New Tax Rate

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S Phinney

Active member
Aug 15, 2008
Quncy, Fl
Why get out of the union when it is the best paying job around? My point is being missed completely here... Point is i work ALOT but when im laid off for 2-3 months sometimes i draw unemployment and should. Go find a lower paying job for a month or two and then quit to go back to work my regular job? I think not, the point is unemployment shouldnt be in the spotlight it is not a major issue. Put the spotlight on a government handout like welfare. The people on unemployment are waiting to get called back to work or their looking for another job, not just waiting on their next welfare check and foodstamp card to come in the mail. Can someone explain why to me why they need a obumaphone when they are not required to even look for a job or work??? What was the whole purpose behind this phone program? Who is the phone service provided through? Is this why new Verizon wireless contracts went up in price and did away with unlimited data? Do these phones have data capability or are they just flip phones?

Unemployment is a big problem. It is almost like welfare when you can draw it for two years. It is not as simple as you make it out to be. Each guy that draws off his employer raises his employers rates when it gets charged back to that employer. Standard rates are 2.7% and goes up from there when the employer gets charged for the person drawing. Then take into account that when that persons benefits run out the Feds under Obama loaned money to the state because of too much payout of benefits and then that same person gets a letter after his benefits are out saying "O buy the way you will be getting another 2*3 thousand because we got more money". That us complete bullshit. Socialism ans bureaucracy at its best to say it nicely. The bottom line is that there is big brother doing things that is not meant for it to be doing. These things add to the cost of doing business and ultimately to the person spending his money to purchase from the businesses.

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future trans limpers
Jul 30, 2008
Scotland Neck NC
I own a welding repair shop in a small town. I need help quite often and need help desperately right now. The only help I can get right now is a day here and there and then I have to pay them cash so they dont screw there unemployment up. Unemployment us screwing up our economy and hurting businesses that need help from skilled people. I get promisses all the time to come and work and the promiss is always the same. "As soon as my unemployment runs out I'll come back so we can talk".


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
I understand the way people feel about unemployment but myself I will not condemn or insult all individuals that have unfortunately found themselves in this position!

There are still plenty of hard working that want to work that have been displaced in this economy and need this insurance that they will be able to provide shelter and food for their family's while they adjust their lifestyles.

Unemployment is was designed for SHORT TERM assistance congress has made it abusable! It's a very touchy issue but all those that need to or deserve to get some relief should not be thrown to the dogs! I believe Slammed will work and not bleed the system like others have!


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Why get out of the union when it is the best paying job around? My point is being missed completely here... Point is i work ALOT but when im laid off for 2-3 months sometimes i draw unemployment and should. Go find a lower paying job for a month or two and then quit to go back to work my regular job? I think not, the point is unemployment shouldnt be in the spotlight it is not a major issue. Put the spotlight on a government handout like welfare. The people on unemployment are waiting to get called back to work or their looking for another job, not just waiting on their next welfare check and foodstamp card to come in the mail. Can someone explain why to me why they need a obumaphone when they are not required to even look for a job or work??? What was the whole purpose behind this phone program? Who is the phone service provided through? Is this why new Verizon wireless contracts went up in price and did away with unlimited data? Do these phones have data capability or are they just flip phones?

Good points on unemployment. It's the extension of benefits that cost the taxpayers. The original 26 weeks was employer paid through payroll taxes. The extensions are paid by the state and reimbursed by the feds.

But, let me tell you a story on Obama-phones. Haven't had to do a resume in years, so I went to the Maricopa (county) Workforce Connection in Phoenix. They have classes on skills training, interviewing, resumes and job searching on the web. These exist in every county, to some degree.
It's a large facility, with several classrooms and a large computer lab. Probably 30 or 40 county employees, mostly career specialists & trainers with support staff. All paid by the Federal Workforce Investment Act.
In one of the sessions required for some grant eligibility, it was mentioned that the Obama-phone folks would be at the next job fair.
You must be on Welfare, food stamps or some form of public assistance to receive one. :eek:
But, I did not recognize the cell service or provider. Then, it dawned on me. As a national company, they convinced the White House & Congress of this much needed service and got an appropriations package. For millions & millions of dollars. For the poor. Right. ;)
They just use the large carrier's cell sites, like some of the smaller guys do.
So, Washington works in the same way it always has . . . just wish I'd thought of it!


