And the skilled trades do look down on and talk down on non-union workers.......they usually have a chip on their shoulder and are the first one's to run and report anything they see that is a safety violation or workplace violation to get the non-union workers off the job, including sabotaging the work.
Generally speaking this is mostly untrue. I don't look down on non-union craftsmen. What I look down on is the mentality that most non-union craftsmen have. The reason why a union craftsman will bring up safety issues on a jobsite that non-union violate is be ause they are held to a different standard. First, they are not as highly trained in OSHA. Second, they get more verbal warnings because of their own ignorance. I worked a small powerhouse in Nebraska and it was all union on the boiler side of the unit. On the bag house side was all non-union. The union side completed a harder building six months before the non-union side finished. Union 95% UT weld success as opposed to 78%failure rate non-union. Their building was 3" out of plumb at 100'. So, you my friend, are plumb full of shit.