Well us "losers" are still waiting for and answer 10 in the 1/8 or 1/4 ? And, do we wait till we line up to find out?
Are you retarded or just severly lacking in reading and comprehension skills?:rofl:
Well us "losers" are still waiting for and answer 10 in the 1/8 or 1/4 ? And, do we wait till we line up to find out?
Wow I can't tell you how much of an affect that had on me, I mean a spineless kid making a statement with no knowledge whatsoever, that's gonna affect me for a long time.dude your a tool!
Wow I can't tell you how much of an affect that had on me, I mean a spineless kid making a statement with no knowledge whatsoever, that's gonna affect me for a long time.
I think after that one I should just leave. Have fun. I know you will miss me.
i agree with rhall on this, why do you douchenozzles from compd think that we are all kids? i pay for my own truck, house, and everything else. even if i were a kid, you still fail at life no matter how old you are.
Your right, I have failed miserably, I have nothing going for me and done nothing with my life. LOL You really are a dumbass. Its amazing how you know so much about me. What flavor koolaid is it today? When you have a thought that is your own, based upon a single factual thing about me please let me know. Until then, I will wallow in my pathetic misery.
ive based my opinions of you solely on your posts. im not a "mcrat" follower. i read new threads on here and read the thread on compd, and have come to the conclusion that you are a douche. i dont need to drink any koolaid to form my own opinions. i think the post about "how when the fans start paying the bills they can have a say" is what did it for me. because your piece if ragged shit cant make it a full 1/4 mile, you have to race the 1/8th. :baby:
i think the post about "how when the fans start paying the bills they can have a say" is what did it for me.
I did not see this post, but if someone said that, and truthfully meant it, then that says a lot for there intelligence. If someone thinks that big national drag races and sled pulling events are going to keep happening with no fans, then thats pretty funny.
See you losers at the track!!:thumb:
Are you coming to NHRDA Pheonix ? I'll be your Huckleberry
Let's put this in perspective Mr. Wizard..............
How about we jump in our little time machine back to say 2003........I could go back further but I wouldn't want you to bring back memories of diapers and what not
Patty Boy didn't own a diesel truck
A year later and he would be asking questions like "What does the MAF do on a Duramax?"
There was no McRat Racing
"Casper":rofl: didn't exist
90% of you posting in this thread or on this forum hadn't graduated from High School yet
I was modifying and experimenting pushing a 7.3l Powerstroke to and beyond it's limits
Was making over 500 hp on fuel, 700+ on nitrous and running high 11's in an 8000+ lb truck
Helped organize and competed in some of the very early diesel drag racing events
Organized and put on (still do by the way) one of the country's largest diesel dyno events.
Yeah..............I got alot of catching up to do!!!:spit::rofl:
Is this thread still going, and why did I read the the whole thing? I must be extremely bored...
Let's put this in perspective Mr. Wizard..............
How about we jump in our little time machine back to say 2003........I could go back further but I wouldn't want you to bring back memories of diapers and what not
Patty Boy didn't own a diesel truck
A year later and he would be asking questions like "What does the MAF do on a Duramax?"
There was no McRat Racing
"Casper":rofl: didn't exist
90% of you posting in this thread or on this forum hadn't graduated from High School yet
I was modifying and experimenting pushing a 7.3l Powerstroke to and beyond it's limits
Was making over 500 hp on fuel, 700+ on nitrous and running high 11's in an 8000+ lb truck
Helped organize and competed in some of the very early diesel drag racing events
Organized and put on (still do by the way) one of the country's largest diesel dyno events.
Yeah..............I got alot of catching up to do!!!:spit::rofl:
I wouldn't know anything about wrenching......Wenching, now I used to do a little of that.
Wow, what are you doing? " Wenching " defines as
Straight from a dictionary....
wench <script>play_w2("W0092400")</script><object style="margin: 1px;" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="13" height="21">
<embed src="http://img.tfd.com/m/sound.swf" flashvars="sound_src=http://img.tfd.com/hm/mp3/W0092400.mp3" menu="false" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" width="13" height="21"></object> (wnch)n.1. A young woman or girl, especially a peasant girl.
2. A woman servant.
3. A wanton woman.
intr.v. wenched, wench·ing, wench·es To consort or engage in sex with wanton women. Used of a man.
You are a tool for sure, try again.... :thumb:
No comment :rofl: