Info: Guess who got unbanned on CompD at least for a while


Back with his honey :)
Jan 21, 2007
San Angelo
I agree, but it just seems when theres drama about speed and claims its a cummins or powerstroke person. Espically around here. I just wish he had picked out some wheels for the slicks and I could show people what this stroker can really do besides spin all 4 half the damn track!
your welcome to my slicks if you want to run 2wd down the track :hug:eek:r if you asked real nice I bet Jeff would lend you his also :happy2:


New member
Mar 5, 2008
because your only significant national rep is that of a liar, and they like to watch you squirm when caught.

And you didn't disappoint! :happy2:

Posting "10 second videos" that show 11's on them? Priceless! :rofl:

Now go kick some puppies or whatever you do to gain favor with your boyfriends on cDodge for free parts. Tell them you love them and can't live (or think) without them. Play some Neil Sedaka for them ...


I NEVER LIE !! And there is not one thing you can ever show where I have!! I don't come up with cockamamy stories in my head about why everyone is out to get me like you do:rofl:

Your quote above is a perfect example of how you constantly twist facts! I never posted a "10 second video". I clearly said there was no video of it running 10's and there is not. But if you or any one of your followers have the nads to show up to a race, you can see for yourself. Because there are many, even on here, that know what it is capable of.

And for all you other losers, I have been drag racing diesel trucks way before 99% of you had you drivers license and years before the trucks you hold so mighty were even produced. I can honestly say I could care less what a bunch of kids with Daddy's trucks care about what I have done. But if it gets the mad enough to stop living in the internet and show up to some races to try and "teach me a lesson", then thats good for our sport.

See you losers at the track!!:thumb:


Feb 17, 2007
San Angelo, TX
Ya, I know the feeling. I add a power adder and go slower, go figure. But, in all this thread I still realize experience would have proven I should have done different. I'm just catching on to what McRat and others experienced years ago. I was just too pig headed and opinionated to integrate my experience with his and other experienced racers on this board as well as other boards.

I've been banned, beaten with the keyboard and embarrassed, but I'm still around and kicking. To bad I did that all to myself. I'm catching on and you will also Dockboy.


Active member
Dec 6, 2008
Central, Texas
My father passed away in 2003. He never did or never was able to buy me anything. Maybe will see you at the track unless you dockboy another motor.


Diesel Hotrodder
Aug 2, 2006
Norco CA
Anyone remember Hasselblad? or whatever his name was?

Had the Dodge SRT-10 Ram and a Camaro SuperGas car that would whup everyone?

Got called out to the track, and did a no-show?

Sure sounds just like Dockboy. I don't think he's the same guy, but they might be soulmates?

I get a kick outta Dockboy's reformation. Last time, he wanted to challenge all takers to a dyno-race, but nothing that involved forward motion. Guess he gets car-sick? Now that he has actually run his engine swap Special a couple times, he calls everyone out. Musta gotten some Dramamine ...

But gotta give him some credit. At least he ran his truck while running his mouth, unlike his masters (Timmy, Denny, Richie, et al).
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Diesel Hotrodder
Aug 2, 2006
Norco CA
You cut me real deep just now Pat. :(

If books give you a paper-cut, what does reading the internet do? :confused:

Anyone who lets Dennis Perry call somebodies mother a whore in a tech thread is a lap dog with a useless master. No balls. "Call him names back"? Yeah, I know y'all is still in grade school, but are you going to tell Adam that "calling Perry names back" has gotten more members of your site banned than any other single reason? :D

Just for a head's up Slick: Adam Perry (Duramaximizer) is not a minion of mine. I also find it comical that Timmy and Denny are ragging on him because he hasn't raced yet. Is it a pre-req to be a hypocrite for the username colors there? Or just encouraged?


New member
Jun 5, 2008

Have a good day Pat.

