Things people do while driving that annoy you


Regular Cabs Rock
Jul 21, 2009
Wherever I am working
^^^ROFL. So you're saying you know what I'm talking about. Scott, I think this is one of the reasons you were not allowed into the Wisconsin Dmax members when you asked. Somebody said,"f€£¥ them Illinois drivers." And you live just close enough to Chicago to be labelled a Chicagoan. LOL


Apr 20, 2007
Salem WI
This epidemic is horrible in southeast Wisconsin and northern Illinois. People seem to use the left lane for slow cruise. You can be the only two on the interstate and Chicago and Milwaukee drivers will stay in the left lane. I think this is because they are intimidated by the middle lane and cars being able to pass them on either side, or that they simply don't want to have to watch for ramp mergers. Totally gets me! Another thing that bothers me even more is people driving WAY OVER the speed limit in a residential zone. Our city streets are all 25mph. The street in front of my house is never patrolled and is one of two through streets on this side of the city, kids play outside all the time and people blast by my house at 35, 40mph all day long.

Everyday I drive I-94 from Kenosha cty up to Milwaukee, and soon it'll be from Kenosha cty down to O'hare it is terrible being originally from wonderful BFE Wisconsin I can say its a Chicago driver problem more than anything else in my opinion, just happens to be more WI plates now that people are fleeing Chicago by the masses.

blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
^^^ROFL. So you're saying you know what I'm talking about. Scott, I think this is one of the reasons you were not allowed into the Wisconsin Dmax members when you asked. Somebody said,"f€£¥ them Illinois drivers." And you live just close enough to Chicago to be labelled a Chicagoan. LOL
:roflmao: Yeah i know.I was trying to joke with the wisconites and appartly got a few guys that have no love for the ILL peeps.I did get a few good jabs in tho :boxing: :rofl:


Needs moar PAH!
May 14, 2012
Haven't driven in close to 3 months, but I hate sitting in my truck and watching my dad drive it. Does that count? :roflmao:


future trans limpers
Jul 30, 2008
Scotland Neck NC
I hate slow drivers in the left lane and the one thing that makes me lose my mind is in heavy traffic I like to leave a good amount of room between me and the car in front. Theres an ass hole about every few minutes that will squeeze in and force me to hit the brakes to get room between me and him. I wish I had a paint ball gun mounted on the front of my truck Id take out some tail lights:woott:


New member
Mar 4, 2011
concord, north carolina
I hate slow drivers in the left lane and the one thing that makes me lose my mind is in heavy traffic I like to leave a good amount of room between me and the car in front. Theres an ass hole about every few minutes that will squeeze in and force me to hit the brakes to get room between me and him. I wish I had a paint ball gun mounted on the front of my truck Id take out some tail lights:woott:

x2 and Ive never seen so many bad drivers till i moved to n.c. theres accidents everywhere, and they all think there nascar drivers...


New member
Dec 24, 2010
Yaphank, NY
I use to get uptight driving then I realized it wasn't worth it. As long as they don't hit me I just stay calm and enjoy the ride.

I have to agree. I used to let stuff get to me but I give myself as much time as possible and take my time. Like said above it isnt worth getting bent out of shape for(although some stuff does make you scratch your head on what is going though some peoples mind).


Aug 18, 2011
I can't seem to go anywhere anymore without someone doing something to aggravate me. So let's hear those things that really get under your skin when you're behind the wheel.

For me, something that I always run into is people who want to pace me. I can pass them and they will match my speed, or they will pass me and slow down to my speed. I speed up a little to try to get away from them, and they come right back. I use cruise control almost to a fault, so I know it isn't me.

I do a lot of interstate driving going to and from work and I see this same thing all the time. I pisses me off too.

Another thing is when someone pulls out of a cross street in front of me when there is no one behind me...just wait a few more seconds till I get past.

