I grew up around guns,and they were not locked in a safe. I also had a dad who taught me right and wrong,and would bust my ass when I needed it. I think our biggest problem is our moral compass,the way kids are raised is different,the media really loves violence,and let's face it people treat each other like shit a lot more than let's say 20-30 years ago. We took god out of schools,we give more rights to assholes then we do normal good hearted people. Its sad,raise your kids the best you can and try to protect them and teach them how to protect themselves. My girls ,except the baby know how to shoot,disassemble and clean a firearm. They respect guns,we don't have them laying around the house ,in fact they have pepper mace which if they ever had to use a weapon I hope they could use that first. Not preaching but as a parent I try to pass on some of the things my old man taught me,it still makes me sick to know that some ***** does not value life and does this to babys.