New Tax Rate

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S Phinney

Active member
Aug 15, 2008
Quncy, Fl
Just a side note here but our 113th congress was sworn in and they call it the most diverse one yet. We have a Buddhist, Hindu, and a openly bisexual women. Enough said?

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May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Canada
I don't take it as an insult, I'm always 100% open to debate fellow diesel lovers.

The problem is the american media spins anything and everything to generate fear and hatred.

I can't argue against Obama phones, I am in favour of:

Abolishing them
Drug testing welfare recipients
Work for welfare
Border Protection

But I'm also in favour of universal health care. I blew my knee apart here playing recreational rugby. What did a reconstruction cost me? Zero. Zilch. Nada. How as the wait time? In within a few weeks.

I've had friends and relatives with major surgeries, not a dime.

Prescription drugs are affordable up here.

I'm probably the most pro-america Canadian you'd ever meet or talk to, but truth is, I'd rather live here.

Guns are a whole other story....gun control doesn't stop the illegal trade. That's idiotic.


May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Canada
I never been one to think i was to good for any job, but when i was laid off last from my job as a diesel technician (and i didnt take any unemployment, i mowed yards, i worked on trucks at my home shop, any odd job i could find) But when i was looking for jobs, ones that came up that didnt involve being a diesel tech was almost a waste to me. I still had a couple tool bills i was paying on when i was laid off and say i had took a restaurant job, the money i would be making would be going towards paying tools and since im sure it would have been a significant pay cut i would have been paying most of my paycheck to tools i wasnt even using to make a living anymore. Having thousands and thousands of dollars of tools sitting around wasnt a good thought to me. Anyways i ended up getting called to work at another dealership but now they are having problems too and laid off a tech this morning and sent me home early.

The same sort of thing is happening here, techs at the dealerships are twiddling their thumbs. What we've seen here is a decline in the quality of the technicians employed at dealerships because the really good guys will go on their own.

Most dealers here usually have 1-2 good, key techs and a bunch of stragglers/time card punchers.

That won't change, my generation is already lazy, the up and comers are getting worse. There's a sense of entitlement.


Ehhh?.... You don't say?
Jul 24, 2012
NE Oregon
Guns are a whole other story....gun control doesn't stop the illegal trade. That's idiotic.[/QUOTE]

They want our guns gone so we can't rise up and and fight back.

S Phinney

Active member
Aug 15, 2008
Quncy, Fl
I do not care how hard they try to take my guns they WILL NOT get them. I'm ready lets just have a revolution now and get too it!

We only need a few more million people with the same sentiment. Then it will be on for sure. I'm sure a lot say this but will they actually follow through?

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May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Canada
I''m not sure how your rates work there? Can anyone explain?

Tax rates here:

If we took someone making $60,000/yr as the example, the income tax rate in Manitoba Canada would be $10,150 in Federal Income tax and another $7046 provincial (state tax)
and then another $2356 in CPP (SSI) and then another $890 in Employment Insurance.

That's a total of $20,442 in taxes off your paycheque on a $60K salary, so roughly 34%.

How does that compare?


Ehhh?.... You don't say?
Jul 24, 2012
NE Oregon
We only need a few more million people with the same sentiment. Then it will be on for sure. I'm sure a lot say this but will they actually follow through?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Thats for sure. I hope there is enough of us that will SACK UP when the time comes.


Ehhh?.... You don't say?
Jul 24, 2012
NE Oregon
I''m not sure how your rates work there? Can anyone explain?

Tax rates here:

If we took someone making $60,000/yr as the example, the income tax rate in Manitoba Canada would be $10,150 in Federal Income tax and another $7046 provincial (state tax)
and then another $2356 in CPP (SSI) and then another $890 in Employment Insurance.

That's a total of $20,442 in taxes off your paycheque on a $60K salary, so roughly 34%.

How does that compare?

