Because a lot of weight lifters have zero cardio capacity & trash talk anyone that trains in anything other than lifting heavy.
Yeah, I *could* spend all my time lifting as heavy as possible and get jacked & huge, but what good would that do me in an actual fight or a situation where I had to run quickly or avoid an obstacle.
At the end of the day, to each their own & people should just respect and encourage one another for not being lazy and training in whatever they like.
You are making some pretty big assumptions there. But, to be fair, most of the trash talk on CF has been made on stereotypes so its cool.
Try doing a 1600 total at 220bw natty. You won't be a fat lard thats for sure. I do not train cardio but I can easily run a 5k if I so pleased.
Just saying, all stereotypes are not always true.