Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread


Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
For about the past month, I have been working on losing some weight which I have been fairly successful at (down 20 lbs so far), and I would like to begin working out to help with weight loss and general conditioning. After doing some research and reading, I like the sound of a HIIT type workout plan. What are some good resources to help me develop a workout routine that will help me develop more strength and cardio conditioning as well as boosting my fat burning? I'm hoping you guys can help me out here.


<<<Future tuna killer
May 29, 2011
At Da Beach
I'm not giving up by any means. I'm just hitting reset. I've been beating myself up mentally about my weight for the last year and I got too obsessed with numbers. I'm going to work with what I've got and if I gain a few pounds, great.

The less I eat, the better I feel. Twice a day is good enough for me. I can get up at 5 am and not feel hungry until 11am. I'll eat breakfast or a sandwich for lunch and I'm good until 7-8pm. If I eat more than that, I'm bloated for days until I fast for a day or two.

I'm the same way Chris, I don't need food like other people. I used to eat when I wasn't hungry and my body was freaking out. I only eat if I'm hungry now which isn't very often and I've lost 67lbs in 10 months. Food is the enemy and your ally, you just have to know which is which. The bloating sounds like food allergies, I too do not eat any dairy, never have, its makes me bloat and swell up, go get an allergy battery done and find out what your triggers are, your quality of life will be better for it...


Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
Josh, what have you changed to lose 20lbs already?

Tom, I have completely changed the way I eat. Rather than a diet where most of my calories come from carbohydrates, I limit my carb intake significantly and make sure any carbs I consume come from vegetables rather than sugar and grains. My diet now is higher in fat than anything else with about 70% of my daily caloric intake coming from fat, 25% from protein, and 5% from carbs. It is a somewhat controversial way of eating called a ketogenic diet, but I have to say it is working very well for me and is very easy to maintain. It seems people who do it love it, and those who don't do it, hate it. I have tried several different ways of losing weight over the years, and this so far seems to be the easiest and most effective. I find myself less hungry and honestly feeling better overall. The first week was a little rough as my body transitioned from a carb based energy source to fat, but since then, I have felt great and my body is responding. While it may not be right for everyone, I am glad I started it.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
For about the past month, I have been working on losing some weight which I have been fairly successful at (down 20 lbs so far), and I would like to begin working out to help with weight loss and general conditioning. After doing some research and reading, I like the sound of a HIIT type workout plan. What are some good resources to help me develop a workout routine that will help me develop more strength and cardio conditioning as well as boosting my fat burning? I'm hoping you guys can help me out here.

Nice Josh, congratulations on 20lbs that’s awesome! High fat works plus you have a long term good supply of energy that stays with you unlike a carb roller coaster.

To help with your training we need to know what you can invest in it, 30 minutes an hour or? Also how many times a week, home or gym?
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Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Speaking of doing things out of our comfort zone:D I tried Cycle Bar today (spin class on steroids) Mother F@cker Jones that was hard. I just put my head down and dug for 45 minutes, came in 10th out of 45 people and burnt 651 calories! I was stoked that I even survived, let alone finishing that high. It was actually a lot of fun, and had a awesome instructor.

Still doing my deload, so I didn’t workout yesterday my heavy squat bench day. We’ll see how well i do at spin the day after breaking my legs off haha.

Anyway try some new things and get out of your comfort zone once in awhile.


Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
Nice Josh, congratulations on 20lbs that’s awesome! High fat works plus you have a long term good supply of energy that stays with you unlike a carb roller coaster.

To help with your training we need to know what you can invest in it, 30 minutes an hour or? Also how many times a week, home or gym?

I have joined the local gym and plan to commit 30-45 minutes to working out in the morning.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I have joined the local gym and plan to commit 30-45 minutes to working out in the morning.

Ok, that can work. Super sets are going to be your friend with short workout times. So if you do a set of curls you will immediately do a set of tricep extensions just go back and forth. That way your utilizing your time effectively and usually get a little cardio going because of less rest times.

I'm a lazy sob, so If I don't do my cardio first before weights I just skip it:D Besides it helps get you warm for lifting. I hit 10-15 minutes on an elliptical, gets legs, arms, shoulders and back moving. If you want to use Hiit then start easy for 2-3 minutes then crank the resistance up and go for a minute then back the resistance off for 30 seconds and hit it again. You can move the intervals out or shorten them depending on how you feel.