Bout the same atleast for me anyway. as far as the total (34%) anyway


Ehhh?.... You don't say?
Jul 24, 2012
NE Oregon

Theres actually talk now that these shootings are Government staged to give the gun enthusiast community yet another black eye everytime a school shooting happens. and it wouldn't surprise me if it were true.
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Jazzy, Me and Max
Mar 7, 2008
Branchburg NJ
I think we have a multitude of problems contributing to our economic situation. Welfare, S.S., top 2% earners controlling the majority of our money, the advantages of using wealth to increase wealth, etc. A real mess to try and correct. One concept I do like is paying for results not treatment in the medical system.
Human nature is to never be satisfied but strive for more. I feel for everyone although we as a Nation do have many resources that other Peoples dont. Not everyone feels the need to work hard for their needs although most of you seem to be motivated individuals. Sorry to hear this news.


Peanut butter and ladies!
Feb 2, 2009
My problem with Obamacare is the fact that I have to pay for my families insurance and also pay into obamacare at the same time with no benefit from obamacare until what 2016? This infuriates me to no end. The tax hikes I could deal with but the spending cuts have been reported as $1 for every $41 in tax hikes. And also the fact that some government positions will get pay increases. We just hit our debt ceiling and now what? They going to keep raising it? Also a 2% increase in SS to which I will never be able to obtain. :mad: mad mofo right here!


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
I don't remember ever collecting unemployment, but then again, I went from McDonnell Douglas to McDonalds when the aerospace jobs vanished. I've worked since I was 15. Throwing papers, janitor, bouncer, etc, etc. I've never been out of work because I will take any job.

However, I was raised poor, and we ate government cheese, honey, oatmeal, peanut butter, powdered milk, etc. It was that or starve. Give people food, but after that, they should work.

I never been one to think i was to good for any job, but when i was laid off last from my job as a diesel technician (and i didnt take any unemployment, i mowed yards, i worked on trucks at my home shop, any odd job i could find) But when i was looking for jobs, ones that came up that didnt involve being a diesel tech was almost a waste to me. I still had a couple tool bills i was paying on when i was laid off and say i had took a restaurant job, the money i would be making would be going towards paying tools and since im sure it would have been a significant pay cut i would have been paying most of my paycheck to tools i wasnt even using to make a living anymore. Having thousands and thousands of dollars of tools sitting around wasnt a good thought to me. Anyways i ended up getting called to work at another dealership but now they are having problems too and laid off a tech this morning and sent me home early.

Exactly. People now days are to good to work fast food. If you cant find a job in 6 months you have issues. Yes it might not be 40.00 an hour but there are many things to make it work. I see so many people around here that have it so rought but yet have a smart phone and cable. Way I see it is if your willing to work then you will do alright.

You guys also arent Union members... I cant just go get another job until the union finds me one. Thats where unemployment comes into play. Im sure you wouldnt understand but what it all boils down to is welfare reciepients dont have to work for a damn thing but we are more worried about cutting out unemployment than we are cutting back on the free hand outs to welfare. Unemployment is paid into by the employer and has minimal affect on the state at all. Unemployment doesnt really raise your taxes or waste your money too much because there isnt a ton of government funding behind it the employer pays a huge chunk of it.


<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
As an outsider I don't think it's fair that the blame be put on Obama for what he has had to do to fix the mess.

The real bandits are Wall Street and deregulation of the financial industry. They made billions playing casino games with your money and creating false values. Fact is, this goes back to the Reagan administration and got worse with Bush.

You can't have someone making $40K/year in a $300,000 mortgage that's back loaded, it doesn't work. More over, it's amazing how much people complain about taxes and government spending but certainly have no problem buying alcohol, cigarettes and gambling.

Fact is, life is what you make it. If you want a better life, work for it. I've lost plenty of friends because I'm in a higher income bracket, well, guess what, me and my wife work our asses off, she spent 6 years getting a post secondary education.

You missed the deal were the government forced banks to loan those kinda loand out do a little more research on that topic. Mainly look into fredy mac, fanny may. Also the the socialist Obama is not helping anything hes making worse regan was a good president bush had his faults but was a much better president then Obama ever will be.