Active member
Feb 25, 2008
Upstate N.Y
Little story:rolleyes: A guy I know and have known for years gets himself in trouble and does 2 years in prison. Upon release he has no house or anywere to go. The goverment puts him up in a hotel at a cost of $365 dollars per week for 3 months. During that time he gets full medical, dental, and prescription plan. He pay's 0 dollar's, YES ZERO! deductable/Co pay etc.. He gets a CC for $250 a month for food. He has goverment funded transportation. He automatically qualify's for a special Loan program for convicts/felons to start there own business?? WTF:mad:. So who in the f@ck is paying for all this? (A)- You - Me and all the other hard working tax payers of the world. This is just one person costing well over 2k a month of goverment assistance. Another lady I know just had her 9th kid and is completly supported by 'The System'!! A huge portion of Americans are Lazy P.O.S. in my opinion. These 'Lazy" people feel entitled to just recieve FREE money and have no problem sittting on there asses and Raking in the money. Why do these Welfare Recipicants not have to take drug tests? Why is there not a system in place saying if you are on welfare 'WE The System' Are not paying for additional kids. If your on Welfare and cant support yourself how in the f$ck can you support additional mouths to feed? And the goverment just keeps making it easier and easier for people to not work but keep reproducing all the while they sit in there goverment funded home smoking pot.:mad:

:hifinger: THE SYSTEM & :2birds: These Anti Gun Idiot's Rant Over :)

S Phinney

Active member
Aug 15, 2008
Quncy, Fl
Little story:rolleyes: A guy I know and have known for years gets himself in trouble and does 2 years in prison. Upon release he has no house or anywere to go. The goverment puts him up in a hotel at a cost of $365 dollars per week for 3 months. During that time he gets full medical, dental, and prescription plan. He pay's 0 dollar's, YES ZERO! deductable/Co pay etc.. He gets a CC for $250 a month for food. He has goverment funded transportation. He automatically qualify's for a special Loan program for convicts/felons to start there own business?? WTF:mad:. So who in the f@ck is paying for all this? (A)- You - Me and all the other hard working tax payers of the world. This is just one person costing well over 2k a month of goverment assistance. Another lady I know just had her 9th kid and is completly supported by 'The System'!! A huge portion of Americans are Lazy P.O.S. in my opinion. These 'Lazy" people feel entitled to just recieve FREE money and have no problem sittting on there asses and Raking in the money. Why do these Welfare Recipicants not have to take drug tests? Why is there not a system in place saying if you are on welfare 'WE The System' Are not paying for additional kids. If your on Welfare and cant support yourself how in the f$ck can you support additional mouths to feed? And the goverment just keeps making it easier and easier for people to not work but keep reproducing all the while they sit in there goverment funded home smoking pot.:mad:

:hifinger: THE SYSTEM & :2birds: These Anti Gun Idiot's Rant Over :)

I completely agree brother. My dad has worked since he was 15 and he just turned 69. He has been a masonry contractor most of his life. That is some physically demanding work for anyone. The toll this profession has taken on body has caught up with him in the last three years. He can hardly get up and walk around. He doesn't get any assistance . Yet one former employee wants disability for having hepatitis c because he is entitled to it. He says that the government will pay jim for having it. He contracted it through drug use. My dad should get something but he doesn't want it. He says he will "get by". He will because I will make sure he does. Yes America of the old is broken and in desperate need of being fixed. I just hope enough realize while they still can fix it.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


Diesel Hotrodder
Aug 2, 2006
Norco CA
Politicians on both sides suck,and if there is one who wants to do right nobody listens. Fire all of them. ...


