The going around and changing all of Gregs posts to pure dribble was quite childish, and even below yb standards imho. I think his offer to test the rods was stand up and a help to the community, I was just trying to point out that the person selling the rods doesn't know him from Adam, and ALL he has to go on is his reputation on one message board from a handfull of members that chimed in. So as an objectioneable observer, I could understand him being hesitant to just ship a set out half way around the world to somebody he doesn't know based off of one message board with a handfull of people saying he's legit.
I actually have no problems with stingpuller other than how he took out a PERSONNAL problem with somebody, and abused his privalage as a moderator to alter Gregs posts. If you don't like somebody, fine, speak your peace and move on. I'm a mod on a much smaller site, but if I had done what he had, I would expect to be booted from the site.
As to the rods, if you go back and read all that I posted, you will see I said to give him a chance, but to also be leary as not everything he posted seemed up and up. This guy pootrol is doing business how he see's fit, and just because you don't agree with how he does it, does NOT mean he's a troll or a scam artist. It just means it's how he chooses to do business. If you don't like it, move on. With that being said though, just based off of his pics posted here, I would be very hesitant to spend my money on them.