Carrillo Rods sale thread BS

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Diesel Enthusiast
Aug 8, 2006
So Cal.
Dan you guys should lower your prices and start taking Paypal, there fees are a lot less than 10%.

Ya??? and cash is even cheaper :rolleyes:... But guess what??? Not everyone has that kind of cash laying around and some people dont have Paypal......:hello:


Diesel Enthusiast
Aug 8, 2006
So Cal.
Pretty cut and dry there then. I'm with you Dan, sorry about his luck.


That said, I still stand by what I said about shipping them back to Carillo. Just doesn't make sense to me to do that. Or why if they were in an un-opened box you guys would even consider doing this.

He already posted he opened the PPE box breaking the tamper seal (as he told me on the phone when discussing the refund). The Carrillo box have NO tamper seal. How do I know what has been done to the rods? Yes I can look at/talk to them and ask them if they are ok, but I don’t think I will get an honest answer :thumb:. I am not the manufacturer and don’t I have all the equipment to properly verify to make 100% sure the rods are in the exact shape Carrillo shipped them to us. I will NOT put the companies name or my own without the manufactures ok, PERIOD. Can you say Liability???

Credit card fee's for retailers must be ridiculous in the US. Up here, it's only about 3-5% on a transaction. Interact is about the same or even less.

I'm glad you pointed this out.....yep 3-5% is about the norm.. what you are not considering is the fee is charged both ways (purchase and refunds). So what? about 6-10% in fee's? Now do the math...;)

Don't delete this...


May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Canada
Credit card fee's for retailers must be ridiculous in the US. Up here, it's only about 3-5% on a transaction. Interact is about the same or even less.

I can't say anything for the US, but my rates up here are 1.89% to 2.29% depending on the card and if it's a premium points card. I will not take Amex because of their insane 3.5ish % charge. Interact charges per transaction, usually 10 cents but it must be done in person.

The flip side to eating the charge % is carrying cash or a line of credit.

I have to call BS on a 10% charge. And Paypal is even worse than what I am paying now...

JD Dave

In way over my head
May 19, 2008
Caledon, Ontario
The way I understand it is... If the trasaction is "Voided" the same day there a NO fee's either way. For example we ran the card for the wrong amount. If the transaction is refunded (the only way to put money back on the card if its not the same day the purchase was made) then they charge fee's both ways (purchase and refund).

Why do you feel that only 10% off is not enough to "make it worth while"?

10% off the used new ones isn't enough for me to buy the used new rods. If I feel extremely trusting of the person I'm buying them from then OK but I guess like most people I'm looking for a deal. I also am only wanting them to build a spare motor so it's not a need it's a want. I don't really care either way, your bill clearly states your policies so it is what it is. If someone bought the rods from a smaller shop I can garuntee they wouldn't take them back either as they wouldn't want to sit on that many $.


May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Canada
10% off the used new ones isn't enough for me to buy the used new rods. If I feel extremely trusting of the person I'm buying them from then OK but I guess like most people I'm looking for a deal. I also am only wanting them to build a spare motor so it's not a need it's a want. I don't really care either way, your bill clearly states your policies so it is what it is. If someone bought the rods from a smaller shop I can garuntee they wouldn't take them back either as they wouldn't want to sit on that many $.



New member
Nov 15, 2010
Ogden Utah
Every were charges a restocking fee. PPE has every right to send them out to get inspected. Like Dan said how does he know whats been done to them. Just like selling a truck I can tell every one that comes and looks at it that it has been babied it whole life, we all know that's not true. IT said in the invoice about the 20%. I wouldn't buy them for what he wants cause that kinda money I would want new ones from the manufacturer of them.


May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Canada
Every were charges a restocking fee. PPE has every right to send them out to get inspected. Like Dan said how does he know whats been done to them. Just like selling a truck I can tell every one that comes and looks at it that it has been babied it whole life, we all know that's not true. IT said in the invoice about the 20%. I wouldn't buy them for what he wants cause that kinda money I would want new ones from the manufacturer of them.

I agree 100%.

It's not PPEs fault he went a different route. Given the situation, the most I would pay would be in the $1750 range shipped. That's all part of the game. I have parts in stock I can't give away.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Man I guess nobody is reading my posts...... THE 10%/$245 will NOT EVEN COVER THE CREDIT CARD FEE'S. Then you have shipping, shop time, Carrillos fee (if any) and MY TIME DEFENDING OUR POLICY/ REPUTATION FOR DOING NOTHING WRONG. We did not hide our policies it is clear and concise on his invoice. NO RETURNS AFTER 30 DAYS AND A 20% RESTOCKING FEE ON ALL RETURNS. What is so hard to understand???