We have just been lied to on a massive scale. I see the President and Congress as traitors. Don't piss on my boots and tell me it's raining. If you're going to raise middle class taxes, just say it, don't play word games or lie.


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
26 weeks is 6.5 months thats plenty of time....

No doubt I have never been unemployed for the las 17 years. and have never had to struggle to find work.

Unemployment is a big problem. It is almost like welfare when you can draw it for two years. It is not as simple as you make it out to be. Each guy that draws off his employer raises his employers rates when it gets charged back to that employer. Standard rates are 2.7% and goes up from there when the employer gets charged for the person drawing. Then take into account that when that persons benefits run out the Feds under Obama loaned money to the state because of too much payout of benefits and then that same person gets a letter after his benefits are out saying "O buy the way you will be getting another 2*3 thousand because we got more money". That us complete bullshit. Socialism ans bureaucracy at its best to say it nicely. The bottom line is that there is big brother doing things that is not meant for it to be doing. These things add to the cost of doing business and ultimately to the person spending his money to purchase from the businesses.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Im not saying the unemployment needs to be 2 years... I have never drew even the full 26 weeks. Usually im only on it a month or two which i feel is fine. I understand you dont feel the need for a extension but maybe you would if you lived in ohio or michigan where there is 100000 times more people than jobs. Mc Donalds isnt even hiring like they used too. But you live here so im sure you now. Unemployment shouldnt be extended further than 26weeks in most places, but in places like youngstown ohio and detroit michigan maybe there should be a exception for the working person to get extended benifits? I guess we will never see eye to eye on this, i guess you would rather have someone come of there 26 week unemployment and go on welfare? Once that happens they will never be looking for a job again... And that is exactly what happens.


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
I own a welding repair shop in a small town. I need help quite often and need help desperately right now. The only help I can get right now is a day here and there and then I have to pay them cash so they dont screw there unemployment up. Unemployment us screwing up our economy and hurting businesses that need help from skilled people. I get promisses all the time to come and work and the promiss is always the same. "As soon as my unemployment runs out I'll come back so we can talk".

What do you expect when your not paying them as much as there unemployment?


<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
Im not saying the unemployment needs to be 2 years... I have never drew even the full 26 weeks. Usually im only on it a month or two which i feel is fine. I understand you dont feel the need for a extension but maybe you would if you lived in ohio or michigan where there is 100000 times more people than jobs. Mc Donalds isnt even hiring like they used too. But you live here so im sure you now. Unemployment shouldnt be extended further than 26weeks in most places, but in places like youngstown ohio and detroit michigan maybe there should be a exception for the working person to get extended benifits? I guess we will never see eye to eye on this, i guess you would rather have someone come of there 26 week unemployment and go on welfare? Once that happens they will never be looking for a job again... And that is exactly what happens.

Then ****ing move i work 800 miles from were i live to provide for my family your just making up excuses we cant take care of everyone. if you really wanna work go find it i had to the economy died in idaho and i was starving so i bucked up and went to north dakota.

the systems all need shut down unemployment at 26 weeks is a paid by the private sector and is fine the rest get rid of...

and i agree with firing every politcian from the white house down i also think we need term limits on the house/senate and the supreme court justices


May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Canada
By the way you talk im gonna guess you are about my age (21-22) Yes this generation is incredibly sorry,lazy, and horrible attitudes. Honestly, im almost at that point of just doing my own thing. Im not the best, smartest, or know everything there is to know but im fair to customers and the job is done right once, not done right quick once and then fixed later. Im hoping for a pick up in business though.

I'm 35....

