Since the time change didn't help with my sleeping disorder, figured I would sort out the pinouts between our A50 and T87 connectors. Some are easy, with matching circuit ID's, while others require some thought and wiring diagram tracing. But have a good spreadsheet started we can build on.
Other thing I clarified is our T87 speed sensor requirements. Tested my little 5v PWM signal generator against the T87. Last time I'd used it was to replicate speed sensors on a T42, so duty cycle was still setting where it worked on that. And while I could get the T87 to register a pulse count, it wasn't happy. Wouldn't track a rate change in pulses no matter what adjustments I tried. So, not likely this TCM will work with VR style pickups.
Looking at the pinout for the T87, I noticed where these new hall effect sensors use a 9v reference on pins 7 & 8, and sensor signal is on pins 14 and 15. A little online searching shows that common hall effect sensor comes in 3 forms. 0-10v, 0-5v, and Open Drain On/Off. So I verified reference pins 7 & 8 on the TCM, and those are reading a little over 9v. Guessing we have the first option. But while probing pins, I also found that listed unused pins 5 & 6, look to be 5v references. Which might just save our bacon in this A50 swap.
So next test was to see if the sensor signals would accept a 5v square wave from the little Arduino emulator I use for ECM crank / cam emulator. And guess what, the signal pulse registers on tracking PIDs, even when I was sending it a 60-3 crank wheel pulse.. It's obviously fairly fault tolerant.. But the main take away, it's perfectly happy with a 0-5v square wave pattern. Which is all I needed to know.
Seems some others didn't do much research before going full bore pushing out a T14 solution. A little knowledge goes a long ways. And I don't see any reason why someone needs to own a wrench and creeper to change sensors, when this small issue can be easily solved with a dime size circuity. Remember those 5v references I found unused? Simple fix is likely gonna spins some heads... Some of you probably know this fix already, I posted an example link above.. LOL
For those interested, below is a good link with explanation of the differences between VR and Hall sensors. Next I'm going to break out my full E35B bench rig again, blow the dust off it, and see if I can't wrap this swap up before dinner. Tomorrow that is. Ya gotta build a little suspense at least.