I am here to help and will do whatever I can (sometimes even bend the rules a bit) to help out a customer. But in this case “it does not make any sense”. He will have no problem selling the rods for what he paid for them. But I will not take a pounding on here for NO REASON!!!!

I'm surprised that the CC company still holds back the full transaction percentage. I don't take CC so I don't know but I'd bet that they only charge a transaction fee (charge back?) not the normal 2-3 % they normally take or what ever it is. Must be more as it was said $245 wouldn't cover the CC fees! That can't be right I would think that on $2450 the CC company ,NOT AMEX, the fee would be more like $50 bucks.

If they're holding back more then 10% I'd think no one would take CC as there would be no profit.


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
I'm surprised that the CC company still holds back the full transaction percentage. I don't take CC so I don't know but I'd bet that they only charge a transaction fee (charge back?) not the normal 2-3 % they normally take or what ever it is. Must be more as it was said $245 wouldn't cover the CC fees! That can't be right I would think that on $2450 the CC company ,NOT AMEX, the fee would be more like $50 bucks.

If they're holding back more then 10% I'd think no one would take CC as there would be no profit.

Thanks MAckin Dan trys to make me look stupid but really if he is paying that much in credit card fees for one transaction then im not the stupid one!!! LOL at paying 10% credit card fees. Dan i don't care if you return the items or not and i have read your posts and NEVER once did you say the CC fees were over 10% so thats why i suggested what i did. NO company would still be in business if they had to pay that much CC fees, that would take ALL the profit away. Most CC companies im aware of take 2-3%from what ive been told so worst case scenario they do it on the purchase and return that would be 4-6% which would still leave room for extra money. But im done PPE doesnt have to return anything they dont want to and thats fine, im just one for making customers happy, i guess thats why i dont run a business !!!


May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Canada
If they're holding back more then 10% I'd think no one would take CC as there would be no profit.

It's not 10%, but the business gets charged again. So for rough, high numbers, we will use 3% as the example.

Rods $2450 - cc charges $73.50

Refunding it, they charge again, another $73.50.

That brings us to $147, plus, like Dan says, his time, shipping, etc.

When I look at a possible return, I'll use discretion - is it a regular account? How much do they buy? What are the chances I'll sell the returned item in the next 3 months?

I don't think PPEs 20% is at all unreasonable. Repackaging and re-selling rods that technically aren't new even though they are.

Can we lock this thread now please?


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
It's not 10%, but the business gets charged again. So for rough, high numbers, we will use 3% as the example.

Rods $2450 - cc charges $73.50

Refunding it, they charge again, another $73.50.

That brings us to $147, plus, like Dan says, his time, shipping, etc.

When I look at a possible return, I'll use discretion - is it a regular account? How much do they buy? What are the chances I'll sell the returned item in the next 3 months?

I don't think PPEs 20% is at all unreasonable. Repackaging and re-selling rods that technically aren't new even though they are.

Can we lock this thread now please?

I disagree sorry about the CC company charging ,you say,3% for both transactions on a sale then a return. I know some who take CC and I'm going to see if I can find out when I get a chance.

For arguments sake I'm not saying that PPE should be out of pocket i a negative on a return. They deserve to be whole. The consumer who wants to return a undamaged item do to buyers remorse should take it on the chin for any lose.

The figures I do not agree on. At a return rate of 20% on restocking fees after expenses PPE is probably still making their profit or perhaps MORE then the original deal! :D


Active member
Aug 4, 2009
how is this discussion still going on? Bottom line: It's PPE's policy to charge the re stocking fee. No matter how much yall bitch and discuss it, its not gonna change. Sorry, but a few guys behind a keyboard dont have much control over a multi million dollar company.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
For me you get a education on something understanding on how the system ticks. Then someone intrigues your thoughts with how a credit card company and banks can rip someone off for OVER $245 dollars when NOTHING was sold! To me thats crazy and I'd like to know if it's true. Perhaps I'm contemplating taking CC for payments I'd sure like to know that I could lose that kind of money. That's something most wouldn't even think about ,returns.

So for me it's all of that and -> Boredom :D


Turbo Todd
Jun 1, 2010
It's PPE's policy to charge the re stocking fee. No matter how much yall bitch and discuss it, its not gonna change.

Agreed. No matter how much it sucks to get hit with a hefty restocking fee, (and it does, I feel for the OP, that's a lot of money :( ) it is PPE's policy, it's probably been their policy for a long time... there really isn't much else to it.

I may have missed it, but it sounds like the OP is trying to sell them outright possibly as well? I would think he could get close to the price they go for new if the rods are still in a sealed Carrillo box, and only take a small hit? Like I said maybe I missed something, hope it works out as best as it can for him :thumb:


Diesel Enthusiast
Aug 8, 2006
So Cal.
OK I got some info for the people that STILL think we are not being reasonable.