As for beer cigarettes and gambling its my ****in money to spend on whatever i want i dont mind taxes but for the government to take 50-60¢ of every dollar wealthy people make is ****in stealing and immoral.

Also what do you think Obama is doing to help?? Im curious to know
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Finally boosted launches
Sep 10, 2012
Politicians on both sides suck,and if there is one who wants to do right nobody listens. Fire all of them. We need to hire 2 or 3 guys at my job but all we find are idiots or lazy ass people. Hell,you can work overtime year round,and some of the guys we have bitch about working? FYI,aint nobody getting my guns because I sold them all for cash ;)


Mar 18, 2010
The same sort of thing is happening here, techs at the dealerships are twiddling their thumbs. What we've seen here is a decline in the quality of the technicians employed at dealerships because the really good guys will go on their own.

Most dealers here usually have 1-2 good, key techs and a bunch of stragglers/time card punchers.

That won't change, my generation is already lazy, the up and comers are getting worse. There's a sense of entitlement.

By the way you talk im gonna guess you are about my age (21-22) Yes this generation is incredibly sorry,lazy, and horrible attitudes. Honestly, im almost at that point of just doing my own thing. Im not the best, smartest, or know everything there is to know but im fair to customers and the job is done right once, not done right quick once and then fixed later. Im hoping for a pick up in business though.


<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
I agree with you on everything EXCEPT the unemployment comment:confused: Why should my unemployment get cut because a employer laid me off for a lack of work because the government has everything so f**cked up? Why should i only get benefits for 6 months while SOME on welfare get it for life???? Why should i have to get up every morning and go to work but then when im laid off i should worry about when my unemployment will end because there is no other jobs? I would rather have 10 times the amount of people on unemployment than on welfare!!!! Unemployed people work, thats how you get it!!!! Dont punish the working man because then that money you save probably goes into the welfare fund

get out of the union maybe? i dont see the need for unemployment more then 26 weeks id be moving on unemployment cant even touch my bills.... welfare should be dealt away with imo along with the ability to opt out of paying into ss as ill never see it and could spend my own money better the goverment.


This won't last long...
Jan 14, 2011
......The real bandits are Wall Street and deregulation of the financial industry. They made billions playing casino games with your money and creating false values... .

The fact that we have a futures market is not smart imo, then add in that we trade food and energy on it.... That's just plain stupidity.

I know for a fact that the big players in each industry can flood the market to create a false abundance or hoard it to create a false shortage, therefore manipulating the supposed "free market" prices in their favor.


This won't last long...
Jan 14, 2011
get out of the union maybe? i dont see the need for unemployment more then 26 weeks id be moving on unemployment cant even touch my bills.... welfare should be dealt away with imo along with the ability to opt out of paying into ss as ill never see it and could spend my own money better the goverment.

All of these programs have also been arranged to be taken advantage of too easily under Obama's watch.... to many loopholes.


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
get out of the union maybe? i dont see the need for unemployment more then 26 weeks id be moving on unemployment cant even touch my bills.... welfare should be dealt away with imo along with the ability to opt out of paying into ss as ill never see it and could spend my own money better the goverment.

Why get out of the union when it is the best paying job around? My point is being missed completely here... Point is i work ALOT but when im laid off for 2-3 months sometimes i draw unemployment and should. Go find a lower paying job for a month or two and then quit to go back to work my regular job? I think not, the point is unemployment shouldnt be in the spotlight it is not a major issue. Put the spotlight on a government handout like welfare. The people on unemployment are waiting to get called back to work or their looking for another job, not just waiting on their next welfare check and foodstamp card to come in the mail. Can someone explain why to me why they need a obumaphone when they are not required to even look for a job or work??? What was the whole purpose behind this phone program? Who is the phone service provided through? Is this why new Verizon wireless contracts went up in price and did away with unlimited data? Do these phones have data capability or are they just flip phones?
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