S Phinney

Active member
Aug 15, 2008
Quncy, Fl
I will explain unemployment tax and compensation in Florida. Each state can vary. At worst case I have to pay $432.00 in premium per person per year. Each person can receive a maximum of $6,750.00 per six months. Now figure in extended benefits at 96 weeks. I would pay $864.00 and a person could receive $27,000.00 in benefits. That would pit the tax payers (general working public) a tab if $26,136.00 to pick up. How long do you think that can keep working? Why do you think companies move to other countries? Our government does thus in just about every facet if their functions. It is not a practice that can attain financial stability or growth period. I do care about my future as well as my children's future. We can't pass the buck to someone else. It requires us to act responsibly now or there won't be a future for any of us.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


This won't last long...
Jan 14, 2011
Little story:rolleyes: A guy I know and have known for years gets himself in trouble and does 2 years in prison. Upon release he has no house or anywere to go. The goverment puts him up in a hotel at a cost of $365 dollars per week for 3 months. During that time he gets full medical, dental, and prescription plan. He pay's 0 dollar's, YES ZERO! deductable/Co pay etc.. He gets a CC for $250 a month for food. He has goverment funded transportation. He automatically qualify's for a special Loan program for convicts/felons to start there own business?? WTF:mad:. So who in the f@ck is paying for all this? (A)- You - Me and all the other hard working tax payers of the world. This is just one person costing well over 2k a month of goverment assistance. Another lady I know just had her 9th kid and is completly supported by 'The System'!! A huge portion of Americans are Lazy P.O.S. in my opinion. These 'Lazy" people feel entitled to just recieve FREE money and have no problem sittting on there asses and Raking in the money. Why do these Welfare Recipicants not have to take drug tests? Why is there not a system in place saying if you are on welfare 'WE The System' Are not paying for additional kids. If your on Welfare and cant support yourself how in the f$ck can you support additional mouths to feed? And the goverment just keeps making it easier and easier for people to not work but keep reproducing all the while they sit in there goverment funded home smoking pot.:mad:

:hifinger: THE SYSTEM & :2birds: These Anti Gun Idiot's Rant Over :)

You forgot: Why can they still vote while collecting from the goverment? Isn't that considered a conflict of interest or a bribe?


Finally boosted launches
Sep 10, 2012
People are very blind to reality,example,I was wanting a door at a building where we were doing service unlocked and the security guard told me he was glad his taxes didn't go up. I said they did ,he disagreed,I said google payroll tax,he did,came back by later and he told me he couldn't believe it. People need to wake up,but your goverment wants you to be lazy,stupid,etc. Just listen to what cnn,abc,cbs,fox,msnbc tell u to do.


Diesel Hotrodder
Aug 2, 2006
Norco CA
People are very blind to reality,example,I was wanting a door at a building where we were doing service unlocked and the security guard told me he was glad his taxes didn't go up. I said they did ,he disagreed,I said google payroll tax,he did,came back by later and he told me he couldn't believe it. People need to wake up,but your goverment wants you to be lazy,stupid,etc. Just listen to what cnn,abc,cbs,fox,msnbc tell u to do.

It's like a dumb commercial jingle. If they play it enough it gets stuck in your head. "The Government Needs More Money, We Aren't Paying Much."

Reality is that a typical middle class worker pays over 50% taxes:

Computer Recycling
Tire Recycling
Park Fees / Off Road Fees
Airline Tax
Fuel Tax
Cig Tax
Alcohol Tax
Hotel Tax
Social Security

The % of Government Employees has been climbing steadily since 1970, with no end in site. Government workers are at 3.8% unemployment, far lower than private citizens.

How do they pay for more employees with "no tax increases"? RIIGGGHHTT...


Isuzu Shakes IT
Feb 15, 2012
Central OH
You forgot: Why can they still vote while collecting from the goverment? Isn't that considered a conflict of interest or a bribe?

Conflict of interest indeed.

For some reason the word genocide comes to mind. Maybe those Obamaphones are radioactive? We can only hope.
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