sounds good guys it's about time to get it to another pull:cool2:
I have to just say that this is probably my favorite truck at the moment. You guys have done a kickass job. I hope to build a truck with my brother like this someday.
X2 but my brother isnt into much pulling plus he works at a toyota dealer ship and drives a new tundra and thinks his truck will kick my trucks a$$ until i get the log chain out :rofl: maybe one of these days i will get him on the right track
yeh i have a younger brother (15) and a older brother (25), i would love to do project puller with one or both of them.
You will see plenty more videos once we get past this rail pressure issue.
I'm 31 and Tony is 25. He has put a lot more time into than me at this point (wife and 18 month old kid here). We decided to do this so we could put out money into one truck to make it more affordable/competitive. Plus we have done a lot of trading and have gotten some good support. We'll have less in this puller than most in our class have in their motor alone. That's all good if it's competitive.
whats the pw set at when your losing pressure?
Stock at idle, PW max is 2300 in the tune. should have no trouble holding that.