Sorry Greg, if I was going to spend money to built a dmax powered race vehicle then it sure as hell won't be for a stock motor spec'd index class, wtf are you smoking??? Do you ever listen to yourself???
some people like to race. these races aren't one day events where they rush the drag races up to get to the sled pull by 3pm. There races are 3 day events. In the case of the IHRA events they are 3 races in one . Friday is open time trials with stock, Super stock combo gamblers race. Saturday morning you get two more time trial and go streight in to eliminations , Sunday starts over with one time trial and then in to eliminations.
this type truck will make 150 to 200 laps a year. This truck will also be a huge challange to keep up when the index starts to tighten up.
and never smoked anything ever, Ran track in HS and Collage (the mile) was EOD in the Marine Corp. and been a Fireman for the last 30 years . So I have had a few drug test . that and being a Union president of a large federal employees local. I don't drink eather , nothing against it , just never cared for it.