UPS Strikes Again


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
What are you trying to say? Just like every where you have good employees that care about there job and bad that don't give to shits. I have no complaints about UPS.

I think the bigger problem is people not taking the time to properly package products or get insurance. I'm sure its no walk in the park to get a package across the country in a few days and make $$$ at it.

I'm sure the shipper wishes he had done a better job and got insurance.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
If you no somebody that works at ups you'll know why they destroy packages

There are "bad apples" in every bushel. Im sure there are people that dont care about their job in your line of work, too. I would also bet there are nearly 250,000 UPS employees who would tell you that you and your comment are FOS.

Dozer hit the nail on the head on the real problem with damages thru our system.


future trans limpers
Jul 30, 2008
Scotland Neck NC
I would bet the problem is caused by the employees that aren't in the public eye. Over the years in my small town we have had several drivers come and go and all of them were professional and took good care of the packages. if there was a chance of rain they would put them in a plastic bag and just really went above and beyond. Its a shame those are the guys that have to listen to all the complaints.


May 28, 2013
UPS air mail service

I had a lot of packages arrive in good shape and some of them were very poorly packaged. So no big complaints. It just nice have all those surprises dropped at my door:)
Take a look at my special UPS air mail delivery to the front door. 30 sec youtube so turn up the volume as this is a security camera audio. This was taken by my door camera in late november or December a few years ago.
The 3 point shot is about 20 foot.
And notice what the guys do after they deliver my package and just before the drive away. If you turn up the sound all the way you can hear them throwing packages around the back getting ready for the next stop.

And then the time my solar panels arrived... Had a "fragile handle with care" and bullseye in that fragile sticker was a hole made by the toe of a shoe. It was packed well and no damage occured. The driver and I inspected it closely.

And the last observation was when I saw the truck park at the curb and the driver was in the back of the van throwing my package to the front. He did not know that I was standing by the right hand door. I told him it was fine china and I hoped it did not break. It was not china and all was OK.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 2, 2007
When I have mailed turbos out, I always spend the extra 10-15 bucks and get a tupperware container and paid it solid, then drill holes in lip around and put 20-ish zip ties holding it together. Hasn't failed me yet, and easy to carry.

This is what I do too. I use rubbermaid containers. Wrap everything double in tough black garbage bags and I spray foam the inside to take up the extra space-including a layer on the bottom. Shipped a converter across the border like that-no issues.

My twin kit also came in a big tote with the lid screwed down. For the amount of stuff in it I am surprised it wasn't all beat up but everything looked good. Bubble wrapped like crazy!.

UPS sucks. They rape us up here on duty and brokerage that they don't tell you about until two weeks later, usually muff up the box and rarely on time.
Fedex isn't much better but at least they are up front about the fee's.
USPS is hit or miss. Usually it shows up ok, but definitely later than promised EVERY time!!

I usually get my buddy to ship my stuff through the company he works for using Purolator. Never an issue yet.

That said, you gotta pack your stuff properly-no matter how much it's worth.
Attached is how a head unit I bought used off a member here got shipped and destroyed. USPS muffed up the box but there was "ZERO" packing in the box to protect it at all. The remote went through the screen. If it had been bubble wrapped it would have survived. He said he just gave them the stuff and that's how they packed it. Ya you bet.
Tried to get a claim through USPS but all I got was a run around even though it had insurance. USPS blamed Canada Post and vice versa. Said member disappeared too. If I'm ever in Cotulla Tx, I'll be having words with this clown.:mad:


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Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Hmmm..that makes two guys now who's first posts are in this thread. I guess the forum's Google rankings are working :rolleyes:

Can we get this closed any time soon before more non-Dmax people join the site simply to pile on?


May 28, 2013
Hmmm..that makes two guys now who's first posts are in this thread. I guess the forum's Google rankings are working :rolleyes:

Can we get this closed any time soon before more non-Dmax people join the site simply to pile on?
Tom, not my first rodeo, and I not piling on. Kudos to the vast majority of the hard working UPS employees:thumb:. Sorry you fell that way.
And of course, I am the proud owner Duramax.


New member
May 15, 2012
So... Anybody interested in that damaged cover? I know a shop that would fix it like new for $50 so if anybody wants it for whatever amount it's theirs.


New member
Mar 17, 2014
Hey TheBac look its my first post here, i must be another turd of the earth! For the record i have been the owner of 2 different Duramax's over the last 8years. I don't frequent this particular site often as I'm already on a couple of the other diesel forums. I mearly stumbled across this thread after clicking on a link from another site while researching my upcoming Twin turbo build.
Ok now to the meat of my msg, Everyone is entitled to their opinions of companies. I understand that you feel UPS has nearly 250,000 excellent employees, however with the ordeal i have had with them over the last HALF YEAR! i beg to differ.

Now a little background to my story, and reason for my less than stellar thoughts of UPS(Utterly Pathetic Service). In october i received shipment of my new fibreglass Hood, Fenders, & Bedsides. Immediately i noticed that a forklift had been run dead centre through the crate, stabbing two holes in the middle of the hood, which then pushed back to the fenders, cracking them as well and breaking off the mounting lips. Within the hour i took several pictures, filled out, and sent in the required complaint forms. It took 3weeks before the diligent workers of UPS even acknowledged the complaint(despite several phone calls). Ok lets fast forward through over 5months, literally dozens and dozens of Emails, Twitter postings, and phone calls to dozens of socially inept employees and supervisors. They finally (AFTER their guaranteed 120day claim resolution) sent a cheque(which i have yet to receive) for the value of the merchandise. Nice yes, However i actually like my truck and would prefer not to have patches all over my custom body panels. So when i use that money they reimbursed me to buy all of those damaged parts AGAIN. I also have to pay for the shipping, & border duties on my own dime. Meaning my truck build is now nearly a year behind, and close to a grand more expensive. Thanks UPS!