These two really torque my chicken. As well as dip-shits that can't decide if they want to go 30 or 100. Set the freaking cruise dumbass. Other than just these couple things, I'm pretty mellow behind the wheel. Just smile and wave to the special ed drivers.
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Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
I don't know what's up with Joe he obviously doesn't ride. I don't own the road but expect the same respect cars get it's not a bicycle! Bikes ride unpacks a lot it's nice to be able to stay in a group when possibly. I don't ride in blind spots, I also believe loud pipes do save lives contrary to studies as I've seen it happen in real life!

The parking is the real laughable one! The reason is the ground sometimes as in solid ground for the kick stand plus why take up a huge spot for a bike when you can consolidate them in a smaller area and avoid people backing into them knocking them over!

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
People that drive slow and get long lines of cars behind them and don't pull over. People that don't pass the slow driver mentioned before. Canadian Mount me's in Beaver Lodge AB, with a Hard on for a super bad ass Blue Duramax from Alaska, that pass all the cars SAFELY, I might add. Facious Kiljoy's!

And any of the afore mentioned. Oh and anybody else on the roads with me pretty much piss me off. My wife says I have a road rage issues:eek: I pretty much try atleast once a week to not flip anybody off, Baby steps you know...;)


New member
Apr 22, 2007
Alberta, Canada
People that drive slow and get long lines of cars behind them and don't pull over. People that don't pass the slow driver mentioned before. Canadian Mount me's in Beaver Lodge AB, with a Hard on for a super bad ass Blue Duramax from Alaska, that pass all the cars SAFELY, I might add. Facious Kiljoy's!

And any of the afore mentioned. Oh and anybody else on the roads with me pretty much piss me off. My wife says I have a road rage issues:eek: I pretty much try atleast once a week to not flip anybody off, Baby steps you know...;)

Thank you for contributing Albert. I've paid into the fund a few times myself. :D


May 11, 2010
Truck drivers years ago were the most courteous drivers on the road. If you were coming up on a couple trucks pulling or hill or something similar and the rear truck wanted to pass he would wait until you were past before he would pull out. They would never cut you off. That is my biggest annoyance...I'm on the highway cruise set at 80 and I come up to a couple trucks. The truck in the rear decides that he is going to pull out in front of me to pass the other truck at 45-50. It happens all the time on hills. I have no respect for truck drivers anymore.

I had one that nearly killed me. Many of you might know this area...Pulling the big hill on AZ I40 between Ash Fork and Williams and had the cruise set at 80. I come up on a couple trucks running 50 ish both in the right lane. Just as I am about the pass the rear truck in the left lane he pulls out to pass the other truck and runs me off the road....I mean I had to pull into the median to save it. After getting my shit together I pull back on the highway and catch back up with the guy just as he is about to pull the longest and steepest grade of the hill....he is still doing about 50mph. I got in front of him at the base of the hill and dropped my speed to about 10. As soon as I had him slowed to 10ish I dumped on it and ran it back up to about 80 and let it run. I bet he never made that hill.


Shits broke
Jun 12, 2008
Nor cal
I hate when I come up on someone oncoming and they don't turn their highbeams off. They wait till they get close. If you see another vehicle turn your highbeams off! Also when people have their highbeams on while they are on a freeway.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
This last July, I was welcomed into the UPS Circle of Honor (for 25 yrs safe driving). I did it in 27yrs (2 backing accidents - 1996 and 2009) Even being a safe, professional driver, I know I do dumb things too......but not like I see from other people out on the road. I dont have enough time to list all the things people do besides driving that I see on a daily basis. Its shocking.
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blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
I hate when I come up on someone oncoming and they don't turn their highbeams off. They wait till they get close. If you see another vehicle turn your highbeams off! Also when people have their highbeams on while they are on a freeway.

The all on headline/fog lite mod seams to help out with this problem especially when you have silver stars in all lites .:angel:


Mar 9, 2012
Albuquerque, NM
I think a big problem with people driving like jerks is poor time management. They don't leave point A soon enough so they have plenty of time. Then it's a rush to get to point B. Everyone drives as if their plans and their need to get to point B is more important than yours.