getting them out isnt hard at all, is putting them back on
Heres some pics i took when i took my horn off a while back. took off the ac compressor and then slid in a flex extension and 10mm socket bewteen the wiring harness and the fuel junction block to get the bottom one out. then i used a magnet on a stick to pull the loose bolt out before it fell into the valley.
The top right is pretty easy to get, the one on the top left is a big harder, i used a ratchet wrench with a flex head and kept one finger on the closed end of the wrench to help bacl out the bolt. you can use a regular wrench too, i didn't have to move the hoses out the way, but it does help out alot if you do.
putting them back on is kinda tricky, the bottom gets kinda hard when its almost completely in, using a offset wrench to get the bottom one works well the last few turns.
Heres some pics: Plug/