The credit card charges for this transaction is about $220.00 (purchase and refund) shipping to Carrillo and back is about $75.00 (with insurance). So the HARD cost would be right at $290.00. PLUS any fee Carrillo might charge for inspecting the Rods...

Then we have the shop time to receive the package (shipping and receiving), someone to inspect the package before they are sent to Carrillo (to make sure everything is there), Someone to make the credit invoice and refund his card, Someone to call Carrillo and get an rma number, someone to rebox the rods for return to Carrillo, someone to follow up/keep track of the rods till they are returned, then someone to again receive the checked rods, someone to enter the rods back inventory, then someone to finally put the rods back on the shelf (doubt we would do this) and or resell them at a discount (a loss) because they are not 100% brand new (a more likely option).....

Then don’t forget all the time I have spent on this defending our rep, not doing what I am paid to do (tech support, making sales)...

So let’s recap for all the slower people on here.... HARD COST OF $290.00 Plus all the shop time listed, Plus my time, Plus Carrillo fee's (if any). SO NO! 10% ($245.00) WILL NOT EVEN COVER THE HARD COSTS ($290.00) PPE would be in the hole -$45.00 just in hard fees!!!! AGAIN THIS DOES NOT COVER ANY SHOP TIME OR MY TIME :rolleyes:.

You know after looking at all the cost involved on this return I am not sure if 20% will even cover the all the cost incurred in refunding this transaction, especially if we have to sell them at a discounted rate…….


Diesel Enthusiast
Aug 8, 2006
So Cal.
Agreed. No matter how much it sucks to get hit with a hefty restocking fee, (and it does, I feel for the OP, that's a lot of money :( ) it is PPE's policy, it's probably been their policy for a long time... there really isn't much else to it.

I may have missed it, but it sounds like the OP is trying to sell them outright possibly as well? I would think he could get close to the price they go for new if the rods are still in a sealed Carrillo box, and only take a small hit? Like I said maybe I missed something, hope it works out as best as it can for him :thumb:

This is what I suggested to him in our phone call. I hope it works out for him too...


Diesel Enthusiast
Aug 8, 2006
So Cal.
So I just looked at our invoice "Terms and conditions" This is what is states...

"RETURN POLICY 20% restocking fee for all cancellations and returns. No returns after 30 days. No credit or refund on part if it has been opened or installed. SHIPPING: customer is responsible for all shipping costs"..... yada yada yada...:thumb:


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
OK I got some info for the people that STILL think we are not being reasonable.

The credit card charges for this transaction is about $220.00 (purchase and refund) shipping to Carrillo and back is about $75.00 (with insurance). So the HARD cost would be right at $290.00. PLUS any fee Carrillo might charge for inspecting the Rods...

Then we have the shop time to receive the package (shipping and receiving), someone to inspect the package before they are sent to Carrillo (to make sure everything is there), Someone to make the credit invoice and refund his card, Someone to call Carrillo and get an rma number, someone to rebox the rods for return to Carrillo, someone to follow up/keep track of the rods till they are returned, then someone to again receive the checked rods, someone to enter the rods back inventory, then someone to finally put the rods back on the shelf (doubt we would do this) and or resell them at a discount (a loss) because they are not 100% brand new (a more likely option).....

Then don’t forget all the time I have spent on this defending our rep, not doing what I am paid to do (tech support, making sales)...

So let’s recap for all the slower people on here.... HARD COST OF $290.00 Plus all the shop time listed, Plus my time, Plus Carrillo fee's (if any). SO NO! 10% ($245.00) WILL NOT EVEN COVER THE HARD COSTS ($290.00) PPE would be in the hole -$45.00 just in hard fees!!!! AGAIN THIS DOES NOT COVER ANY SHOP TIME OR MY TIME :rolleyes:.

You know after looking at all the cost involved on this return I am not sure if 20% will even cover the all the cost incurred in refunding this transaction, especially if we have to sell them at a discounted rate…….

Dan I'm on your side said it I dunno 3-4 times but then you post saying we're dumb as rocks when you contra(dick) yourself.

Your return to stock charges are 20%, 20% of $2450 is $490 bucks. More then enough to cover your ENTIRE out of pocket plus Carrillos fees and some lunch for you and your associates! In addition you said that the CC company's fee is 10% as you said that 10% would not cover the CC fees alone? So who are we to believe at this point?

Not trying to be a dick here but if your going imply I'm a slow learner well .pot calling kettle black!

I have no issue with PPE I've bought items and would continue need be. Nor am I wanting you to change your policy. Just that some things strike me as odd in this thread.

I still don't believe that the CC company charges the full 3% on a refund or charge back. If they do man taking CC are for the BIRDS but I know with out them you lose business. Sucks. Still gonna see if I can find out if I can.
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