

May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Canada
Some of you guys bashing CrossFit as circuit training or not heavy lifting are the equivalent of generalizing a group of people.

We lift heavy ass weights 4 days a week and do hard cardio 2 days a week.

It all depends on the particular coaches and their programming.


May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Canada
In our gym, you can only kip if you have legit pull ups. I can do pull ups with 75lbs hanging from my waist on the chain belt.

The vast majority of NFL athletes would be hard pressed to do 25 strict pull ups. Even those that bash the kip probably can't do 10 strict pull ups.

If you're a soldier or a cop and have to use your arms to propel yourself over an obstacle, are you going to do it as a strict rep while under duress?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Some of you guys bashing CrossFit as circuit training or not heavy lifting are the equivalent of generalizing a group of people.

We lift heavy ass weights 4 days a week and do hard cardio 2 days a week.

It all depends on the particular coaches and their programming.

What do you mean by "heavy ass weights"?

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
I sent some time on the winyV overseas also took hgh while in Iraq. Worked well for me I didn't have any rage issues or anything but I would NEVER recommend it to anyone. IN 6 eeks of heavy training my squat went from 540 to 640 bench from 310-360 power clean 225 to 265. My upper body has never had the power that I have wanted but my legs when in cut cycle are around 38".

Last year I had to have 2 large masses of scar tissue cut from my pecs... loooong recovery and Im sure it was the hgh and winni to blame.

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
Dyna wasn't working for me so I upped the ante... I did bulk cycles for 2 weeks followed by a 1 week cut. Im 6' and started at a fairly solid but with a gut 245 and on a cut cycle I hit a solid no gut 265. Been thinkin of getting back into it again but just not as hard core or careless, need to drop some pouds and get my chest built back up, they sliced a lot of pec away to get to the scare tissue mass.


May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Canada
What do you mean by "heavy ass weights"?

Ive squatted 365, dead lift 385, bench is down, prob 285 right now, clean 255, would be able to jerk it but same as my bench, I'm down due to straining my right rear delt. Can do 10 strict handstand push ups. 15 strict body weight pull ups and I've been sick as all hell for the last 3 weeks. Dropped as low as 184lbs from lack of eating and deyhration. Not bad for a 37yo, self employed, busy as hell father of 2 that trains at 6am because it's the only time he can go and not miss time with his kids.

Our gym is highly strength based and less about the metcons, but if you want an idea of a metcon, try "Christine", 3 rounds of:

Row 500m
Deadlift 12 reps at body weight
21 box jumps at 21"

I'm not cutting down traditional bodybuilding, hell I've lifted weights for years, been as heavy as 227lbs, I've kick boxed, dabbled in jiu jitsu, full on sparred multiple times with several semi pro fighters, played rugby. I'm fitter and overall stronger than I've been in a long time. As far as my shoulder goes, that's my fault for not having the greatest mobility and pushing a little too far.

What I am saying is that not ALL CF gyms are full of morons. Yes, there are some real idiots out there and some hilariously dangerous videos floating around. And yes, there are some unfit crossfitters but why cut down someone that is trying? What's worse, being weak and unfit but trying or sitting on their fat assess eating McDonalds? Don't knock it before you rock it.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Then explain the kipping pull-up thing...

Well if it's so easy give it a shot... One week won't destroy your joints, let me know how many you can do after a week, unbroken.

It's a volume thing. They do a large volume of compound movements, designed to work the entire body not one particular muscle.

For the others questioning how heavy Crossfiters lift. This is the owner of Crossfit Fairbanks, I believe he is up to 540 now... So finding the right Box with the proper coaches would be key. They lift heavy over there...

This is Samantha Squating 300+



Active member
Aug 4, 2009
Dyna wasn't working for me so I upped the ante... I did bulk cycles for 2 weeks followed by a 1 week cut. Im 6' and started at a fairly solid but with a gut 245 and on a cut cycle I hit a solid no gut 265. Been thinkin of getting back into it again but just not as hard core or careless, need to drop some pouds and get my chest built back up, they sliced a lot of pec away to get to the scare tissue mass.

You should probably just stop using steroids. When used incorrectly and abused, the side effects of steroids are far more detrimentle to your mental and physical health than say, heroin or coccaine.


Apr 16, 2007
Kipping pull ups get your heart rate up as well. Try doing 20 unbroken kipping pull ups and go over the bar high enough to touch your sternum to the bar.

To the guys that don't like CF. How many muscle ups can you do? Either bar or with rings. Have you even tried it?
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Active member
Oct 7, 2009
Mucleups are legit. Im a firm believer in doing all types of lifts. If not i get board and that kills your gym time. We dont have any cf gyms near me but I use the workouts.

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Active member
Aug 4, 2009
Kipping pull ups get your heart rate up as well. Try doing 20 unbroken kipping pull ups and go over the bar high enough to touch your sternum to the bar.

To the guys that don't like CF. How many muscle ups can you do? Either bar or with rings. Have you even tried it?

I can do 12 controlled muscle ups with proper form before I have to start flopping around like I'm having a seizure to knock out the last 4. And I can do pull ups with proper form for days. I can also do a kipping pullup but they do absolutely nothing for me. If I want my heart rate up I will use an incline treadmill or sets of 10 with 315lbs on deadlift.


Apr 16, 2007
I can do 12 controlled muscle ups with proper form before I have to start flopping around like I'm having a seizure to knock out the last 4. And I can do pull ups with proper form for days. I can also do a kipping pullup but they do absolutely nothing for me. If I want my heart rate up I will use an incline treadmill or sets of 10 with 315lbs on deadlift.

Good on you. Some things work for guys and some things don't...

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Why is it the cross fitters always try and call the weight lifters out?

First off, I'm not a cross fitter... I train, I will use any means necessary to get the results I want (with out juice) Secondly Nick asked about Cross fit not Powerlifting, Bodybuilding, Olympic or Strongman, the rest of the meat heads jumped on the cross fit hate wagon:D (I use the term meathead lightly so relax meatheads)

So I'm going to throw my 2 cents in here. It's just training guys, all of it, and nobodies one way is going to be the best or work for everyone. Different strokes for different folks you know. I just get real sick and tired of people baggin on others accomplishments because it's not the norm or there prefrence. Hence the offer to give it a try before you say it's easy, just cardio or whatever. Anywho, rant over, carry on you Globo Gym Hardasses:hug:
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May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Canada
Why is it the cross fitters always try and call the weight lifters out?

Because a lot of weight lifters have zero cardio capacity & trash talk anyone that trains in anything other than lifting heavy.

Yeah, I *could* spend all my time lifting as heavy as possible and get jacked & huge, but what good would that do me in an actual fight or a situation where I had to run quickly or avoid an obstacle.

At the end of the day, to each their own & people should just respect and encourage one another for not being lazy and training in whatever they like.


Active member
Aug 4, 2009
Because a lot of weight lifters have zero cardio capacity & trash talk anyone that trains in anything other than lifting heavy.

Yeah, I *could* spend all my time lifting as heavy as possible and get jacked & huge, but what good would that do me in an actual fight or a situation where I had to run quickly or avoid an obstacle.

At the end of the day, to each their own & people should just respect and encourage one another for not being lazy and training in whatever they like.

I do not think a kipping pull up is going to help you in a fight, Running is for scared girls, And weight lifter run through obstacles not around them haha