdomen and..it seemed pretty surreal....

The post workout makes you feel content, complacent in a way and ready to rest...
Really every part of the system is geared and does work to fulfill your body's needs and prep it for that stage appropriately... It's quite cool

Am I satisfied?
ABSOLUTELY, I can see making huge gain on this stuff, and after just a couple.days of intake and one work out I feel, FANTASTIC!!!! I feel strong and for the first time in a while, I feel healthy again...

And believe this...
I put my shirt back on after my workout, and my friggin sleves were tight against the circumference of my arm...its been a LOOOOOONG time since my shirt fit like this...and it feels DAMN GOOD!

I shit you not guys, I saw, felt and achieved results in JIST a few days, and really, in the very first work out, utilizing this system...

It's a pretty real deal, I'd have to say that off initial response to it, it lives up to its namesake

I will continue to let you guys know my thoughts on the system and results as the next month goes by...as long as that's alright

I'd also like to express, that my mood feels more stable too, my anxiety is WAY down after only a couple days on this system...at this point, so early into this (just starting!!!) I really dont see how I could want more, and I couldn't be happier:thumb:


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Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
That's good Jason, real good. I have a friend that is begging me for help to gain some size... I will have him give your Mass gainer a shot.


May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
That's good Jason, real good. I have a friend that is begging me for help to gain some size... I will have him give your Mass gainer a shot.

Thanks Albert! I am truly grateful to be blessed with the ability to afford a nutrient system like this, I have made adjustments in my finances/spending to attain it, and all the friggin food I'm eating now...but it is worth it, there's nothing like the feeling of being satisfied with the efforts made for your physical and mental health

If he is small and skinny like me, yeah man, he will have to have a gainer like this, there is just no comparison between having this kind of fuel in your body and not having it and for someone like me, there is NO FRIGGIN WAY I could take in this level of protein and nutrient from basic foods...there simply isnt a comparison, I feel like a different guy is lifting the wieght..ok, I can make a comparison, IMHO, for me, working out without and engineered nutrient system, its like trying to run a 1000hp set of twins on a 300k mi stock fuel system...I imagine it's like trying to drive a furd...:joker:

And there's no getting around calorie intake...the dude simply needs to eat 2x what is "normal" or what he thinks...ALSO, protein intake needs to be 1.5oz per Lb of body weight, minimum, every day...so for me that's close to 260g a day, minimum...its a science, its a routine and like all things achieved worth achieving, it takes a genuine interest, self motivation, discipline, dedication and sacrifice

But we all know this, I'll step off my makeshift keyboard pulpit :eek:
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May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
My gratitude, thanks guys!

I want to take a second and thank Albert for starting this thread, and for everyone who posts in it...you guys don't know how long I lurked in this thread and read about all y'all making gains, being motivated, posting your sets and being excited about your health...


Or how much someone might need it


Be good! Stay strong!


May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
Just watch your water intake and make sure for yearly blood work.
Thanks for the advise!
I'm pretty good about fluid intake, and I don't go water crazy and flush the electrolytes out of my system, either...

Blood work, eh?
Hmmm...I don't like that you brought that up, I've had a feeling I need to get that checked, I've never had it done, well, never intentionally:baby:

It's been YEARS since I've had a panel ran, and that was because of an ER visit. Getting TOO close to 40 now, I guess it's time to be proactive, rather than reactive when it's too late...

Thanks again for the heads up...

Damn dood, prostate checks, stool samples, blood work...I'm sure I'm gonna have to "cough" too...I really hate the Dr...and Inhate getting old and acting like I'm an adult...:mad:


May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
School me on water intake?

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Too little water:
Poor macronutrient breakdown
Poor micronutrient breakdown
Poor absorption
No gain
Poor BM's
Little water retention in muscles=damaged cells
Muscle tears
Blood gets thick, veins get small, poor blood flow, heart works harder
The list goes on

Too much water:
Flush/push electrolytes, essential salts and macro/micro nutrient content out of system, system failure
Its my understanding that being overhydrated can cause Racing heart and higher blood pressure due to trying to pull hard enough to find nutrient to deliver to muscles
The list goes on...

Ideally, you should be getting a large percentage of water intake from water desnse fruits and veggies, as they are a more sustainable water source for your body to actually "nourish itself" from and retain stores of in tissue from...