Things people do while driving that annoy you


New member
Feb 1, 2012
SE Massachusetts
KNOW WHAT I HATE ASSHOLES THat drive down the interstate taking up two lanes swerving like there drunk,when i pull up to the side of them they're steering with the knees headtilted straight down texting! Thats when i roll my window down and throw a full bottle of gatorade at the window!Scares the livin shit out of them:D


Sep 5, 2010
North Kingstown RI
I have to agree. I used to let stuff get to me but I give myself as much time as possible and take my time. Like said above it isnt worth getting bent out of shape for(although some stuff does make you scratch your head on what is going though some peoples mind).

unless its a gps you loose your cool :roflmao:


Active member
Nov 30, 2008
Kokomo, IN
When the slowest vehicles are on the fast lanes, or when its a 4 lane and the 2 cars in front of you drive right next to each other so no one can get past.

X1000 Hate when people just think they can camp in the fast lane, seems to be really bad in Michigan from my experience


New member
Aug 5, 2011
Glennallen, AK
Absolutely hate when you can count the amount of snowflakes falling on one hand, but when it happens everyone decides its time to drive 30 mph under the speed limit.


Mar 9, 2012
Albuquerque, NM
KNOW WHAT I HATE ASSHOLES THat drive down the interstate taking up two lanes swerving like there drunk,when i pull up to the side of them they're steering with the knees headtilted straight down texting! Thats when i roll my window down and throw a full bottle of gatorade at the window!Scares the livin shit out of them:D

As I read this post I actually laughed kuz that would be really funny to see. Wouldn't be good if they had a wreck though.


Sep 5, 2010
North Kingstown RI
i got another ol lady likes to lean forward at the right time when i'm trying to switch lanes or back into somewhere with the trailer on blocking my view from the mirror drives me nuts! :rofl:


Isuzu Shakes IT
Feb 15, 2012
Central OH
I hate when Im RIDING in a car and the driver expects ME to look out for traffic at intersections :mad:

And slow drivers when the weather is "bad" (more like a drizzle)

People who cant keep a constant speed. My gf is really bad about this, when she drives my truck it seems like the converter is constantly locking/unlocking. Shes getting better about using the cruise control though :thumb:


Regular Cabs Rock
Jul 21, 2009
Wherever I am working
Speaking of being a passenger. When I was in college I was on the forensics team. We travelled a lot throughout the year and our instructor was a horrible driver. He would never use the cruise control and would constantly be on and off the throttle. Speed up five, slow down five.

Another thing is how my wife uses the brakes. She pushes hard once, lets off and pushes again. Drives me nuts cuz I can feel the tension in my neck trying to hold my body and head from moving forward. She'll do it really bad in heavy traffic. Needless to say, she doesn't drive much when I'm in the vehicle.


Apr 16, 2007
People who drive a f@ckin prius
People who drive slow as shit in the fast lane
People who like to hover


messcan wrangler
Apr 20, 2009
Del Rio, TX
:mad:People who sit at a red light waiting to turn right when there is NO traffic.:mad: Drives me up the wall!!!!! If it were not for my girlfriend I would have pushed many cars into an intersection. We live on the border so I am assuming that this is frowned upon in Mexico. I dunno!! I'm usually screaming at them RIGHT ON F&%$ING RED!!!!!!!


Active member
Feb 25, 2008
Upstate N.Y
A$$ holes with no common sense, courtesy, or respect for other drivers. 1. If your not passing and the right lane is clear, leave the passing lane open for others that would like to go faster:thumb:. 2. If your going to switch lanes stop being so damn lazy and use your directionals. 3. Dont drive right on my bumper when there is traffic in front of and on both sides of me, I obviously can not go any faster dumb a$$ and your doing nothing but increasing the chance of a accident & pissing me off;) 4. All the little weasels that like to act tuff and flip people off in other cars, not smart! You never know when that next traffic jamb, red light or the possibility He, She, or I may have to swerve to avoid a animal and run your punk a$$ off the road will come up ;) :hug: :)

blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
A$$ holes with no common sense, courtesy, or respect for other drivers. 1. If your not passing and the right lane is clear, leave the passing lane open for others that would like to go faster:thumb:. 2. If your going to switch lanes stop being so damn lazy and use your directionals. 3. Dont drive right on my bumper when there is traffic in front of and on both sides of me, I obviously can not go any faster dumb a$$ and your doing nothing but increasing the chance of a accident & pissing me off;) 4. All the little weasels that like to act tuff and flip people off in other cars, not smart! You never know when that next traffic jamb, red light or the possibility He, She, or I may have to swerve to avoid a animal and run your punk a$$ off the road will come up ;) :hug: :)
Yeah and i catch the little bitch at the next light and he flips me off again and acts like he wants to box i get out to oblige him and he spins the tires thru the red light to get away bitch a$$!!!!!!


Active member
Feb 25, 2008
Upstate N.Y
Yeah and i catch the little bitch at the next light and he flips me off again and acts like he wants to box i get out to oblige him and he spins the tires thru the red light to get away bitch a$$!!!!!!

The way I look at it is simple, I dont f@ck with anyone, I give people room in front of me. If Im in the fast lane and I see some one coming up quick and I can Merge, I DO! I never intentionaly hold any one up, give people sh!t for no reason or flip them off. I expect the same respect in return, and if the road rage retard in the next car feels the need to flip me off or yell and scream like a maniac I will simply call them on it and see were it goes;)

blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
The way I look at it is simple, I dont f@ck with anyone, I give people room in front of me. If Im in the fast lane and I see some one coming up quick and I can Merge, I DO! I never intentionaly hold any one up, give people sh!t for no reason or flip them off. I expect the same respect in return, and if the road rage retard in the next car feels the need to flip me off or yell and scream like a maniac I will simply call them on it and see were it goes;)
I am totally agreeing with you im saying when i get jacked with and i may mouth a f u and if they happen to be looking in the rear view when i mouth it so be it.ive gotten out of the truck maybe 4 times in the 5 years ive had it and none of the disrespectful shits ever sticks around.I dont look for it but ill finish it if need be.especalliy if they put my life or anyone else in my truck at risk.


Professional Grade
Aug 30, 2008
Around here I think it people are too cautious or polite sometimes. One place is where a major two lane highway and I-5 come together. The merge lanes (there are two, one is an exit only at the end) are long as hell like 1/2 mile or something. They all feel the need to get on I-5 right where the damn on ramp stripes come together. They pretty much wasted the asphalt beyond that. If you just drive in the lane for another 200 feet you could be going the same speed as the freeway (which is slow in rush hour) and can just merge right in.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
I can't believe it took 61 post for someone to bring up texting. It must be more of a big city thing. I can't drive to or from work without seeing someone driving like a moron and they're texting.

Next would be people hanging out in the fast lane. On my trip over the holidays I regularly had to pass large groups of people in the slow lane because they where going under the speed limit in the fast lane. Mostly within 100 miles of Dallas. Maybe the people there just haven't noticed the the speed limit is now 75..

I can't say to much though I can drive like a real ***** too.


New member
Feb 1, 2012
SE Massachusetts
As I read this post I actually laughed kuz that would be really funny to see. Wouldn't be good if they had a wreck though.
Know you are right and i thought about it afterwards but Hey $%^* Him ! Buddy of mine was with me that day it was on the way home from work he said " you are one crazy portuguee! This wasnt the first time i done it best one was a rig that cut me off when i was in the right lane and almost drove off the side of the highway to aviod him hitting me.After i straightened out i sped up past him put my signal on cut in front of him took my pepsi can rolled down the window and tossed it straight up in the air hit the hood of his rig and sprayed the shit out of his windshield lol. Now that i gotten a lil older i just ignore these assholes its not even worth it!

S Phinney

Active member
Aug 15, 2008
Quncy, Fl
Pisses me off that people don't understand that the slow lanes are the right ones. Everyone thinks they need to be in the fast lanes even if there's no cars in the slow lane. Move it or lose it sister.

I couldn't agree more. Move over! I sometimes wish I could Pit them sometimes.:woott: