Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Powerlifters or Heavy Squatters, I got a question for you. How are you guys wrapping your knees? I have some cheap single ply knee wraps but Im unsure of the proper wrapping techniques. Any of y'all got some tips or pointers for me?

Eventually I want to get the SBD sleeves because I lift in a Raw federation that only allows single ply sleeves such as the Rehbands and the SBD, no wraps during competiton.http://www.andersonpowerlifting.com/product-p/sbd-knee-sleeves-pair.htm


Sep 23, 2013
I wish there was a powerlifting gym around here I was allowed to go to. I don't have the motivation to build my strength up like I used to.

At one point I got to 350 on max bench and 325 squat.

I did however dead lift 405 a while back.

Probably been a year since I hit 300+ on bench / squat.


Dead Wrong
Mar 4, 2008
Powerlifters or Heavy Squatters, I got a question for you. How are you guys wrapping your knees? I have some cheap single ply knee wraps but Im unsure of the proper wrapping techniques. Any of y'all got some tips or pointers for me?

Eventually I want to get the SBD sleeves because I lift in a Raw federation that only allows single ply sleeves such as the Rehbands and the SBD, no wraps during competiton.http://www.andersonpowerlifting.com/product-p/sbd-knee-sleeves-pair.htm
How long are the wraps Albert? Everyone is different but I start at the bottom and overlap 50% and tuck the tag end. Some people do the bunny ears method. If you want something real easy hit up [email protected] he can sew velcro on to them in any thickness or length wrap you want. I use their commander knee wraps and silver beast wrist wraps.


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
3.5-4 years for me Nick, since a 19 year layoff since high school:D When I raced Moto I didn't want much muscle mass, just cardio, 170-175 is what I raced at... My comp in august I weighed in at 197.5


Nice Albert. I've only been lifting for 3.5 months and like you I was very lean and ran my ass off which got me to 155lbs since strength training and crossfit I've gained 12lbs. Although I'm still fairly weak imho ive added 50 lbs to my clean, 50lbs to front and back squat, 30 lbs to my snatch and 30lbs to my over head squat.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I wish there was a powerlifting gym around here I was allowed to go to. I don't have the motivation to build my strength up like I used to.

At one point I got to 350 on max bench and 325 squat.

I did however dead lift 405 a while back.

Probably been a year since I hit 300+ on bench / squat.
Try a program... I found that if the prescribed weights were on a piece of paper I would try harder to hit the numbers. When I just went and did body building stuff I would slack off here and there depending on how I felt. Candito has some free programs that are Power and building combined, & it's free:thumb: Jordan says he is using Juggercube not sure if you have to pay for that one or not? i'm going to do acouple cycles of Candito and then look into Juggercube or have Mick build me another Hope and Dreams crusher of program:baby:

How long are the wraps Albert? Everyone is different but I start at the bottom and overlap 50% and tuck the tag end. Some people do the bunny ears method. If you want something real easy hit up [email protected] he can sew velcro on to them in any thickness or length wrap you want. I use their commander knee wraps and silver beast wrist wraps.

I think there 36" Jordan? How tight do you make them? or does it depend on how much weight your trying to squat? I will look into general leather craft some more I forgot about them. Thanks bud.

Nice Albert. I've only been lifting for 3.5 months and like you I was very lean and ran my ass off which got me to 155lbs since strength training and crossfit I've gained 12lbs. Although I'm still fairly weak imho ive added 50 lbs to my clean, 50lbs to front and back squat, 30 lbs to my snatch and 30lbs to my over head squat.

Nick, nothing wrong with those numbers! Those are some monster gains to make in a very short period... Keep hammering and in a years time you will be amazed at the results & progress. Good job.


Sep 23, 2013
Try a program... I found that if the prescribed weights were on a piece of paper I would try harder to hit the numbers. When I just went and did body building stuff I would slack off here and there depending on how I felt. Candito has some free programs that are Power and building combined, & it's free:thumb: Jordan says he is using Juggercube not sure if you have to pay for that one or not? i'm going to do acouple cycles of Candito and then look into Juggercube or have Mick build me another Hope and Dreams crusher of program:baby:

I think there 36" Jordan? How tight do you make them? or does it depend on how much weight your trying to squat? I will look into general leather craft some more I forgot about them. Thanks bud.

Nick, nothing wrong with those numbers! Those are some monster gains to make in a very short period... Keep hammering and in a years time you will be amazed at the results & progress. Good job.

Thanks, I use programs most of the time. Not for powerlifting though. I just don't have the motivation to try and get max weight anymore


Dead Wrong
Mar 4, 2008
Try a program... I found that if the prescribed weights were on a piece of paper I would try harder to hit the numbers. When I just went and did body building stuff I would slack off here and there depending on how I felt. Candito has some free programs that are Power and building combined, & it's free:thumb: Jordan says he is using Juggercube not sure if you have to pay for that one or not? i'm going to do acouple cycles of Candito and then look into Juggercube or have Mick build me another Hope and Dreams crusher of program:baby:

I think there 36" Jordan? How tight do you make them? or does it depend on how much weight your trying to squat? I will look into general leather craft some more I forgot about them. Thanks bud.

