Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
Damn Matt, do you even Cardio bro?:rofl:
Hahaha that made my day.

In other news I had the worst 3 days you could ask for. Lower back had been really sore, thinking it's from my bed which sucks because we'll I sleep on it every night. On top of that I don't know what I did but 9 yr ago I had arthroscopic left shoulder surgery done to tighten all the ligaments and tendons back up. Anyways it has been bothering me alot. Lifting 5 lbs straight out puts a sharp pain through it. So needless to say I haven't done any working out. Then today since it was my sons birthday I decided since he challenged me to not being able to eat a whole pizza I showed him up. Then had 2 pieces of desert pizza and some apple pie a few hrs later. Pretty sure all gains from last week or 2 are gone lol

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Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Hahaha that made my day.

In other news I had the worst 3 days you could ask for. Lower back had been really sore, thinking it's from my bed which sucks because we'll I sleep on it every night. On top of that I don't know what I did but 9 yr ago I had arthroscopic left shoulder surgery done to tighten all the ligaments and tendons back up. Anyways it has been bothering me alot. Lifting 5 lbs straight out puts a sharp pain through it. So needless to say I haven't done any working out. Then today since it was my sons birthday I decided since he challenged me to not being able to eat a whole pizza I showed him up. Then had 2 pieces of desert pizza and some apple pie a few hrs later. Pretty sure all gains from last week or 2 are gone lol

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Tens unit and an ice pack have done wonders for me lately.


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
What's a tens unit?

Edit: nevermind answered my own question. Only problem is its not muscles that are sore. It's more like the discs are effed and pinching crap. Some days I feel like I've never had back pain ever...other days I want to die. I'll try some light lifts in the morning and go from there. Good news is in just 3ish weeks I took my lying hamstring curl from 40lb max to 115lb max. And the leg extensions from a 80lb max to 175lb max. Unfortunately I can't load any more on my setup...out of room. So need to get on the wifes gym membership. Oh and increased ez bar curl from 90lb to 110. Not huge but I can tell. Just need my squats, deads, bench, shoulder press to improve. But all of those are hinging on the shoulder issue and random back pain. Must grind through I think

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Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
Buddy you should stop lifting... **** the gains seriously. If I was you I would limit myself to core work and body weight stuff.


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
Not what I want to hear. I do a ton of core work...probably 3 heavy core days and 2 light core days a week. I go extremely light on back stuff and it's helping. I think I could help myself if I do squats at the gym. Currently I load the bar on the floor. Do a dead, into a snatch, into a shoulder press, then onto my back so I can squat. Then after I'm done with a set I have to shoulder press and then take it back to the floor very controlled. I think that's where my issues are coming from

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Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
For the back? Yea Like 5 times. 4 heriated discs. S1-L5 L5-L4 L4-L3 L3-L2. Should was from being dislocated in high school football. Got hit by a spreader bar at work...right on the shoulder. Been taking it easy since. The back has been an issue for 6 yrs now. It's been almost pain free for the last 10 months. Probably haven't stretch he'd enough on warmup either to be honest. I haven't done shoulders or deads in 2 weeks. Squats I went light last week. Dropped back down to 95-105 lb sets

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Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
Have you thought about switching to front squats? With that many herniated discs I would be SO weary about lifting weights. Maybe it's time to look into yoga and calisthenics? Those guys are so freaking strong... Doing the complexs you're doing really sound like a lot of added aggravation to an already aggravated back Ya know?


May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
Whatever you do Brock, eliminate movements that utilize bending at the waist...that includes sit ups...and that's why I like that incline bench/ball throw exercise for working my stomach core muscles...it works much more than just your abs and it forces work on your muscles fully extended which forces fuller development WITH ZERO BENDING

I have a bad back too Brock, not as bad as you tho, bro...
Pull ups work the back, underhand pullups will work back and Bi's off bodyweight and therefore eliminate injury/irritation by not picking up weight and also not bending to complete the exercise..Gyms have machines that take your weight too.

The Roman bench, the one where you under lock your heels and support your weight with your thighs leaning over the bench...bending over using that and then raising yourself to fully extension and holding the top position on each rep... that's an excellent back ecercise

And planks, forward facing the ground wrist below elbows weight on forearms and reverse planks, facing the ceiling, fingers forward palms down

Those exercises will strengthen your back with minimal impact


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
Word Jason. It's a love/hate relationship with planks. But I do alot of landmine 180, spider crawl, flutter kicks, scissor kicks, heel touches, cocoons. And I do alot of back stuff but can remember the names lol. It's the main point of emphasis right now...getting core and back strong

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Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
If I had 5k to throw around I'd buy that pit shark Albert talked about. Used something similar in college after shoulder surgery and it worked like a boss

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May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
Word Jason. It's a love/hate relationship with planks. But I do alot of landmine 180, spider crawl, flutter kicks, scissor kicks, heel touches, cocoons. And I do alot of back stuff but can remember the names lol. It's the main point of emphasis right now...getting core and back strong

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Sounds like you've got a good regiment already! I empathise with you man, back injuries can be both emotionally and physically debilitating.

Stay (smartly) motivated brother:cool2:


Active member
Dec 24, 2013
Casper, WY
Well this morning i went about half of what I normally squat. Workout was descent for just doing upper legs.

Bar x20, 65 x 15, 75 x 10, 65 x 20, bar x 20

Lying leg curls
75 x 12, 75 x 10, 85 x 5

Leg extensions
120 x 10, 120 x 10, 120 x 10

Legs, especially quads...the portion just to the inside of the knee are feeling it. Kinda nice to have them feel smoked. Should hate tomorrow and the next day lol.

Did alot of stretching, probably 30 min or so and got the back good and loose and popped quite a few times and I'll be damned it feels amazing

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Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Dat whitetail!