If you use the treadmills at all to walk or run just remember to always head up hill. Unless your doing dead treadmill sprints then just survive:rofl:

Does your gym have personal trainers? How comfortable are you with the equipment?

I can build you a quick program to follow but I highly recommend using a trainer for a month or so to help keep your form in ck. It takes about 2-300 reps to in grain a motor pattern and 3-5000 to break one:D so lets make sure you get going straight out of the gate.


Trust Me I'm an Engineer
Jan 30, 2010
I've been on nights for abouy the last month, so I've had to improvise my workouts lately.

Last night consisted of:
4 sets
10 deadliest @225
10 box jumps @24 inch
10 tire flip (150 or 200 lb tractor tire)
10 single leg RDL w/ kettlebells (40, 45, 50 lb) each leg

4 sets ab work after that

Felt good after but I feel it tonight

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New member
Apr 22, 2010
Got Bench and Deads today with 10-15min of HIIT after..



HIIT on the treadmill
1min on, 1 min off for 15 min

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I benched and did some reverse hypers. Going to give the back another week.
10 min hiit warm up.
Had more in the tank but quit there. Will take it easy and ramp back up to full power next Monday.

Reverse hypers with some 45’s


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Lawrenceburg, KY
Tom, I have completely changed the way I eat. Rather than a diet where most of my calories come from carbohydrates, I limit my carb intake significantly and make sure any carbs I consume come from vegetables rather than sugar and grains. My diet now is higher in fat than anything else with about 70% of my daily caloric intake coming from fat, 25% from protein, and 5% from carbs. It is a somewhat controversial way of eating called a ketogenic diet, but I have to say it is working very well for me and is very easy to maintain. It seems people who do it love it, and those who don't do it, hate it. I have tried several different ways of losing weight over the years, and this so far seems to be the easiest and most effective. I find myself less hungry and honestly feeling better overall. The first week was a little rough as my body transitioned from a carb based energy source to fat, but since then, I have felt great and my body is responding. While it may not be right for everyone, I am glad I started it.

I'm also down over 20 lbs as of this AM. Been keto since before Thanksgiving - didn't cheat over any of the holidays and don't feel like I missed out on anything I wanted. I've done low carb plenty times in the past, this is the first time with such an emphasis on fat intake. I'm the same as Josh, 75/20/5 for F/P/C. If I deviate, it's a little more like 70/20-25/5-10. Now that I'm in the swing of it and hitting my macros better/more consistently, I feel like I'm melting. :D And yeah, I have zero desire to even cheat. I just don't have cravings - which is insane for me being self-professed food addict. If you have IG, I post a lot of food stuff. ;)

Once I lose a little more weight, I'd like to start working out. That sounds a little funny I know but I don't want to hammer my joints and body with this much weight. I'm just not appealed to go walk on a treadmill or stair climber at this time. When I start working out, I think I want to try CrossFit type working out. The athleticism building and functional strength appeal to me. aka the scientific side of me likes the measure of work which is what cross fit introduces into working out. Measure of force applied over time = definition of work. :D


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Looking at the keto diet "what to's...." I already eat a lot of those...guess I just have to get off my dead ass and work out.


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
Got off work early today and finally broke a deadlift PR! Worked my up on deads. Warmed up, 225x5, 315x5, 405x5, 495x5, 545x4, then jumped up to 605x1. Then dropped to 315x10 for a couple set. Finally got over the 600lbs mark :D I weight right around 255


you never had your car.
Apr 30, 2013
elsberry mo
Got off work early today and finally broke a deadlift PR! Worked my up on deads. Warmed up, 225x5, 315x5, 405x5, 495x5, 545x4, then jumped up to 605x1. Then dropped to 315x10 for a couple set. Finally got over the 600lbs mark :D I weight right around 255
that's my goal for this year is a 600 pound dead.


you never had your car.
Apr 30, 2013
elsberry mo
Squats 6 sets of 3 at 365 getting very low. These are already getting easier. I had this in me before just a little hiccup in motivation. Crazy what a $#it talking friend can get you to do lol.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
lower back was still tight as shit yesterday but did some deficits, bench, and leg press.

Deficit deads

bench with a pause

leg press (machine)


felt good

today ive got some accessory work

pull downs, tri extensions, shoulder flys and shrugs.