Sorry for the long winded rant. And TheBac, if you still feel like pumping UPS's tires in an attempt to make them sound like an outstanding organization… well just refer to Josh2002cc's Avitar!


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Id love to know what you all do for a living.....I bet there are horror stories by the hundreds for your lines of work too.

Thank God I'm not part of any of them, or any of these.

Oh, Kev....I know who you are. Same with testdrive. ;)


Active member
Dec 4, 2010
Southern Indiana
Id love to know what you all do for a living.....I bet there are horror stories by the hundreds for your lines of work too.

Thank God I'm not part of any of them, or any of these.

Oh, Kev....I know who you are. Same with testdrive. ;)

I am a superintendent for a large road construction company. We never mess up anything and always keep the motoring public happy :roflmao:


1833 AAV Crew Chief
Jun 9, 2013
Hampden, Maine

UPS delivered my boxes in PERFECT condition.


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New member
Mar 17, 2014
-"Oh, Kev....I know who you are."
Umm OK I'm just a little creeped out now...

As for my line of work. I own/operate my own company and am a Power Engineer and High Angle Rope Technician in the oil and gas industry. So yes there are LOTS of horror stories in my line of work, these often end in fatalities. Although i have yet to have any incidents (other than a small steam burn on my wrist last week) or complaints with myself, my workers, or any of the companies I have contracts with. However I wasn't complaining about your line of work/industry. I was complaining about UPS specifically due to my recent issues with them. I agree not all the employees of UPS are unprofessional. But when concidering the condition my products were delivered in, and the way I was treated and ignored by dozens of UPS employees over the last 6 months. I believe my opinion is warranted.
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Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
My Goodness and to think that this issue isn't UPS'is fault but poor packaging by the shipper and lack of insurance! I could only imagine if it was UPS'is fault the horror stories that might be told! :D


New member
Mar 17, 2014
Are you referring to me? If so I don't know how you seem to think it was a packing issue, it was in a wooden crate!!! As for insurance, I would think that would be an issue if the was some sort of natural disaster, not their careless employees running a damn forklift through the thing. But my main issue was how it took so long for them to accept responsibility for it. (And the multiple times I was told "I'm Going to talk to my supervisor and call you right back" then no response for days....


The Mad Hatter
Oct 31, 2009
Denver, Colorado
Are you referring to me? If so I don't know how you seem to think it was a packing issue, it was in a wooden crate!!! As for insurance, I would think that would be an issue if the was some sort of natural disaster, not their careless employees running a damn forklift through the thing. But my main issue was how it took so long for them to accept responsibility for it. (And the multiple times I was told "I'm Going to talk to my supervisor and call you right back" then no response for days....

He is referring to the topic the thread was started to discuss.

I get what you are saying about insurance though. It is annoying we have to insure against damage in transit, as if delivering it whole isn't part of the service without the additional fee...:confused:


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
Ya Kevs yours' is on a whole other level. On the OPs issue there is plenty of blame to go around.

I am a superintendent for a large road construction company. We never mess up anything and always keep the motoring public happy :roflmao:

You too? We not only do that but we always pay our suppliers on time and never string them along for a month plus.....:roflmao:


don't know sh!t about IFS
Staff member
Oct 21, 2009
Phoenix Az
i dont blame Tom one bit for standing up some for UPS. He has pride in his job and takes some of the things said here personally. though most of you probably dont intend it to be that way, it very much comes across that way. There will always be issues with any company anyone use in their lifetime.

ive had my own personal issues with UPS but when we use them as much as we do and many many many other companies, the issues i encounter are minor and are usually taken care of quickly with UPS if you did what you were suppose to on your end. IE, packed the damn thing right with a box/tote ment for the weight, protected the product inside with the correct material, and insured it for what it was worth.

I have way more issued with frieght companys than ever with UPS. when 6-10k orders get lost because a trucker didnt pay attention to what skid he grabbed, it makes for one pissed customer waiting on it and a shipment that has usually been beat to shit.

Gone Nomad

On a Time Out
Sep 29, 2011
I think the bigger problem is people not taking the time to properly package products or get insurance. I'm sure its no walk in the park to get a package across the country in a few days and make $$$ at it.
I can't even count the number of heavy packages I've received where there was only ONE piece of packaging tape holding the bottom together, just barely hanging on. Many times these are the OEM boxes, too.

We recently got a carpet cleaner from Home Depot, and when I started to pick up the box from where UPS left it, the bottom came apart. So it was just ONE more lift away from opening up in transit.

So that wasn't the fault of UPS, maybe not even the shipper (who may not be allowed to take the time to tape up these boxes better), but whoever the manufacturer had boxing up their products.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
To be honest, this thread (and the couple others like it in the past) has really soured me on this forum. Yes, I take all this personally. It kills me that there are people in this company that just dont care, as that seems to be the attitude with a lot of people nowadays. They take no pride in a job well done...just give them their check. Sad. Nothing I can do about it except watch. Ah well, six more years till retirement, but Im honestly not sure I can make it that long with the way things are going.

Customer service has taken a back seat to the corporation grabbing as much profit as they possibly can, as fast as they can. You as a customer or shipper NO LONGER MATTER to the corporation, as long as they get your money. However, you DO still matter to your driver, but he's having a hell of a time trying to keep up good service/attention to you while the corporation screws with him about how/what/where/why to do his job.
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