I'm still fatter than fawk. I was doing low carb pretty strictly and never lost anything after the initial week or two. Since then, I've been weak and eat absolutely horribly (but not gained more than a couple lbs somehow
). I've got to do something though or I may literally die working out in the heat this summer.
Overall, I've been absolutely blessed to be so healthy so far in life in spite of being overweight since childhood. I have no health issues whatsoever - good cholesterol, good BP, strong immune system, no headaches outside of the occassional small one caused by pressure changes when weather fronts move through, still have tonsils, appendix, gall bladder, no kidney stone issues in spite of excessive (2-3 cans/day) intake of carbonated beverages, etc.
I REALLY need to get my weight down while I can still boast about my health though because I'm not naive enough to think I'm immune to ailments that stem from obesity. If I passed my PE exam (I should know within a month) - meaning I'll have time to devote to exercise - I've vowed to join a gym and get back to eating right. I'd really like to get down to 10-12% BF and a good bit south of 2-bills. I'm 5-10 or tick over and medium-heavy framed. I don't aspire to be skinny/thin. I'm okay with "husky" or "stocky" as long as I lose my spare tire gut/tool shed!