Nick, nothing wrong with those numbers! Those are some monster gains to make in a very short period... Keep hammering and in a years time you will be amazed at the results & progress. Good job.
Tell Matt at general leathercraft Jordan sent you. I put them on tight


Active member
Jul 3, 2008
Great numbers bud:thumb: Are those competition numbers? Raw or geared?/QUOTE]

Thanks! ...Not competition numbers unfortunately. But they were all raw lifts. Just wraps and a belt for squat. Plan to compete in Novemeber if my schedule permits so we'll see where I can get in that time.

And to answer paints question, I've been lifting consistently since I was about 17 years old. I'm 22 now so about 5 years total. Although, most of 5 years was figuring out how to lift correctly. Just found this powerlifting gym I'm at now probably 4-5 months ago and I've definitely seen the most improvement after training with a coach and other people to help push me.


Finally boosted launches
Sep 10, 2012
I have followed this thread for a while. Keep up the good work guys. I blew a disc 11 years ago in a bad accident but until then I power lifted since around 16-17 years old. I hit 425 twice on flat bench in my heavy days, 600 dead lift. NoW adays I lift 3 times a week, light weight high reps. I did bench 225 20 times last month, I was happy with that. But im probably a lot heavier than you guys, 255#. Even in my prime I never could get cut,just mass, o well. Keep it up yall,cool thread.


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
I have followed this thread for a while. Keep up the good work guys. I blew a disc 11 years ago in a bad accident but until then I power lifted since around 16-17 years old. I hit 425 twice on flat bench in my heavy days, 600 dead lift. NoW adays I lift 3 times a week, light weight high reps. I did bench 225 20 times last month, I was happy with that. But im probably a lot heavier than you guys, 255#. Even in my prime I never could get cut,just mass, o well. Keep it up yall,cool thread.

different body types produce different results. I was on a good 500-700 calorie deficit a day diet and i wasted away all of my muscle and endurance to get as lean as possible... i got freezing cold hands and slow metabolism but i was exceptionally lean now i eat all the food i want as im trying to get as strong as i can within the confines of CrossFit. its kinda fun to see how much i can eat now ha


Active member
Oct 7, 2009
Great thread guys. I just got back from having an appendectomy deadlifted 405 5 times and did thrusters with 185 5 times. Then did the wod. And I'm gonna be one sore mofo tomorrow and the rest of the week

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Did a 539x2 deadlift today after my work sets, closing in on the 600 mark :thumb:

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
330 bench last week... Finally got the bench headed the other way:thumb:
355 squat beltless. Rib is still to sore for a belt 2 more weeks hopefully...
425x2 deadlift beltless as well.

A little bummed my squat and dead slipped but it was to be expected with an injury and going beltless after training so long with one. Might be a silver lining once I can wear one again, hopefully blow the old pr's out of the water.

Started a new round of Canditos program this week, 350 bench here I come...

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I have followed this thread for a while. Keep up the good work guys. I blew a disc 11 years ago in a bad accident but until then I power lifted since around 16-17 years old. I hit 425 twice on flat bench in my heavy days, 600 dead lift. NoW adays I lift 3 times a week, light weight high reps. I did bench 225 20 times last month, I was happy with that. But im probably a lot heavier than you guys, 255#. Even in my prime I never could get cut,just mass, o well. Keep it up yall,cool thread.

Great thread guys. I just got back from having an appendectomy deadlifted 405 5 times and did thrusters with 185 5 times. Then did the wod. And I'm gonna be one sore mofo tomorrow and the rest of the week

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Did a 539x2 deadlift today after my work sets, closing in on the 600 mark :thumb:

Good work guys:thumb:


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
Sitting at 192 right now. We had a baby over the summer so I quit working out. Dropped down to 170(extremely lean) still had a300lb bench and 450+ dead lift. Now I'm up to 192, benching 360, shoulder pressing 115lb dumb bells for set of 10, squatting 315 5x5. I'm enhanced right now and love the way my muscles look esp when pumped up. Test/deca 400/300. Going into pct in three weeks. Will update with how much lifts drop after pct. I don't expect much of a drop.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Sitting at 192 right now. We had a baby over the summer so I quit working out. Dropped down to 170(extremely lean) still had a300lb bench and 450+ dead lift. Now I'm up to 192, benching 360, shoulder pressing 115lb dumb bells for set of 10, squatting 315 5x5. I'm enhanced right now and love the way my muscles look esp when pumped up. Test/deca 400/300. Going into pct in three weeks. Will update with how much lifts drop after pct. I don't expect much of a drop.

Dude, that's amazing how fast you can put 20+ pounds on... Keep us updated:thumb:


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
Thanks man, if you ever have any questions about it holler at me. I'll answer as best I can.


Active member
Aug 4, 2009
I just ate 2 carne guisada tacos, potato and egg, and two bean and cheese. Hitting the gym as soon as it settles


Dead Wrong
Mar 4, 2008
Deadlifted today after being sicker than a dog and losing 5 lbs. Pulled 405x2 425x1 440x1 405x5 440x2. Getting in the groove again hopefully get back to where I was and pull 500.