Dmitri Millard (Ghetto Foggin)

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Active member
Aug 9, 2010
Worland Wy
Kelsie is cool and pretty damn competitive racing! I am glad that she is putting a nice post out for Dmitri & his fans. :thumb:


Professional Grade
Aug 30, 2008
Been around these forums since early '05 with an LLY. By no means an amateur. Been a mod on one since DP screwed everybody. Seems as though this isn't a family. More a clique. I'll keep that in mind. I don't appreciate being referred to as an ass wipe by some snot nosed kid posting mouthy crap that I'm old enough to be grandfather to.
Kelsie, sorry you were offended but mid 20s and having drag raced is not an impressive resume...

Her "ass wipe" comment was perfectly in context in my opinion. She posted a video of her opinion, and you posted your response in turn; with personal insults. She shot back, and you get butt hurt.

Yep she was trolling a little with the drama queen comment. And you came a runnin'.

Why don't you post your impressive resume up for all to see. So far I haven't seen it. Maybe I missed it.


Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
i've never seen so much hostility and negativity in one thread before, this really got out of hand quick

I'm not sure what hostility you're seeing, but I see one person reacting negatively toward MissMaxx. The rest of it is people bagging on the content of the video. While I agree it is a very well put together video (from what I was able to sit through), the subject matter is a little, shall we say, over the top.


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
I'm not sure what hostility you're seeing, but I see one person reacting negatively toward MissMaxx. The rest of it is people bagging on the content of the video. While I agree it is a very well put together video (from what I was able to sit through), the subject matter is a little, shall we say, over the top.

Josh I can always depend on you to put it into words quite well :thumb: :hug:


you know
Nov 25, 2010
Sandwich, Illinois
Couldn't let it set

I never would say I didn't want to see the sport grow. I love it and have since I was a kid. Started drag racing in the early '60s spurred on by those before to push the envelope and in turn each new group was encouraged as well right on to now and we hope beyond. As a design engineer I work with exciting new tech every day. Along with all the incredible growth in power and speed was significant safety development to meet the demand but usually it was because of bad things happening. Sadly thanks to people like Roberts, Johnson, Earnhardt, and Kalitta to name a few.
Then I see this video of a guy doing some of the most unsafe shit with a bottle standing in front of a powerhouse truck 2 straps away from death and a young girl promoting this as a fun thing to do by some 'Duramax god' to be worshipped and all I can see is insane unsafe.
Kelsie, I reacted wrong by insulting you and improperly for the forum. For that I sincerely apologize. But I don't think a responsible adult with racing experience should be promoting that.
I see you have made some friends like girls always do in the forums. As for me I probably made enemies...
I'll ask one thing of you. If you're going to post vids to the public, please consider not crazy unsafe stuff like that because some nutty kid may decide to take his variation to an extreme that you may find out you had a part in and he didn't make it. FWIW


Active member
Jun 27, 2012
El Dorado Hills, Ca
...and don't show video's with pocket knives because some kid might see it and cut himself. The only questionable thing in that video is the fashion choices.


Stock is Slow
Mar 27, 2012


That Uncle
Apr 2, 2007
Everybody has their own opinion on D. He has been 110% standup with me so I can only say good things about him & what he has done & continues to do. Haters keep on hating.............:thumb:

If what is said about this Dimitri guy screwing several people over(stated in other threads) why do people come on here and justify being friends with him by saying "well, he didn't screw me over so...". Why anyone would want to be associated with someone like that is beyond me. :confused:

For the record, this is the first time I have ever posted about anything relating to Dimitri and in all reality my comment isn't even about him.


Active member
Aug 9, 2010
Worland Wy
If what is said about this Dimitri guy screwing several people over(stated in other threads) why do people come on here and justify being friends with him by saying "well, he didn't screw me over so...". Why anyone would want to be associated with someone like that is beyond me. :confused:

For the record, this is the first time I have ever posted about anything relating to Dimitri and in all reality my comment isn't even about him.

Go **** yourself Josh!
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