I don't see how I failed Randy???? We had a 97, (2) 99's, 00 all were F150's 3 5.4's and 1 4.6. The 4.6 was for us a much more reliable motor, not a power hound but a decent little motor. The 5.4's pulled the boat pretty decent mever had power complaints really just had alot of issues. Our 5.4 were never pushed harder than pullin our boat to around the state from tourny to tourny, boat is only 20ft and around 3200 pounds on the trailer at the most. I don't see how people like yourself are even willing to stand up for them. The mod motors will never be as good as the good ole 302 351 and 460 those were good dependable strong motors.
And yes I would like to have a lightning for a toy, but until I win the powerball it won't happen sadly my trucks have to make money for me.
Seriously Jordan, you kill me. You bash the mod motors for being so bad yet you bought four of them. Nobody buys four of the same thing if they hate them. I think that you secretly love Fords. Just PM me later and tell me you love Fords and I'll leave you alone.