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  1. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    Hey Mike, you know there's pictures of you all over the internet? The "Smokey Yunick" of Allison Transmissions........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
  2. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    You? Under my skin? Don't pat yourself on the back just yet poser. It takes quite a bit more than that to get me spun up. You would'nt know since your a bit of a newbie to the old school shit talkin that Craig, Mike, Pat and a few others remember. Speaking of shit talkin, how many hooks has...
  3. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    I sure do, and I use it for what it was intended to do, which is tow heavy chit. Don't ever compare my 2wd to yours, in fact, never compare anything I have to what you have, it will work out better that way. Plus, talking shit when your truck does'nt even run, is a pretty shitty idea. But boy 'o...
  4. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    You did'nt teach it that trick, it learned from your truck watching vids of it grenade motors.LOL
  5. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    Ask her, I don't know, maybe when I end up putting some tires on that thing?
  6. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    Wifey's truck could barely handle the Dodge tow rig, and that truck is 11 years old!!!!
  7. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    Did you roll over and do tricks when you were a pup too?
  8. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    In all seriousness, Mike it is good to talk shit again, I have'nt had this much fun in a long time. And you are right, if half the people talking shit actually participated we would actually need a floating finish since we would never have time to pull off!!! Ok, game on.
  9. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZUSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! This one post shows the world how clueless Mike is in the department of having too much power for a given track. But that's ok Mike, I still like you.
  10. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    You want ooofff? How about you get your pile of chit truck running instead of your fukkin mouth? Its been almost a year you've been puking straight diarrhea out of your neck. Do something instead of riding on every elses coat tails.
  11. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    I know better than make excuses, all I have to say for this round is, I'm driving. Look the fukk out, and watch them ruts if you do pull after me, they can be a real bitch.;) -Tom
  12. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    Well, we all know Craig could never top the "king" himself (you) in getting kicked off of diesel websites...........:rofl:
  13. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

  14. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    Years after Tim used to hand you your ass with a stock head gasket no less in his pile.
  15. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    An MWE groove is the slot around the compressor wheel on your turbo designed to eliminate surging and also to broaden the MAP of the turbo. Also known as a ported compressor cover. A turbo mounting plate is an adapter usually used on dodges to adapt a T4 or T6 flange turbo to a stock T3...
  16. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    Off of the rule page: One turbo with one pressure stage permitted. Maximum of 2.6” opening on intake wheel. Map width enhancement is allowed. Intake housing may not exceed 2.6 inches Turbo mounting plates are permitted. I am sure Craig Johnson will chime in and let you know. -Tom
  17. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    Hey Mike, can you let him know that ether is spelled e.t.h.e.r. Thanks buddy!
  18. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    Jeesus, your friggin clueless.
  19. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    Not nearly as bad as the Dmax whiner's. "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, sniffle, sniffle, he brought his truck on a trailer and never drives it on the street..... whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
  20. Tcolesanti

    Info: Lancaster California August 30

    You got that right.:D