If books give you a paper-cut, what does reading the internet do? :confused:
Apparently makes your skin thin. Were gonna have a warning label made up when you sign on. Its gonna say, Be careful, you might get your feelings hurt if you come on here looking for a fight with someone you don't know and take a jab at them because someone else tells you they are bad.
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Feb 17, 2007
San Angelo, TX
If books give you a paper-cut, what does reading the internet do? :confused:

Sore fingers and an interwebby HEADACHE. And, possibly a broken computer screen. ------------->>>> there goes the mouse through the screen.... :angel:
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New member
Jun 5, 2008
I wouldn't know anything about wrenching......Wenching, now I used to do a little of that.


Old Skooler
Aug 12, 2006
Texas Y'all

What do you consider a youngster? From the looks of most people posting on this thread theres not many "youngsters", and why does everything get blamed on young people? As much as all the "old timers" hate to say it, the "youngsters" will be the heart of this sport in another 15 years, if its still as popular. When you were a "youngster" did you ruin things? Just cause of your age? If anything, it should be encouraged that the "youngsters" stay a part of this sport, or it will die off. It seems to me you cant use imaturity as an excuse to run the "youngsters" off anymore, cause the "oldtimers" dont seem to be setting a good example, and i hate when people think that since someones under 30, there daddys buying or paying for the vehicles. Ive had a good paying job since the day i graduated highschool, went to school at nights, and bought a brand new truck before i was 18, and made my own payments, and have so every since. I show up, and have fun at the events too, even though i might be considered a "youngster" to some. It seems anymore its just a reason or excuse to bash people. IMO drag racing's fan base is not half the fan base sled pulling is, and every "youngster" you run off is one less person that will be watching you race, or competing. No Fans= No events. Not too smart if you ask me.;)


New member
Mar 5, 2008
I'm just catching on to what McRat and others experienced years ago. I was just too pig headed and opinionated to integrate my experience with his and other experienced racers on this board as well as other boards.

I've been banned, beaten with the keyboard and embarrassed, but I'm still around and kicking. To bad I did that all to myself. I'm catching on and you will also Dockboy.


Let's put this in perspective Mr. Wizard..............

How about we jump in our little time machine back to say 2003........I could go back further but I wouldn't want you to bring back memories of diapers and what not:eek:

Patty Boy didn't own a diesel truck

A year later and he would be asking questions like "What does the MAF do on a Duramax?"

There was no McRat Racing

"Casper":rofl: didn't exist

90% of you posting in this thread or on this forum hadn't graduated from High School yet


I was modifying and experimenting pushing a 7.3l Powerstroke to and beyond it's limits

Was making over 500 hp on fuel, 700+ on nitrous and running high 11's in an 8000+ lb truck

Helped organize and competed in some of the very early diesel drag racing events

Organized and put on (still do by the way) one of the country's largest diesel dyno events.

Yeah..............I got alot of catching up to do!!!:spit::rofl:
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New member
Sep 9, 2008

Let's put this in perspective Mr. Wizard..............

How about we jump in our little time machine back to say 2003........I could go back further but I would want you to bring back memories of diapers and what not:eek:

Patty Boy didn't own a diesel truck

A year later and he would be asking questions like "What does the MAF do on a Duramax?"

There was no McRat Racing

"Casper":rofl: didn't exist

90% of you posting in this thread or on this forum hadn't graduated from High School yet


I was modifying and experimenting pushing a 7.3l Powerstroke to and beyond it's limits

Was making over 500 hp on fuel, 700+ on nitrous and running high 11's in an 8000+ lb truck

Helped organize and competed in some of the very early diesel drag racing events

Organized and put on (still do by the way) one of the country's largest diesel dyno events.

Yeah..............I got alot of catching up to do!!!:spit::rofl:

you would still hold one till the swelling goes down! fords suck, then and now both. the only thing they are good for is cruising down to the golden corral on sundays and hanging out with the old people playing bingo. oh wait... you would probably have to trailer that piece of shit down there for brunch, wouldnt you.
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